Teachers fired, labor outraged


CENTRAL FALLS — The full force of organized labor showed up in Central Falls Tuesday, with several hundred union members rallying in support of the city’s teachers and bringing plenty of harsh words for the education officials who were about to fire the entire teaching staff at Central Falls High School.

Just an hour after the rally, the Central Falls school Board of Trustees, in a brief but intense meeting, voted 5-2 to fire every teacher at the school. In all, 93 names were read aloud in the high school auditorium — 74 classroom teachers, plus reading specialists, guidance counselors, physical education teachers, the school psychologist, the principal and three assistant principals.

Each educator stood as their name was called, many wearing red, one of the school’s colors. Some cried.

Meanwhile, state and local education officials received some high-powered support of their own, when U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan weighed in, saying he “applauded” them for “showing courage and doing the right thing for kids.”



An Obama appointee supporting the firing of teachers, that's a slap in the face for the teachers union.
I don't love the teachers union but this does seem harsh. How about just SOME kind of incentive system? Or bonus pay for exceptional teachers? This just seems too extreme.

Duncan is requiring states, for the first time, to identify their lowest 5 percent of schools — those that have chronically poor performance and low graduation rates — and fix them using one of four methods: school closure; takeover by a charter or school-management organization; transformation which requires a longer school day, among other changes; and “turnaround” which requires the entire teaching staff be fired and no more than 50 percent rehired in the fall.
This is actually a policy set in place by Arne Duncan.

Duncan is requiring states, for the first time, to identify their lowest 5 percent of schools — those that have chronically poor performance and low graduation rates — and fix them using one of four methods: school closure; takeover by a charter or school-management organization; transformation which requires a longer school day, among other changes; and “turnaround” which requires the entire teaching staff be fired and no more than 50 percent rehired in the fall.

Some of those teachers will be rehired. I would personally prefer a performance incentive.
i love it when people go on strike and get fired. It fills me with such joy. Remember when reagan pwned i think air traffic controllers? what a glorious time.
i love it when people go on strike and get fired. It fills me with such joy. Remember when reagan pwned i think air traffic controllers? what a glorious time.

thats a hard thing for me to deal with, since i was an air traffic controller.

bottom line, this is now an employers market. It will be for years to come. be prepared to have to do 5x the work you used to do or collect unemployment.
i love it when people go on strike and get fired. It fills me with such joy. Remember when reagan pwned i think air traffic controllers? what a glorious time.

Not only did Reagan's firing of the ATC gut union influence it gutted labor law protections, permitted an environment where the courts ignore protecting our rights as employees and it has created an environment in the work place where your constitutional rights end at your employers door.

Let's wait till you get out in the work force and you have an employer who decides to make your position a salaried one so that he can work you 60 hours a week instead of 40 for the same pay. Let's see how much it fills you with joy when they arbitrarilly fire your ass when you have a wife and kid to support cause they'd rather hire someone younger and less skilled for half your wage or they decide to make you a "contractor" so that they don't have to pay you full benefits at the same time claiming you one on the tax roles so you can't make business deductions on your taxes.

Lets see how you feel when you get hurt at work due to your employers negligence and it takes you 3 years to obtain compensation and half of it goes to a lawyer cause hiring is going to be your only hope of protecting your rights or they decide to systematically violate safety laws because the labor cost savings are greater then the fines that can be levied.

That just happened recently in Nashville. A major company eliminated inspector positions and hired them as contractors. The guys couldn't even deduct their business expenses cause as far as the IRS is concerned their still employees. This company decided only one inspector was needed to inspect chemical storage tanks. A MAJOR safety violation. Sure enough, two weeks ago one of those men ended up dead in a tank because that most basic of confined space safety laws was being ignored.

and don't get me started on drug testing and how it's used by companies to create a climate of terror among it's workers.

So you go out and deal with that shit and then come back and tell me what a great deal Reagan's firing the ATC was.

I'll tell you what it was. It was the greatest sell out of peoples rights in the last century.
thats a hard thing for me to deal with, since i was an air traffic controller.

bottom line, this is now an employers market. It will be for years to come. be prepared to have to do 5x the work you used to do or collect unemployment.
Word!! Don't forget to mention that real wages for working class, when adjusted for inflation, has not risen since then while the productivity of American workers has risen sharply. The average American worker is being denied their fair share of the pie while being systematically denied their rights to negotiate for their fair share and we all have Ronny Raygun to thank for that.

I empathise with you. I knew some ATC's from that era who don't give a fuck that they got fired because the strike was more about working conditions and their rights then it was about money. An ATC was then and still is now one of the most stressful jobs a person can work.
Back to OP, here's basically what the teachers were asked to do:


Editorial: Helping poor students
01:00 AM EST on Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Central Falls High School is miserably failing its students. Proficiency in reading is only 55 percent; proficiency in math, an abysmal 7 percent. Half the students are failing in every subject.

Supt. Frances Gallo is determined to do something about it. With support from Rhode Island Education Commissioner Deborah Gist, she has urged teachers to go along with a plan that places an added burden on them for the benefit of students. Teachers, whose average base salary is $72,000 to $78,000, plus great benefits, would have to deal with a slightly longer school day (seven hours),25 minutes more per day meet 90 minutes a week to discuss education matters, have lunch on occasion with their students,once a week agree to be evaluated by a third party, and set aside two weeks during summer break for (paid) professional development.

These are not onerous requirements. Many would be very happy to do what is stated, for even less.
This will result in the law of unintended consequences. What happens now when top tier teachers refuse to work in these communities under these conditions?

Those with education teaching careers all ready avoid poor and low income regions to work primarily due to the lack of support and conditions associated with poverty. So how are they going to get people to step to the plate now?

I wouldn't teach in this community unless I had an employment contract and was being payed well above the median.

Instead of advancing education, they'll advance union busting and rationalise a further degredation of peoples work place rights.

The dumbasses should have just closed the schools.
Assuming NCLB is still in effect, the bottom 5% of schools in each state (as well as the top 5%, for that matter) will already be getting screwed over by AYP as it is, where the Feds have the opportunity to engage in hostile takeovers.
i love it when people go on strike and get fired. It fills me with such joy. Remember when reagan pwned i think air traffic controllers? what a glorious time.

Yeah, that was 29 years ago. Were you even out of diapers?

Some stellar memory of glorious times there. Talk about Baby Einstein!
CENTRAL FALLS — The full force of organized labor showed up in Central Falls Tuesday, with several hundred union members rallying in support of the city’s teachers and bringing plenty of harsh words for the education officials who were about to fire the entire teaching staff at Central Falls High School.

Just an hour after the rally, the Central Falls school Board of Trustees, in a brief but intense meeting, voted 5-2 to fire every teacher at the school. In all, 93 names were read aloud in the high school auditorium — 74 classroom teachers, plus reading specialists, guidance counselors, physical education teachers, the school psychologist, the principal and three assistant principals.

Each educator stood as their name was called, many wearing red, one of the school’s colors. Some cried.

Meanwhile, state and local education officials received some high-powered support of their own, when U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan weighed in, saying he “applauded” them for “showing courage and doing the right thing for kids.”



An Obama appointee supporting the firing of teachers, that's a slap in the face for the teachers union.

Rope and chains; er.................................hope and change.

Not only did Reagan's firing of the ATC gut union influence it gutted labor law protections, permitted an environment where the courts ignore protecting our rights as employees and it has created an environment in the work place where your constitutional rights end at your employers door.

Let's wait till you get out in the work force and you have an employer who decides to make your position a salaried one so that he can work you 60 hours a week instead of 40 for the same pay. Let's see how much it fills you with joy when they arbitrarilly fire your ass when you have a wife and kid to support cause they'd rather hire someone younger and less skilled for half your wage or they decide to make you a "contractor" so that they don't have to pay you full benefits at the same time claiming you one on the tax roles so you can't make business deductions on your taxes.

Lets see how you feel when you get hurt at work due to your employers negligence and it takes you 3 years to obtain compensation and half of it goes to a lawyer cause hiring is going to be your only hope of protecting your rights or they decide to systematically violate safety laws because the labor cost savings are greater then the fines that can be levied.

That just happened recently in Nashville. A major company eliminated inspector positions and hired them as contractors. The guys couldn't even deduct their business expenses cause as far as the IRS is concerned their still employees. This company decided only one inspector was needed to inspect chemical storage tanks. A MAJOR safety violation. Sure enough, two weeks ago one of those men ended up dead in a tank because that most basic of confined space safety laws was being ignored.

and don't get me started on drug testing and how it's used by companies to create a climate of terror among it's workers.

So you go out and deal with that shit and then come back and tell me what a great deal Reagan's firing the ATC was.

I'll tell you what it was. It was the greatest sell out of peoples rights in the last century.

i dont expect governement to govern by feel. jobs aren't a charity, they can do whatever the fuck they want. if you don't like it, starve.