APP - Tea Party and Sympathizers, Please Read


"....It's time to take on these superliars and stop them from spreading their poisonous ignorance."

"...Few paid attention, but they got to the truth. And they were Socialists fighting the Nazis, you might recall. Listen up, T.P.ers: The Nazis were not Socialists. The Socialists were not Nazis. They were blood enemies. In fact, the Socialists fought the Nazis, while conservatives and nationalists stood by and thought Hitler would be their pawn. Hitler, need it be said, was not a Socialist. He hated the Socialists. Had thousands of them murdered as soon as he came to power...."

'The Tea Party's Toxic Take on History - Ignore it at your peril.'

By Ron Rosenbaum

"Most people with a basic grounding in history find Tea Party ignorance something to laugh about, certainly not something to take seriously. But I would argue that history demonstrates that historical ignorance is dangerous and that it can have tragic consequences, however laughable it may initially seem. And thus the media, liberals, and others are misguided in laughing it off. And educated conservatives are irresponsible in staying silent in the face of these distortions.

The muddled Tea Party version of history is more than wrong and fraudulent. It's offensive. Calling Obama a tyrant, a communist, or a fascist is deeply offensive to all the real victims of tyranny, the real victims of communism and fascism. The tens of millions murdered. It trivializes such suffering inexcusably for the T.P.ers to claim that they are suffering from similar oppression because they might have their taxes raised or be subject to demonic "federal regulation.""

[ame=""] Explaining Hitler: The Search for the Origins of His Evil (9780060953393): Ron Rosenbaum: Books@@AMEPARAM@@[/ame]

"...Tell the weeping survivors that such regulation is tyranny, that their husbands and fathers had to die, but for a good cause: lowering federal spending so the T.P.ers could save a few pennies on taxes. That's worth 29 lives snuffed out in a mine blast, isn't it? They either don't see the connection or don't care...." from article

"The secret speech is also relevant to Tea Party slanders about liberals. The 1956 publication of the secret speech served to shatter the illusions of a significant portion of those on the left in this country who still harbored sentimental feelings about the Soviet Union. And helped cement the victory of anti-communist liberalism in America's Democratic Party, an important struggle that the Tea Partiers who think liberals are communists seem to be ignorant of...."

All quotations from article.

"Even Fox News recognizes Tea Party dogma as a seething cauldron of deranged and vicious lies about history. Look at the guy in the photo in this report and how proud he is of his illiterate swastika sign."

Books noted in article. Anyone read Solzhenitsyn, years ago I read most his work, powerful stuff.

[ame=""] Gulag: A History (9780767900560): Anne Applebaum: Books@@AMEPARAM@@[/ame]

[ame=""] The Great Terror: A Reassessment (9780195071320): Robert Conquest: Books@@AMEPARAM@@[/ame]

If an article starts with examples of the improper use of Nazis and their ideas and symbolism, then it cannot be accused of Godwin's law. Midcan's Law
n. The ideology and practice of the Nazis, especially the policy of racist nationalism, national expansion, and state control of the economy.

1. a member of the National socialist German Workers' party of Germany, which in 1933, under Adolf Hitler, seized political control of the country, suppressing all opposition and establishing a dictatorship over all cultural, economic, and political activities of the people, and promulgated belief in the supremacy of Hitler as Führer, aggressive anti-Semitism, the natural supremacy of the German people, and the establishment of Germany by superior force as a dominant world power. The party was officially abolished in 1945 at the conclusion of World War II.

Nazism literally MEANS, "National Socialists" and is closely related to the modern Progressive movement.
1. a member of the National socialist German Workers' party of Germany, which in 1933, under Adolf Hitler, seized political control of the country, suppressing all opposition and establishing a dictatorship over all cultural, economic, and political activities of the people, and promulgated belief in the supremacy of Hitler as Führer, aggressive anti-Semitism, the natural supremacy of the German people, and the establishment of Germany by superior force as a dominant world power. The party was officially abolished in 1945 at the conclusion of World War II.

Democrat Liberal
1. a member of the Socialist Democrat party of USA, which in 2008, under Barack Hussein Obama, seized political control of the country, suppressing all opposition and establishing a dictatorship over all cultural, economic, and political activities of the people, and promulgated belief in the supremacy of Obama as Messiah, aggressive anti-GOP, the natural supremacy of the Progressives, and the establishment of Muslims and Europeans by superior force as a dominant world power. The party will be officially abolished in 2012 at the conclusion of the Tea Party rebellion.

:D ....very similar, no?
who checked for papers, nazi's in occupied countries and republicans in AZ

They just don't get how this makes them look like Nazis!

Every WWII picture I watched when I was a kid had the same "Show us your papers" line, spoken by some Nazi RIGHT IN THE they not get how this makes them look?
what a bunch of idiots. you are seriously wasting your time here. the TEA activists are not the people you need to worry about, though I understand your desire to still demean them in the hopes of seeing their flameout. The TEA activists are the least of your problems because they still believe in the political process. Where your fears should lie are the ones that didn't attend any of the rallies or protests. The ones that sat at home. They have lost all faith in the political process. The only thing they believe will work now is the cartridge box. All they are waiting on is the word to go and they are getting damned impatient.
what a bunch of idiots. you are seriously wasting your time here. the TEA activists are not the people you need to worry about, though I understand your desire to still demean them in the hopes of seeing their flameout. The TEA activists are the least of your problems because they still believe in the political process. Where your fears should lie are the ones that didn't attend any of the rallies or protests. The ones that sat at home. They have lost all faith in the political process. The only thing they believe will work now is the cartridge box. All they are waiting on is the word to go and they are getting damned impatient.

Cartridge hilarious gum smoke thanks
Wow, all the way to total Godwin's Rule violation in one post without a pause. Do not pass go, do not collect $200 dollars.
Hitler was not a socialist. He was a fascist. Fascists believe in state enforced economic oligarchy, a too big too fail class. Fascists believe in state control of business but don't bother with the socialist pretense that's it's somehow egalitarian.
And while hitler's fascism was nationalist in nature, obama's fascism is internationalist and explicitly anti-american, hence, obama is an internationalist fascist, like the neocons.
They just don't get how this makes them look like Nazis!

Every WWII picture I watched when I was a kid had the same "Show us your papers" line, spoken by some Nazi RIGHT IN THE they not get how this makes them look?

No, it's the libtards who don't realize everyone else see their arguments as strawmen and hyperbole.

OMG they're gonna stop every latinio and send them to gitmo

Try to get some reasonable arguments, fucking idiot
As always, I take note of Asshate's oxymoronic lingo...
Just because you refuse to find a term to desribe internationalist fascism doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

Your newspeak dictionary is getting smaller. Soon you will be unable to think renegade thoughts. congratulations on willfully following liars down the stupid hole.

Internationalist fascism = what liberals and neocons believe in.
Try substituting a word for fascism that doesn't include nationalism (or intranationalism, if you will) in the meaning. Corporatism works, for example. You can call your political theory multicorporatism, intercorporatism, or internationalist corporatism. You can refer to the physical manifestations of this theory as global trusts, global corporations, global monopolies, or substitute another word for global such as international or multi.
Try substituting a word for fascism that doesn't include nationalism (or intranationalism, if you will) in the meaning. Corporatism works, for example. You can call your political theory multicorporatism, intercorporatism, or internationalist corporatism. You can refer to the physical manifestations of this theory as global trusts, global corporations, global monopolies, or substitute another word for global such as international or multi.

I prefer internationalist fascism. adjectives modify words.
As always, I take note of Asshate's oxymoronic lingo...
This is silly actually. If you simply take "The World" and make use of the same nationalistic rhetoric, it is easy to be "internationalist" and "fascist".
This is silly actually. If you simply take "The World" and make use the same nationalistic rhetoric, it is easy to be "internationalist" and "fascist".

and there is actually a bizarro nationalism inside this meme too. Good progressive americans are proud of the country to the degree that its' fascist government subjugates it's citizenry to foreign powers/ global governance. Nihilist pride.
This is silly actually. If you simply take "The World" and make use the same nationalistic rhetoric, it is easy to be "internationalist" and "fascist".

Absolute bullshit. If you took "the world" and placed it in a futuristic setting where there are multiple planets involved in a political body, the terms "nationalist," "internationalist" and "intercontinental" would still have meaning. New terms would simply be added, such as "intrastellar" and "interstellar," "local" and "interplanetary," and so forth...