APP - Teflon Don vs Jarod: Lawyer ethics

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
Dear Jarod

As you claim to be a lawyer, I have some questions regarding Cohen's "confession"

He claims that he KNEW he was breaking the law. He claims that he was directed to commit these acts by candidate Donald Trump.

So my questions are this

1) Is a lawyer obliged to tell his client that he is directing him to do something illegal?
2) Did Michael Cohen advise candidate Donald Trump that what he was asking him to do violated campaign finance laws?
3) Have you ever been directed to break the law by a client?
4) If yes, what did you do?

Thank you
Dear Jarod

As you claim to be a lawyer, I have some questions regarding Cohen's "confession"

He claims that he KNEW he was breaking the law. He claims that he was directed to commit these acts by candidate Donald Trump.

So my questions are this

1) Is a lawyer obliged to tell his client that he is directing him to do something illegal?
2) Did Michael Cohen advise candidate Donald Trump that what he was asking him to do violated campaign finance laws?
3) Have you ever been directed to break the law by a client?
4) If yes, what did you do?

Thank you

1) Yes
2) It does not sound like it.
3) Yes
4) I told them that it would break the law and I would not do it.

So, why do you ask these questions?
1) Yes
2) It does not sound like it.
3) Yes
4) I told them that it would break the law and I would not do it.

So, why do you ask these questions?

This would seem like a big problem for Cohen and less for Trump. Now, I know that there is this argument that "ignorance of the law is no excuse" and while in many cases that is a valid argument, I think in today's regulatory world it makes little rational sense.

For example. One could not conceivably argue that they are ignorant of laws against murder or stealing.

But, this notion that every citizen should be aware of EVERY single statute that is on the federal, state and local books is a pretty ludicrous notion and borders on tyranny in my book.

Back to Cohen. If he knew that he was breaking the law and he did not ADVISE Donald Trump against doing it, then it would seem to me he shares culpability. It is his JOB to advise his client. That is the job of a lawyer. He obviously has fallen down on that job.