APP - Texas MediCaid refusal affecting Veterans


New member
Remember how bothered Repubs were when Veterans couldn't get into memorials during the shut down and how a few of us pointed it was all hype?

When it comes to getting veterans something that could actually help them - like health care - the repubs are missing in action.

Politifact deemed a statement by Texas state Democratic chairman Gilberto Hinojosa as “Mostly True” concerning Rick Perry’s decision to block Medicaid expansion in the state, which will result in 40,000 veterans not being able to receive health care.

So while you saw the “outrage” from many conservatives during the government shutdown at the thought of veterans being denied access to war memorials that had been closed, they seem perfectly fine denying health care to probably hundreds of thousands of veterans (and millions of others across the country), because they would rather play partisan politics when it comes to the Affordable Care Act — instead of doing what they can within each of their states to make sure the health care law works.

Especially as it relates to our veterans and low-income Americans.

And while some of these veterans might qualify for benefits through the VA, let’s not pretend like Republicans don’t often support legislation which reduces those benefits as well. Yet while cutting those benefits, many Republicans will then point to instances of mediocre care our veterans receive as a prime example of why government being involved in our health care is a bad thing.

Politifact link:
Remember how bothered Repubs were when Veterans couldn't get into memorials during the shut down and how a few of us pointed it was all hype?

When it comes to getting veterans something that could actually help them - like health care - the repubs are missing in action.

Politifact link:

keep up the good work, i love it and have warm feelings for you too

sorry for the prolonged absence but the rainbow calls through the pain, but i still have promises to keep
keep up the good work, i love it and have warm feelings for you too

sorry for the prolonged absence but the rainbow calls through the pain, but i still have promises to keep

Keep your feet moving forward on the road ahead! don't be diverted by the rainbow yet. We need you bringing your sanity to this world!
Remember how bothered Repubs were when Veterans couldn't get into memorials during the shut down and how a few of us pointed it was all hype?

When it comes to getting veterans something that could actually help them - like health care - the repubs are missing in action.

Politifact link:

This story is based on a lie. Any Veteran can get access to healthcare without Medicaid. Medicaid is the state run version of Medicare and is focused on the poor, not Veterans. Veterans qualify for Government care for life at little or no cost.

So whil poli-fact claimed statements made by this hyper partisan Democrat liar was "mostly true", I would argue they were "mostly false."