APP - Ted Cruz takes down Bernie and leftist meme

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
WATCH: Ted Cruz SCHOOLS Bernie on Robin Hood after he gets it wrong! – The Right Scoop

Liberals often invoke Robin Hood when railing against tax cuts. It is hilarious and shows their utter ignorance of the story.

I have pointed this out multiple times on this forum but good ole Ted just took Bernie down.

This is why Ted was my candidate in the primaries but he just couldn’t break through.

To be fair there were many in the US Senate at the time that said they preferred Trump.
Robin Hood is a myth -- like Santa Claus. The politics of the story pits a traditional, Saxon aristocrat who fights to preserve the "rights of Englishmen" against the abuses of the new, Norman (French) aristocracy with its hierarchic feudal structure represented by King John and his Sheriff. The roles assigned the historical figures are a bit fuzzy. Richard the Lionhearted was a Norman who spoke no English and was hardly a "good guy" from the point of the Whigs who made a big deal out of the myth around the time of the Revolution.

Whig history was a populist movement in the American colonies where the "traditional rights of Englishmen" were seen as the alternative to Parliament meddling the colonial affairs. James Franklin, Ben's older brother, published an American edition of a famous Whig history as one of his big hits in his new, Boston publishing house where Ben was an apprentice.

Historical myths need only a thin cover of accuracy in order to popularize a position in current events. Robin Hood stood for the supporters of American autonomy (if not independence) resisting the crackdown of the conservative (Tory) government in power in the 1760s.
Robin Hood is a myth -- like Santa Claus. The politics of the story pits a traditional, Saxon aristocrat who fights to preserve the "rights of Englishmen" against the abuses of the new, Norman (French) aristocracy with its hierarchic feudal structure represented by King John and his Sheriff. The roles assigned the historical figures are a bit fuzzy. Richard the Lionhearted was a Norman who spoke no English and was hardly a "good guy" from the point of the Whigs who made a big deal out of the myth around the time of the Revolution.

Whig history was a populist movement in the American colonies where the "traditional rights of Englishmen" were seen as the alternative to Parliament meddling the colonial affairs. James Franklin, Ben's older brother, published an American edition of a famous Whig history as one of his big hits in his new, Boston publishing house where Ben was an apprentice.

Historical myths need only a thin cover of accuracy in order to popularize a position in current events. Robin Hood stood for the supporters of American autonomy (if not independence) resisting the crackdown of the conservative (Tory) government in power in the 1760s.

The context notwithstanding it is clear that the democrat party doesn’t understand the story whether myth or factual