APP - teen daughter and friend drugged her parents so they could use the internet

Don Quixote

cancer survivor
A California teenager unhappy with her parents' Internet access rules is accused of drugging milkshakes for her parents in order to put them to sleep, according to police.
The parents, who have not been identified, do not allow their daughter to access any wireless Internet at home after 10 p.m. every night.
"The daughter didn't think that was a good idea," Rocklin Police Lt. Lon Milka told Rocklin is a city about 25 miles northeast of Sacramento.
On Dec. 28, the teen and her friend got milkshakes for the parents and "secretly" put the friend's prescription sleeping medicine into the drinks, police said.
"They only had about a quarter of the shake because it tasted really funny and had a gritty feel to it," Milka said. But it was enough to affect them and they fell asleep within the hour. The teens were free to use the Internet.
The parents woke up around 1 a.m., feeling "hangover-like" symptoms of grogginess and headaches so they went back to sleep. They had not consumed any alcohol or drugs, Milka said.
The next morning, they suspected they had been drugged and headed to the police station where they bought $5 drug tests.
"Usually, parents buy to see if their kids are using illegal drugs, but these parents used it on themselves," Milka said. The parents said the drug tests were positive and reported the teens to the police.
Both teens were arrested on charges of willfully mingling a pharmaceutical into food and conspiracy and were booked into Placer County Juvenile Hall on Dec. 31.
The 15-year-old and 16-year-old are not being identified since they are minors.
A California teenager unhappy with her parents' Internet access rules is accused of drugging milkshakes for her parents in order to put them to sleep, according to police.
The parents, who have not been identified, do not allow their daughter to access any wireless Internet at home after 10 p.m. every night.
"The daughter didn't think that was a good idea," Rocklin Police Lt. Lon Milka told Rocklin is a city about 25 miles northeast of Sacramento.
On Dec. 28, the teen and her friend got milkshakes for the parents and "secretly" put the friend's prescription sleeping medicine into the drinks, police said.
"They only had about a quarter of the shake because it tasted really funny and had a gritty feel to it," Milka said. But it was enough to affect them and they fell asleep within the hour. The teens were free to use the Internet.
The parents woke up around 1 a.m., feeling "hangover-like" symptoms of grogginess and headaches so they went back to sleep. They had not consumed any alcohol or drugs, Milka said.
The next morning, they suspected they had been drugged and headed to the police station where they bought $5 drug tests.
"Usually, parents buy to see if their kids are using illegal drugs, but these parents used it on themselves," Milka said. The parents said the drug tests were positive and reported the teens to the police.
Both teens were arrested on charges of willfully mingling a pharmaceutical into food and conspiracy and were booked into Placer County Juvenile Hall on Dec. 31.
The 15-year-old and 16-year-old are not being identified since they are minors.

I don't know about this, would others here have their own kid arrested?
No, but I would cut Internet access for awhile! Or shoot the computer;)


Yeah, definitely there would be a huge punishment, and maybe even some counseling...but have them arrested and charged? That really surprises me because that's giving them an actual record. That's very problematic for any future they may have. I was just wondering what parents had to say.

Yeah, definitely there would be a huge punishment, and maybe even some counseling...but have them arrested and charged? That really surprises me because that's giving them an actual record. That's very problematic for any future they may have. I was just wondering what parents had to say.

If I heard the video correctly the child was a foster child.
I think they were probably in the mindset of establishing they had been drugged, and didn't think at first about the culpability of the kids, but they were already at the station, and angry.
i agree with darla. i don't think having them arrested and charged is really the right way to go. what if they end up doing time? and it will stay on their record until 18 when it becomes sealed for most purposes, but not all and it could come back to haunt them.
No, but I would cut Internet access for awhile! Or shoot the computer;)

I think they were probably in the mindset of establishing they had been drugged, and didn't think at first about the culpability of the kids, but they were already at the station, and angry.

If they were foster parents, the foster parents are not the ones who make the call, the state is, unfortunately.

Yeah, definitely there would be a huge punishment, and maybe even some counseling...but have them arrested and charged? That really surprises me because that's giving them an actual record. That's very problematic for any future they may have. I was just wondering what parents had to say.

they are juveniles, their record will be unavailable when they become adults

i would place the computer in an open common space and set an alarm for 10pm, i would also put a password that only we new on the computer

also, i would restrict their usage on the computer even more and be careful of what i ate or drank that we did not prepare ourselves

and definitely get them into a counseling program
My, unpolitically correct view is that corporal punishment would work best in this case, the fear of god is far more effective at deterring kids than counseling.
My, unpolitically correct view is that corporal punishment would work best in this case, the fear of god is far more effective at deterring kids than counseling.

What does "corporal punishment' have to do with God? I am unsure of how conservative households work? Does God have a hand in beating the kids there?
i agree with darla. i don't think having them arrested and charged is really the right way to go. what if they end up doing time? and it will stay on their record until 18 when it becomes sealed for most purposes, but not all and it could come back to haunt them.

I agree with darla???
My, unpolitically correct view is that corporal punishment would work best in this case, the fear of god is far more effective at deterring kids than counseling.

I would advice against the use of corporal punishment with foster children.

The fear of God, one of oldest tool of control in the books.
I don't know about this, would others here have their own kid arrested?
That's a tough one. The way I see it is, if your kid has the balls to drug you for setting parameters like that, God knows what else he'd be capable of doing if you withdrew privileges altogether.
What does "corporal punishment' have to do with God? I am unsure of how conservative households work? Does God have a hand in beating the kids there?
Absolutely nothing, and if you payed attention you'd have noticed that I'm rather atheistic in my outlook. That doesn't mean that I don't think these kids are going to take minimal to no benefit from being told "drugging your parents is wrong".