Teflon Don Smells the Fear!!!


1960s Chick Magnet
Or is he just smelling his fellow Trumpanzees?
They don't seem to shower very often.

The intensity with which RWNJ's try to defend the diseased orangutan is really something.
His economic policies have done absolutely nothing for them--they're still all in their shacks and broken down trailers. They still have no teeth.
Their-should-have-been-aborted kids still drop out of school in the sixth grade.

But Trump tells them that they're better than ethnic minorities and immigrants, and even though they're not better that anything that's
ever existed on this earth, the fucking troglodytes light up with pride and follow their simian leader faithfully.
They'll be following him straight to oblivion.

I should be ashamed of myself for taking so much amusement out of shitting on these crackers.
They're not all meth heads. Some of them were actually born that way.
They're all so vile in their behavior and appearance, however, that I lack the ability to show compassion.
Maybe if they just stopped wasting bandwidth with their inane posts I could ignore the pieces of shit.
Poor low IQ snowflakes.....they're all triggered! :laugh:

Want to see what fear looks like, take a look at Trump. He knows that SDNY has the goods on him. He knows that Ways and Means shall get Trump's taxes. He knows what kind of fast and loose crap he has always been doing. Now it is clear that he cannot hide it anymore.
Want to see what fear looks like, take a look at Trump. He knows that SDNY has the goods on him. He knows that Ways and Means shall get Trump's taxes. He knows what kind of fast and loose crap he has always been doing. Now it is clear that he cannot hide it anymore.

So now it is no longer the Russians, or the Mueller hoax, its the SDNY!!!! So this is IT???!!! :laugh:

TD and Trump smell the fear.

"Colin Powell - It’s now ‘me the president’ instead of ‘we the people’", so the House will stop the President's programs flat.
Or is he just smelling his fellow Trumpanzees?
They don't seem to shower very often.

The intensity with which RWNJ's try to defend the diseased orangutan is really something.
His economic policies have done absolutely nothing for them--they're still all in their shacks and broken down trailers. They still have no teeth.
Their-should-have-been-aborted kids still drop out of school in the sixth grade.

But Trump tells them that they're better than ethnic minorities and immigrants, and even though they're not better that anything that's
ever existed on this earth, the fucking troglodytes light up with pride and follow their simian leader faithfully.
They'll be following him straight to oblivion.

I should be ashamed of myself for taking so much amusement out of shitting on these crackers.
They're not all meth heads. Some of them were actually born that way.
They're all so vile in their behavior and appearance, however, that I lack the ability to show compassion.
Maybe if they just stopped wasting bandwidth with their inane posts I could ignore the pieces of shit.

This reads like something you'd profess to the attendant who escorts you to your padded cell.
this thread will be either closed or moved. Whoever is the first to tell me either to close it or move it will have their request granted.
Little bitch Trump supporters aren't much to watch, when they don't get their way. That's why impeachment was never a good idea no matter what. No one want to subject America, to the attack of the man children.

You're such a tough guy behind that computer screen aren't you shit-for-brains? One thing that does show however, you utter lack of intelligence. :laugh:
