Tech Layoffs Set the Clock Ticking for Foreign Workers

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
Tech companies in particular rely heavily on foreign workers, primarily from India and China, to perform specialized roles in fields like engineering, biotechnology and computer science, requiring work visas to hire them. In 2022, Amazon received approval for more than 2,500 H-1B visas, and Meta almost 1,300. A spokesperson for Amazon told TIME that the company had “dedicated support channels and resources for any employees who are working on a visa and may be affected by role eliminations.
Nothing about India or China is a requirement for a tech worker. Nothing about tech work requires the use of foreign workers.

Obviously, your visa is threatened now that you've been laid off.
I worked at a company that had 53 IT workers. They laid off 51 and sent the work to India. They kept 2 workers to supervise and fix the fuckups they knew were coming. They knew after a while, it would get better and they would save a lot of money. it never got to the old levels though.
We are importing about 5 million humans a year, most of them illegally....if they simply stayed would anyone in power care?
This idea that laws still matter is quaint.....laws often dont matter at all....sometimes they are a weapon to assault enemies with.....power does what ever the fuck power feels like doing.