Texas Snowpocalypse Freezing News Update!


Is that you nickname for your tiny pants worm?

Most people use the dictionary definition of what facts are
The Texas republicans who were in charged were warned 10 years ago after the last snow event that there energy infrastructure was deficient to protect their energy grid

It failed the people that year

The republicans in charge ignored the need to repair a failing system

And as predicted by the experts the Texas system FAILED and people died

Those are the facts

No matter what lies Putin thinks up for you to repeat it will fail again if not fixed

So what is the current Republican Leadership doing?

Lying and blaming everyone else on the planet for their failure to save lies
Go and get the proof you say exists.


I am kicking your ass with FACTS.

how about taking the word of Texas' Agriculture Commissioner, a lifelong republican, about as conservative and rural as you can get, but also an honest, straightforward, good man who accepts blame when necessary in order to get things done?
