Teen Who Laughed While Beating Boy With Brass Knuckles Gets What’s Coming To Him


Teen Who Laughed While Beating Boy With Brass Knuckles Gets What’s Coming To Him


A teenager from Conway, Arkansas thought it would be “thug” to put on a pair of brass knuckles, quietly walk up behind a boy three-fourths his age and sucker punch him in the side of the head. With the video running, the teen did exactly that. He knocked the younger 12-year-old boy to the ground.

The surprise attack occurred on May 31, 2016 and involved 16-year-old Kane Millsaps who had the brass knuckles. He was caught on camera targeting the 12-year-old child in a sucker punch that left him senseless.

Now Millsaps faces up to 20 years in prison for the brutal assault…

In the video, you see Millsaps wearing brass knuckles on his left hand. Then he raises both middle fingers to the camera right before walking up behind the boy in the baseball cap and slamming him in the side of the head with a hook punch.

Without a pause, the victim slumps to the ground. Then a girl off camera shouts, “Kane!”

With the other boy senseless on the ground, Millsaps continues his brutal assault. Relentlessly, he punches the younger child in the face while he is down.

Even MIllsaps’s attorney cannot deny the brutality of the unprovoked attack.

“The video is disturbing,” Millsaps’ attorney Frank Shaw said. “It caused me, like everyone else that saw it, a good bit of discomfort.”

With the other boy senseless on the ground, Millsaps continues his brutal assault. Relentlessly, he punches the younger child in the face while he is down.

Even MIllsaps’s attorney cannot deny the brutality of the unprovoked attack.

“The video is disturbing,” Millsaps’ attorney Frank Shaw said. “It caused me, like everyone else that saw it, a good bit of discomfort.”

After the surprise attack, the 12-year-old victim suffered broken teeth, a cut on his neck, and a bruised right eye. He is lucky he didn’t die or leave the fight paralyzed.

Because the attack was caught on camera and proves that Millsaps had no remorse concerning it, he has been charged as an adult. If convicted of first degree battery, he could spend the next twenty years of his life in prison.

“If he gets the maximum sentence, which I hope he doesn’t, he’ll get out when he is 36 years old,” Shaw questions. “Then what?”

Millsaps’s mother excused her boy’s behavior. She claimed that since he deals with mental issues, he should be excused. He has spent a year and a half in a juvenile detention center for fighting on previous occasion. He has a violent history.

“It’s my opinion that this is an untreated 16-year-old who needs help,” Shaw said.

Shaw is desperate to win the case for his client. But the video evidence makes it hard for the defense attorney to have a case. Because of that, he has filed a motion to have the court evaluate Millsaps’s mental health.

Shaw claims to have “reasonable suspicion [Millsaps is] not fit to proceed forward with criminal proceedings.”

Because Millsaps has been “rehabilitated” in juvenile detention, and it clearly didn’t work, Shaw thinks that Alabama taxpayers should fork over more money to pay for the violent abuser’s treatment.

“I think it’s a tragedy and it has caused not only my client to be incarcerated because of this but it’s also caused a victim to be injured,” he said.
As far as getting what's coming to him is concerned... he hasn't been convicted or sentenced yet, so aside from being arrested, what exactly has he gotten?

Don't get me wrong... I hope he gets some prison time.

But the OP title is not really accurate.
As far as getting what's coming to him is concerned... he hasn't been convicted or sentenced yet, so aside from being arrested, what exactly has he gotten?

Don't get me wrong... I hope he gets some prison time.

But the OP title is not really accurate.

His behavior was exposed - which is what he had coming to him.
He got arrested - which is what he had coming to him.
He was charged - which is what he had coming to him.

You're welcome.
His behavior was exposed - which is what he had coming to him.
He got arrested - which is what he had coming to him.
He was charged - which is what he had coming to him.

You're welcome.

So you think those things are all that he's got coming to him?

What if he gets convicted, then sentenced to probation?

Will you still be saying he got what was coming to him?

He will not have gotten what's coming to him until he's sentenced to incarceration for however many years are deemed appropriate for the crime he committed by someone his age.

You're welcome.
So you think those things are all that he's got coming to him?

What if he gets convicted, then sentenced to probation?

Will you still be saying he got what was coming to him?

He will not have gotten what's coming to him until he's sentenced to incarceration for however many years are deemed appropriate for the crime he committed by someone his age.

You're welcome.

Did I say that I thought it was ALL that was coming to him??

Is that what I said; because if it is, show it or just be another shit stirrer. :D
His behavior was exposed - which is what he had coming to him.
He got arrested - which is what he had coming to him.
He was charged - which is what he had coming to him.

You're welcome.

I was hoping there was a "he got the shit kicked out of him in juvy" story to this. Or he got killed.
I'm not going to post the video but here is a link: https://www.liveleak.com/view?i=619_1467668720

I did not see him laughing as in the title but that doesn't take away anything from what he did.

His mom said he has mental health issues...WHY THE FUCK DIDN'T YOU MAKE SURE HE WAS GETTING HELP??? Most counties provide free or sliding scale fees especially for children and disabled. A year in a half in juvie with a history of violence...I blame the mother almost as much for his actions, can't blame the father as there was no statement from him so I assume they don't know who he is.

He's 16, try him as an adult and throw the book at him and make his mother pay for medical/counseling for the victim.

Of course he will be well tutored to be found unfit for trial is which case I say send him to an asylum, no place in society for him. But still make his mother pay.