Terrible tragedy in my home town...


Well-known member
Local photographer,....Loner type guy who kept to himself mostly. Few if any friends. Somehow the guy managed to accidentally lock himself in his darkroom. Poor guy wasnt found for well over a month. Died of exposure. Not a pretty picture,...to say the least.....:|
Local photographer,....Loner type guy who kept to himself mostly. Few if any friends. Somehow the guy managed to accidentally lock himself in his darkroom. Poor guy wasnt found for well over a month. Died of exposure. Not a pretty picture,...to say the least.....:|

Police no doubt kept next of kin in the dark until the autopsy was complete and came back negative.
Local photographer,....Loner type guy who kept to himself mostly. Few if any friends. Somehow the guy managed to accidentally lock himself in his darkroom. Poor guy wasnt found for well over a month. Died of exposure. Not a pretty picture,...to say the least.....:|
As a photographer who had a darkroom as a kid, I both get the punchline AND know that nobody locks oneself in a darkroom.
As a photographer who had a darkroom as a kid, I both get the punchline AND know that nobody locks oneself in a darkroom.

Plus, an experienced photographer would've had a red safelight in his darkroom which would have prevented the "exposure" he suffered from.
I have no-eyed deer.

I suggest you need to
