Teflon Don drops a pantload upon seeing this ...


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"CNN)The top US diplomat in Ukraine expressed serious misgivings about foreign policy moves being tied to political motives, calling a potential quid pro quo over military assistance to Ukraine "crazy" and suggested he would quit if that assistance was not released, according to text messages released by the House Foreign Affairs, Intelligence and Oversight Committees on Thursday night."

"Those texts -- given to the committees by former US Special Representative for Ukraine Kurt Volker as part of his deposition Thursday -- show Ambassador William "Bill" Taylor, the charge d'affaires at the US Embassy in Kiev, repeatedly questioning the decision to stall hundreds of millions of dollars in military aid to Ukraine as a potential quid pro quo and raising concerns about the impact on broader regional policy."
'Quid pro quo' (this for that)
"decision to stall hundreds of millions of dollars in military aid to Ukraine"
"being tied to political motives"
"CNN)The top US diplomat in Ukraine expressed serious misgivings about foreign policy moves being tied to political motives, calling a potential quid pro quo over military assistance to Ukraine "crazy" and suggested he would quit if that assistance was not released, according to text messages released by the House Foreign Affairs, Intelligence and Oversight Committees on Thursday night."

"Those texts -- given to the committees by former US Special Representative for Ukraine Kurt Volker as part of his deposition Thursday -- show Ambassador William "Bill" Taylor, the charge d'affaires at the US Embassy in Kiev, repeatedly questioning the decision to stall hundreds of millions of dollars in military aid to Ukraine as a potential quid pro quo and raising concerns about the impact on broader regional policy."

Hey, Mr. Meoff, you're showing your room temperature I.Q. again. Stop this stupid behavior, dumbf*ck!