Ted Cruz: Just Another "Do As I Say and Not As I Do" Rightie


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I wonder if the same Righties who convicted Clinton without any evidence will do the same with Cruz...

Ted Cruz: I Did Not Have Sex With All Of Those Women

A report from National Enquirer claims it has evidence of Republican presidential candidate Senator Ted Cruz having multiple adulterous sexual encounters.

The tabloid reports there were five women, including a political consultant, a high-placed D.C. attorney and possibly a prostitute. The latter was not reported by the tabloid but has been possibly identified by social media users.

So it is the National Enquirer so who knows what’s true at this point. But there are others backing up the claims.
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Washington Times reporter Drew Johnson tweeted, “COMING CLEAN: From what I know, at least 2 of the women named as Cruz mistresses by the National Enquirer are accurate.”

Reddit users are trying to uncover the identities of the women.


Katrina Pierson, who is Donald Trump’s spokeswoman, and worked for Ted Cruz in the past.

We are unsure of the second, but it is stated in the article that it is an Austin area schoolteacher.

We are unsure of the third as well, but we do know that this is potentially a prostitute. The photo is provocative, with a woman in a low cut dress(shirt?).

Sarah Isgur Flores. This is where things get juicy. Flores was the Deputy Campaign Manager for Carly Fiorina. Remember when one of El Rato’s super PACs gave Carly’s PAC $500,000? Maybe it’s because Cruz had boned her campaign manager, and Fiorina knew and it was some “hush-money”.

Amanda Carpenter who in 2014 worked on Ted Cruz’s staff.

Ted Cruz responded just minutes ago on Facebook.

I want to be crystal clear: these attacks are garbage. For Donald J. Trump to enlist his friends at the National Enquirer and his political henchmen to do his bidding shows you that there is no low Donald won’t go.

These smears are completely false, they’re offensive to Heidi and me, they’re offensive to our daughters, and they’re offensive to everyone Donald continues to personally attack.

Donald Trump’s consistently disgraceful behavior is beneath the office we are seeking and we are not going to follow.

Trump spokeswoman Katrina Pierson, who has allegedly been identified in the pictures posted by the tabloid, tweeted a response just after locking down her Instagram account.

So she’s saying she didn’t f*ck Cruz but the rest of the women may have. Also, the accusations are mostly coming from Trump supporters on social media. Those are her own people accusing her, by the way.

#CruzSexScandal is trending on Twitter.

If the story is true, ewwww!

It's not real. Even trump staffers said its not true and I heard that the two women that they indentified said its all false. This was a retaliation article towards Cruz by a former Trump manager and current friend meant to stir things up going into Wisconsin which Trumps lead is dwindling fast in.
Without any evidence ?......thats laughable......guess you're to ill informed to know about the infamous blue dress, the testimony of Linda Tripp and then
to top if off.....Clintons confession......
Without any evidence ?......thats laughable......guess you're to ill informed to know about the infamous blue dress, the testimony of Linda Tripp and then
to top if off.....Clintons confession......

That's right...NO EVIDENCE!

NO EVIDENCE to corroborate Ginnifer Flowers.

NO EVIDENCE to corroborate Juanita Broadderick.
Cruz’s Cuban Mistress Crisis EXPLODES: Video Surfaced Long Ago, Right-Wing Media Buried It

Ever since Anonymous issued a threat against Ted Cruz to reveal his extra-marital affairs, there has been nothing short of a growing sh*tstorm coming at him from all directions.

The latest scoop is huge. Not only have two new sources of information about the multiple affairs surfaced, but there is a darker story about a conspiracy to keep it hidden, which you will see below.

The first new detail is that a source within Breitbart reported they received a video from an operative allied with Marco Rubio, but who was not an “official” part of his now defunct campaign, that shows Cruz coming out of the Capitol Grille Restaurant and Hotel on Tuesdays and Thursdays with a woman who was not his wife.

But wait, there’s more. As if the video revelation was not enough, there are also more of Cruz’s alleged mistresses being identified.

Known so far:

Katrina Pierson: Trump campaign national spokeswoman

Amanda Carpenter: Conservative activist, CNN contributor and writer for Mark Levin

Sarah Isgur Flores: Former campaign manager for Carly Fiorina and well known Conservative political operative.

Another oddity – Ted Cruz’s Super-PAC “Keep The Promise” sent $500,000 dollars to Carly Fiorina’s Super-PAC “Carly For America”

What would Cruz have sent Carly Fiorina 500k for, back when she was still as viable a candidate as Cruz himself was, and a threat to his campaign? That is VERY strange, to say the least.
Now that you know the new details, here comes the truly dark part of it all.

This whole thing is NOT ACTUALLY A “NEW” STORY. This has been a known thing since approximately mid to late February. A Breitbart reporter obtained the information and the video at that time, but never released it because Breitbart management ordered it buried. Their excuse at the time was that it was “not in alignment with their political affiliations.” – Translation: We don’t want to smear Cruz QUITE yet because it will risk our press access with him on the off chance he wins the primary election. They clearly admitted having the full story and video at that time.

Breitbart is owned by a pro-Cruz Super-Pac funder named Robert Mercer who wanted the story buried. The editor of Breitbart, Ben Shapiro, is also being named as one of the people who blocked this story from being released. Shapiro is also the editor of The Daily Wire, which is owned by another pro-Cruz Super-PAC team, the Wilks brothers.

I don’t need to tell you how badly this looks for both Cruz and Breitbart. Breitbart tried to say there was no real proof of anything going on, and that’s why they chose not to run the story or use the tape. Now it’s revealed that Breitbart is a wholly owned propaganda arm of a Ted Cruz Super-PAC controller. There’s every reason to believe that the reason they didn’t want to run this story is because they actually knew that there was something to all this and they didn’t want to ruin their investment in buying the next Republican president.

Let’s think about it. Multiple women, all being identified with Cruz, some working for him in the past and some who worked at competing places into which Cruz Super-PACs funneled money for literally no good reason – where does the plausible deniability end? How many mistresses need to be associated with Cruz before the media starts believing that he was up to no good and/or that these women were taken advantage of?

Washington Times reporter Drew Johnson has also gone on record confirming 2 of the women in the list are accurate to his knowledge:

Anti-Trump political hatchet man Rick Wilson is even pressing them to release the tape, and he is not even against Ted Cruz.

For all his staunch denial and fake bluster trying to attack Trump recently, calling him a sniveling coward, it seems that Ted is – as they say in his home state of Texas – all hat and no cattle. He will be spending the rest of the primary season trying to explain away or deny this and it’s going to cost him – dearly. It should be an interesting couple of weeks coming up, to say the least.

It amazes me how Zappasguitar can get a story from a notorious rag paper and immediately pass it off as fact.

What is further amazing, is that Zappasguitar says people should not insult or be derisive. Yet, he daily insults and is derisive.

More do as I say not as I do?
Let's not forget that the National Enquirer is the same scandal rag that broke the John Edwards sex life story.
What will Raphael counter with?
Pass the popcorn.