Teddy Haggard


Villified User
Pastor: New Life will recover from new allegations

Jan 25, 7:18 PM (ET)


COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (AP) - New Life Church will recover from new allegations in the 2-year-old sex scandal that brought down founder Ted Haggard, its pastor said Sunday.

Brady Boyd encouraged his Colorado Springs congregation and reminded them of their "holy tenacity," two days after revelations that a male church volunteer reported having a sexual relationship with Haggard.

It's the second such claim against Haggard. In late 2006, a male prostitute in Denver said he had a three-year cash-for-sex relationship with the former New Life pastor.

"I'm sorry that this wound has been reopened for many of you," Boyd told the congregation Sunday. "One day we may have a little scar tissue, but the wounds will not define us."

Haggard had confessed to undisclosed "sexual immorality" after the earlier allegations, left New Life and resigned as president of the National Association of Evangelicals. He has declined to comment on the new claim.

On Friday, Boyd said church officials had learned of the second set of claims against Haggard in late 2006, shortly after the male prostitute made his allegations.

Boyd said an "overwhelming pool of evidence" pointed to an "inappropriate, consensual sexual relationship" between Haggard and the male volunteer for an extended period of time.

Boyd said the man was in his early 20s at the time and that he was certain the man was of legal age when the relationship began.


I am sure the whole story is at tedhaggard.com

A real site btw.
It's from before. You do realize that, right?

I'm not defending or anything, but the allegations are from when he was pastor there, which means it was from before he was outted by the prostitute.
It's from before. You do realize that, right?

I'm not defending or anything, but the allegations are from when he was pastor there, which means it was from before he was outted by the prostitute.

No, I didn't bother to read the dirty details, homoerotica doesn't do it for me...usually. I see you were hanging on every detail.
On Thursday, HBO will be airing Alexandra Pelosi's new film The Trials of Ted Haggard, if any one is interested.

From the HBO website:

Once upon a time, Ted Haggard had it all: prosperity, a doting wife, five kids and a ministry that reached 30 million followers. The larger-than-life founder and pastor of Colorado's New Life Church and president of the National Association of Evangelicals, Haggard was one of the most formidable forces in America's Christian evangelical movement.

But in 2006, it all fell apart. Pastor Ted admitted to "sexual immorality" and buying methamphetamines from a male prostitute, which abruptly ended his career, sending him and his family into free-fall. The bombshell not only rocked the ministry, but everyone who knew him - especially his wife and five children.

A film by Alexandra Pelosi (HBO's Emmy®-winning "Journeys with George"), THE TRIALS OF TED HAGGARD takes an intimate look at the life and hard times of the ex-minister.
Interesting that Teddy only repented for the incident he was caught in....

and go to his web site the guy is still preaching to fools that listen to him.

Gayness is not the issue his anti gay stance while indulging is.
Deceit and dishonesty.
Interesting that Teddy only repented for the incident he was caught in....

and go to his web site the guy is still preaching to fools that listen to him.

Gayness is not the issue his anti gay stance while indulging is.
Deceit and dishonesty.
Yes, we all realize that.
Interesting that Teddy only repented for the incident he was caught in....

and go to his web site the guy is still preaching to fools that listen to him.

Gayness is not the issue his anti gay stance while indulging is.
Deceit and dishonesty.

Did you see the t-shirts he was selling to help finance his rehabilitation?

"Prayer Helped Me To Love Pussy, Halleluiah!"

There's a picture of a little kitten on it to help calm dirty minds.

I heard that at one point, they were selling like hotcakes to light-in-the-loafer Republican men.
Did you see the t-shirts he was selling to help finance his rehabilitation?

"Prayer Helped Me To Love Pussy, Halleluiah!"

There's a picture of a little kitten on it to help calm dirty minds.

I heard that at one point, they were selling like hotcakes to light-in-the-loafer Republican men.

LOL, No I missed that, I need a couple of those for gag gifts for a couple of Republican friends. I did spell fiend right didn't I?
When this first came out, I wrote something about that, and from the reaction, I realized I could have made a f'ing mint if I had only marketed those t-shirts, plus, the Ted Haggard Weenie Patch (for when you just can't go penis cold turkey)

But it was a short, well, spurt, and I wasn't prepared for it. Could have been huge though, huge!
Interesting that Teddy only repented for the incident he was caught in....

and go to his web site the guy is still preaching to fools that listen to him.

Gayness is not the issue his anti gay stance while indulging is.
Deceit and dishonesty.


That and investing into someone else to tell you what god says instead of checking your own heart about what is right.

If you really believe in God then hes in your heart and doesnt need a preacher to tell you what is right.

Its time for all people to think for themselves.

That and investing into someone else to tell you what god says instead of checking your own heart about what is right.

If you really believe in God then hes in your heart and doesnt need a preacher to tell you what is right.

Its time for all people to think for themselves.

Except that if you're a Bible believer, there is this thing called Church, and in general, a call to community, so... Plus, most people, including the Apostles themselves, aren't very bright. Why do you think Christ referred to them as "sheep?"
There are always those eager to be led. In religions, in politics, in the workplace and in personal life.

Much of our economy is based on the sheeple principle.