tea party full of climate deniers



Tea party Republicans are now the only group of Americans who think the Earth is not warming, according to a new poll by the Pew Research Center, with just 25 percent of tea party Republicans saying global warming is happening. By contrast, 67 percent of all Americans say there is evidence climate change is underway, including 61 percent of non-tea party Republicans.

Partisan Views of Global Warming; Many Tea Party Republicans Say It’s ‘Just Not Happening’

Democrats and independents are more confident about global warming: 88 percent of Democrats and 62 percent of independents say there is solid evidence climate change has taken place over the past few decades.
Desh lives in California, the most polluted place in the country. She's preaching to the rest of us about the climate.

Tea party Republicans are now the only group of Americans who think the Earth is not warming, according to a new poll by the Pew Research Center, with just 25 percent of tea party Republicans saying global warming is happening. By contrast, 67 percent of all Americans say there is evidence climate change is underway, including 61 percent of non-tea party Republicans.

Partisan Views of Global Warming; Many Tea Party Republicans Say It’s ‘Just Not Happening’

Democrats and independents are more confident about global warming: 88 percent of Democrats and 62 percent of independents say there is solid evidence climate change has taken place over the past few decades.

of course it has nothing to do with the ambiguity of the question...

1) There has been NO significant warming since 1998. So if that is on the minds of the responder, then they are correct to say they don't think there is CURRENTLY any global warming.

2) When discussing global warming, many who say there is not evidence are referring to the BS claim that man is the primary cause of the warming that occurred in the late 90's. A claim that continues to fall flat on its face... but Desh and the denialists won't recognize the FACTS. They instead cling to their religious belief in AGW.

3) The climate is and always will be changing. It is the height of arrogance to pretend we can somehow control the climate. There is no evidence of more severe weather etc... a claim that the nutjobs like Desh believe.