

Worst gambler ever
In this day and age it is pretty clear what the connotation of terrorism represents. It was defined since 9-11 as radical muslims killing innocent civilians for their fundamental religious Jihad. And yes, that is clearly terrorism.

Lets have a look through history though, and make sure that we're not revising the definition to suit any current political expediencies.

Japan - 1937 - The attack and takeover of Nanjing. Several hundred thousand civilians raped, tortured, beheaded and left in the streets. One of the most brutal massacres in the history of mankind. Terrorism? Check.

Allied Forces - Hamburg 1943 and Dresden 1945. Two cities firebombed into oblivion, nearly 1 million civilians burned to death, or blown to pieces or maimed to the extent that they were unrecognizable. Non military targets, a million casualties.

Khmer Rouge - 2 million dead, many by torture and starvation. Pol Pot takes to the killing fields in the mid 70s using such grounds as S-21, a former elementary school, to wreak horror and misery on the populace.

Mao - Millions of political prisoners, an unknown but surely 7-figure number of political deaths and 50 million plus in famine.

Stalin - 20+ million deaths of opposition civilians.

Hitler - 6 million deaths in the holocaust, countless more in his war.

Kim Il Sung, Kim Jong Il, millions in famine

Rwanda, Darfur.............
You are lumping military actions, ethnic cleansing, and genocide, all together and calling it "terrorism!"

While they all involve death to innocent civilians, they are not all "terrorism" because they don't fit the criteria of being done for the express purpose of instilling terror on the public as a means to effect a political change.

Did you go to public school?
You are lumping military actions, ethnic cleansing, and genocide, all together and calling it "terrorism!"

While they all involve death to innocent civilians, they are not all "terrorism" because they don't fit the criteria of being done for the express purpose of instilling terror on the public as a means to effect a political change.

Did you go to public school?

How do Nanjing, Dresden, Hamburg.... not fit into that paradigm?
terrorists are brown people with homemade explosives. They go durka durka durka. This should be obvious to anyone.
terrorism is overbroad....its needs to be redefined to only include dixie's above definition and something about "limited" actions, not massive atrocities, those should be in a their sick class....IMO...terrorism is more about isolated incidents meant to instill fear as a means to affect political change...but i don't believe the current definition states that
terrorism is overbroad....its needs to be redefined to only include dixie's above definition and something about "limited" actions, not massive atrocities, those should be in a their sick class....IMO...terrorism is more about isolated incidents meant to instill fear as a means to affect political change...but i don't believe the current definition states that

I do not think any one could have said it better.