Teachers in the news


A teacher is facing sex assault charges following reports of inappropriate conduct with a student.

Kennedy High School teacher Jeffrey Lucian was arrested and charged with fourth-degree sexual assault.

The 49-year-old was allegedly involved in "suspicious behavior" with a 16-year-old student.


The Hall County Attorney has charged a teacher with five felonies in connection with money stolen from the school chorus fund.

David Sackschewsky, 46, is charged with felony theft and four counts of second degree forgery.

Grand Island police arrested Sackschewsky after connecting him to a complaint of suspicious transactions on the bank account at Northwest High School.

Sackschewsky was the director of the chorus at the time of the offenses. The total monetary value of the five listed charges was $207,641.28.

Court documents indicate the money was stolen between June 2014 and March 2019. The forgery charges refer to transactions made on June 14, 2014, in the amount of $10,100; June 1, 2015, for $15,400; November 15, 2015, for $1,800; and November 30, 2015 for $1,800.


A New York City public school teacher was arrested for allegedly sexually abusing an 11-year-old girl for months, groping her buttocks, genitals and chest within the school building, the NYPD said.

Daniel Santiago, who teaches at IS 763 in Brooklyn, was arrested and charged with first-degree sex abuse and acting in a manner to injure a child under the age of 17 on Monday, police said.

The 29-year-old allegedly touched the girl’s buttocks, genitals and chest, police said.

The alleged abuse took place at the school and on a school bus during a school trip between February and April of this year.


A teacher at a middle school was arrested Monday after authorities said she was teaching a class while drunk.

Brook Ellen West, 32, was arrested after she admitted she took four vodka shots while teaching a class.

According to an arrest citation, West smelled like alcohol and was unsteady on her feet. A breathalyzer test revealed she had a .317 blood alcohol content.

Gropin' Joe would like this guy, wouldn't he?



A math instructor at the Paradise Valley Community College has been arrested for public sexual indecency.

Victor Ochkur taught algebra and calculus at three different campuses since 2004. Police say Ochkur, 42, drove his gray four-door sedan in the area of St. John and 28th Streets, pulling over to talk to a 13-year-old girl. Ochkur allegedly asked if she had a boyfriend before exposing and fondling himself.

Police say the girl ran home.

“It's terrifying as a girl, it's terrifying and also as just a student,” said a former student. "He was a teacher, you never know how far he would go with anyone else," said the former student. "I mean, if he would do that, who knows what he would be capable of?”

Ochkur appeared in court, after being arrested. He is facing a felony charge of public sexual indecency.

Police say the victim’s 10-year-old sister says Okchur tried to give her a ride home last October when he approached her. She recognized his car parked by her house Thursday morning, and called 911.

According to police, Ochkur admitted to fondling himself three to five times a month, in different public locations.
