Term Limits.


Well-known member
There is an old saying that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

I believe the majority of people who run for congress honestly want to do what is best for their constituents. But after some time living and working in the ivory tower of Washington they loose sight of the original reasons they ran for election.

I believe term Limits is the answer. say 12 years for the Senate and 10 years for the house.

Any ideas on this?
There is an old saying that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

I believe the majority of people who run for congress honestly want to do what is best for their constituents. But after some time living and working in the ivory tower of Washington they loose sight of the original reasons they ran for election.

I believe term Limits is the answer. say 12 years for the Senate and 10 years for the house.

Any ideas on this?

I like your numbers
Instead of term limits on who may serve, perhaps there should be term limits on who can hold leadership positions. We have it for the POTUS. Why not for Speaker
It was my experience that guys from my career field that got assigned to headquarters lost sight of what it was like in the field after a couple of years. If that happens to ordinary people then why not politicians?

We definitely don't need these 80's something long term Senators out of touch with todays world.
It was my experience that guys from my career field that got assigned to headquarters lost sight of what it was like in the field after a couple of years. If that happens to ordinary people then why not politicians?

Your "field" is message boards?
We have term limits. If they are no good, you can vote them out after the first term.What most term limit fans want is my congressman to have term limits, If I like mine and he is doing a good job, why should some arbitrary term limits be applied to my politician.
A huge part of the problem is that politics is the business of being re-elected. Once in office, the congressman has to beg for money to run again. There are estimates that they spend a third of their time pleading for cash. That is the mechanism for the politician being bought or cooerced by big money, The fix is public financing of elections, no outside money, no PACS. Then they might be able to represent the people better.
We have term limits. If they are no good, you can vote them out after the first term.What most term limit fans want is my congressman to have term limits, If I like mine and he is doing a good job, why should some arbitrary term limits be applied to my politician.
A huge part of the problem is that politics is the business of being re-elected. Once in office, the congressman has to beg for money to run again. There are estimates that they spend a third of their time pleading for cash. That is the mechanism for the politician being bought or cooerced by big money, The fix is public financing of elections, no outside money, no PACS. Then they might be able to represent the people better.

So the way they get reelection money is to bring as much pork as possible. With term limits after a certain number of terms they go home good or bad. You say your congressman, why should your guy spend all his time working to get reelected for 20 or 30 years instead of doing what is best for the country? There are pros and cons to term limits. We limit the president why not congress.
There is an old saying that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

I believe the majority of people who run for congress honestly want to do what is best for their constituents. But after some time living and working in the ivory tower of Washington they loose sight of the original reasons they ran for election.

I believe term Limits is the answer. say 12 years for the Senate and 10 years for the house.

Any ideas on this?

Too long. Should two 4-year terms for the Senate- make the elections two years after the presidential. The House should be only two, two year terms. Then restrict lobbying for ten years after service.
So the way they get reelection money is to bring as much pork as possible. With term limits after a certain number of terms they go home good or bad. You say your congressman, why should your guy spend all his time working to get reelected for 20 or 30 years instead of doing what is best for the country? There are pros and cons to term limits. We limit the president why not congress.

Pork brings jobs and money to the state. Alaska was living off it with Stevens. It is a good argument. However, the corruption is a product of campaign financing allowing wealthy to have open door access and the ability to hold donations over their heads. It is a simple fix, but politically dangerous.
Some long term senators have done a great job for many years. Experience is not a detriment. You learn how to get better at your job over time, just like I am sure you did. Of course the fact that seniority is rewarded with powerful positions makes keping your senator in a plus.
Pork brings jobs and money to the state. Alaska was living off it with Stevens. It is a good argument. However, the corruption is a product of campaign financing allowing wealthy to have open door access and the ability to hold donations over their heads. It is a simple fix, but politically dangerous.
Some long term senators have done a great job for many years. Experience is not a detriment. You learn how to get better at your job over time, just like I am sure you did. Of course the fact that seniority is rewarded with powerful positions makes keping your senator in a plus.

Congress. I don't disagree with anything you said. But then we see Congress people like Barbarba Boxer, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, elected over and over again despite their faults. But that's me.
Term limits are not the answer.

Having newbies tending to the country is NOT the smart way to go.

I have long felt that requiring people to get super majorities of some sort to be re-elected might work...although there are serious problems with that also.

Money is the problem...and overcoming that is where the solution lies. However it is done, it must be worked in such a way that does not give all the advantage to the rich...or we are doomed.

Limiting the time one can run for any election or re-election may have some merit. Many countries limit the time before an election that any candidate can actually campaign.

One other thing: This Iowa and New Hampshire bullshit has got to go. There is no reason why two states should have so much power over the primary season. Two...at most three primary dates for everyone!
We have term limits. If they are no good, you can vote them out after the first term.What most term limit fans want is my congressman to have term limits, If I like mine and he is doing a good job, why should some arbitrary term limits be applied to my politician.
A huge part of the problem is that politics is the business of being re-elected. Once in office, the congressman has to beg for money to run again. There are estimates that they spend a third of their time pleading for cash. That is the mechanism for the politician being bought or cooerced by big money, The fix is public financing of elections, no outside money, no PACS. Then they might be able to represent the people better.

"A huge part of the problem is that politics is the business of being re-elected."
"That is the mechanism for the politician being bought or cooerced by big money, The fix is public financing of elections, ..."

Ding! Ding! Ding!
I think we have a Winner.
We have term limits. If they are no good, you can vote them out after the first term.What most term limit fans want is my congressman to have term limits, If I like mine and he is doing a good job, why should some arbitrary term limits be applied to my politician.
A huge part of the problem is that politics is the business of being re-elected. Once in office, the congressman has to beg for money to run again. There are estimates that they spend a third of their time pleading for cash. That is the mechanism for the politician being bought or cooerced by big money, The fix is public financing of elections, no outside money, no PACS. Then they might be able to represent the people better.

Never happen with corporate capitalism ruling America
Never happen with corporate capitalism ruling America

Mccain/Feingold actually got passed. It will take the people pushing hard at their representatives and voting out those who fight it. Sadly, once you get in you not only learn how to do the job, but you learn the advantages of incumbancy in getting donations. So your rep has to vote against their own advantage.
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