Television Is An Institutional Hate Crime


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Murder is murder. Codifying “Hate Crimes” is discriminatory in that it makes one victim more important than another in the eyes of the law. If ever the slippery slope argument was applicable it is in convicting an accused defendant based on motive alone. One unrelated remark defined as hate speech uttered by a defendant years before he was arrested can be used to prove he or she committed a hate crime.

The logic used by liberals never cease to amaze me; never more than trying to pass “Hate Crime” legislation. Such philosophical legislation boggles the mind because it assigns a psychological motive to selected acts. The most outlandish example of defining a hate crime was the time President Clinton blamed Rush Limbaugh for the Oklahoma City Bombing.

Inevitably, individuals charged with a hate crime followed institutional hate crimes.

Politically motivated shooters do it for the publicity. Deny them the coverage they seek and that alone would cut tragedies by at least 75 percent.

I stopped paying attention to media-generated hate crime stories after the first big one in 1987. Since then the most famous black race hustler, da Reverend Al, cashed in big time:

tawana%20brawley.1.jpg brawley.1.jpg

Sharpton never apologized or admitted the truth. Instead, he smeared New York attorney general Robert Abrams as “Hitler” and a sexual pervert whom he said masturbated to photos of Brawley. He then went on to a long career as an American race baiter, a career which netted him millions of dollars and his own MSNBC show.

Top 7 Most Ridiculous Hate Crime April 14, 2021

Brawley did not do as well as da Reverend Al; nevertheless, no race hustler goes unrewarded. The last report of Brawley’s whereabouts was 2015. I assume she still makes a decent living working as a nurse in the parasite medical industry:

Tawana Brawley is living in Virginia under a new name, still owing money to a New York lawyer she accused of raping her 25 years ago, the New York Post reports.

The Post reported Sunday that the 40-year-old Brawley lives in Hopewell, Va., has a young daughter and works as a nurse in Richmond, Va.

Published December 23, 2012
Last Update November 21, 2015
Tawana Brawley found living in Virginia under alias 25 years after rape hoax

Televison is also guilty of turning BLM criminals into heros in addition to the coverage TV gives to every arrest and trial every time a black man of questionable character gets shot or dies in police custody. I suspect that if a black man gets run down by a train the train engineer would be arrested and tried for murder.

My point: Americans would be living in a better country today had TV never been invented.

Finally, a snitch for the FBI invented a holiday:

COULTER: Happy Kwanzaa! The Holiday Brought To You By The FBI
Ann Coulter
12:19 PM 12/22/2016

It was television coverage that made it an authentic holiday.

Note that newspeak is the heart and soul of every big government conspiracy:

newspeak (noun)

Deliberately ambiguous and contradictory language used to mislead and manipulate the public.

Note the newspeak shit Kwanzaa celebrates:

Michelle and I extend our warmest wishes to families across the country celebrating Kwanzaa this holiday season. Today begins a week-long celebration of African-American heritage and culture through family and community festivities. Kwanzaa’s seven principles – unity, self-determination, collective work and responsibility, cooperative economics, purpose, creativity and faith – are also shared values that bind us as Americans. And in the spirit of the season, we reflect on the blessings of the past year and commit to building a brighter future for all our children. As families, friends, and neighbors come together today to light the Kinara, our family sends our best wishes for a happy and healthy new year.

The White House
Office of the Press Secretary
December 26, 2015
Statement by the President and the First Lady on Kwanzaa

The U.N. is certainly an institution full of hatred for the American people. So why is Biden’s douche bag not being charged with a hate crime?

Biden’s Choice for UN Ambassador Uses Critical Race Theory to Lambaste the U.S. , slavery,
By Joseph A. Klein, CFP United Nations Columnist
April 19, 2021
Its true, tv is all but completley bankrupt. America has been devastated by the internet. The only broadcast proggramming left is all paid by interest groups and politically biased philanthropists. Same with hollywood, who also enjoys potus americana subsidies and british ownership. Im guessing trump wasnt paying snl enough for their dope habit. You can even see junky jim kerry coming back from deadspace in canada. Btw, with their stooge in charge, you ready to see the theater chain bailouts? You all sold your souls for bullshit.
Linda Thomas-Greenfield

Biden’s Choice for UN Ambassador Uses Critical Race Theory to Lambaste the U.S. , slavery,
By Joseph A. Klein, CFP United Nations Columnist
April 19, 2021

Why, because its the one topic they can maybe get a diversion with to distract from just running a brown people afghan pederast heroin cartel plantation complete with homosexual rape slave slave-labor while intentionaly and completly failing to enforce the rule of law during an occupation. Biden is up for war crimes and he's a verified mafia dixiecrat. Sell you out for their own nepotist agenda is everything his kind of slime are all about. I even have a complaint to the Hague about it. Me, of all people, complaining to the hague. Technically i can count all of jHoe's afghan pederast heroun cartel kill count for myself along with the rest on my current 5mil, ffs. None of you other slime bags could be bothered to drop a line to the hague? Really? What is more damaging to national security, jHoe obiden getting caught running an afghan pederast heroin cartel, or, illegally reinstalling the sumbitch?

Illegally reinstating the sumbitch makes us all complicit with his warcrimes and his afghan pederast heroin cartel they clothed, fed, guarded, funded, and installed. And it was all trannys, misandrists, pederasts, gender masochist, eunuchs, catholics, and the rest of the lgbtqxyzfbi, that signed off on it along with a substantial backing by the british.

Be afraid, be very very afraid.

Places like this get biblicly annihilated throughout history. We have a long track record of this sht.

Side note, the whitehouse has a 100% mortality rate on catholics previous to now and you shouldnt consider that it could not be a catholic statistic. With the top three in the seat for the position, all being catholic, it's shaping up to be a battle of greasy grassy nole before this abomination is done being played out.

Btw, im totaly a non-atheist. I dont even believe there isnt a god. This is all just what i know and the facts of the matter.

Capital riot issue, no one can be convicted of entraping the fbi to riot in the capital.

"There's no such thing as entrapment when it comes to fbi stings." ~ eric holder.​
The U.N. is certainly an institution full of hatred for the American people. So why is Biden’s douche bag not being charged with a hate crime?

Biden’s Choice for UN Ambassador Uses Critical Race Theory to Lambaste the U.S. , slavery,
By Joseph A. Klein, CFP United Nations Columnist
April 19, 2021

Imagine the crimes against this country this guy will get away with if he gets a cabinet post in China Joe Biden’s administration:

Ellison is right about this:

“. . . the Cold War and Cold War competition is what helped drive some of the Civil Rights movement . . .”

Ellison: I Agree with International Courts Investigating U.S. Justice System
by Ian Hanchett
27 Apr 2021

Of course, a Muslim full of hate for this country will never admit the real reason:

Parenthetically, American Communists made great advances during the Cold War because of the external threat the Soviet Union posed. The threat of a nuclear war got American Communists much more than they ever hoped to get in a real nuclear war the Soviet Union would have lost.

The Democrat Party’s Cold War strategy exploited the Soviet Union’s threat. That is how American Communists/Socialists got the most out of the external threat of nuclear war.