Terror free gas


Villified User
Gas Station To Offer 'Terror-Free' Oil
February Grand Opening Planned

POSTED: 3:29 pm EST January 22, 2007
UPDATED: 7:08 pm EST January 22, 2007

OMAHA, Neb. -- Area drivers will soon be able to fill up with gasoline made from "terror-free oil."

KETV in Omaha reports that a gas station is about to open near 129th and Q streets named Terror Free Oil, and the idea is to offer consumers petroleum products from countries that do not sponsor terror.

The gas station is associated with the Terror-Free Oil Initiative. The group's objective is to encourage Americans to buy gasoline that originated from countries that do not export or finance terrorism. A representative said that Omaha's will be the first of several terror-free oil gas stations to open across the country.

"The terror-free oil initiative is dedicated to encouraging Americans to buy gasoline that originated from countries that do not export or finance terrorism," according to the group's Web site.

Chris Decker, professor of economics with the University of Nebraska-Omaha, said the idea may make for good marketing.

"From a business perspective, it's kind of a neat way to differentiate yourself from the competition. To me, that sounds an awful lot like what we in environmental economics refer to as eco-labeling. Like, when you purchase a can of tuna with a symbol that there was no harm to dolphins to catch the tuna," Decker said.

Will drivers make a special trip? Mary Ann Buscher said the station got her attention, with its bright red, white and blue advertising, but she isn't sure when or if she'll stop there.

"I wouldn't go out of my way to go there, probably. No, I wouldn't," she said.

The grand opening is Feb. 12.

OK. I love this idea. If we had one within 20 miles of where I live I'd make it a point to go there for my gasoline.
I just wonder is it possible to control only sellling non terror gas. I sort of doubt that it is kept seperate.
It could however be a good way for consumers to tell the oil companies what they want.
great marketing ploy; they can probably get away with charging an extra 20 cents a gallon....but there is no way in heel you ca track where the oil cme from..it's like trying to figure out where your electricity originates. it's a marketing bullsh*t scam..........wish i thought of it!!!!!!!!
Will this start a trend?

Chevez after nationizing the oil companies will have Citgo promotion. HATE BUSH, BUY CITGO! Which will work well at the 7-11 Stores who like to hire Middle Eastern clerks. LOL

And the Saudi will come out with a promotion that NO HARM WAS DONE TO THE CARIBOU IN MAKING THIS GASOLINE
The only way to stop using the oil from terrorist countries is to reduce the USE of oil.

IF world consumption is X it really doesn't matter where we take our oil because unless we reduce the consumption SOMEONE HAS to buy the oil from the terrorist countries.

That said, it is a good marketing ploy by the stations.

LOL and since I see Jesus as a peace promoting philosopher and not a divine entity. What Jesus thinks about me is of no consequence. Especially since I consider him long dead and therefore unable to think.