texas town officials should be fired for not upholding the law.


Villified User
May 6, 4:17 AM EDT

South Texas town abolishes 1931 segregation law

EDCOUCH, Texas (AP) -- A South Texas town has abolished an anti-Hispanic segregation law more than seven decades after it was enacted.

The Board of Aldermen unanimously voted Monday to abolish an ordinance that banned "Spanish or Mexican" residents who were not servants or maids from occupying "any building on the American side or portion" of the once-divided town of Edcouch.

"We should have gotten rid of it a long time ago," said Alderman Rojelio Garica.

When the rule was enacted on Dec. 9, 1931, a virtual line was drawn through the center of the city. The ordinance prescribed a fine of up to $100 for violators.

"It was discriminatory," Mayor Jose Guzman said. "At the time, our city leaders didn't believe in equal rights."

Now, the town is majority Hispanic and the segregation line no longer exists. The 2000 Census found more than 97 percent of Edcouch's population was Latino.


all that missed revenue.
Old laws left on the books are hillarious. Just watch the Simpsons :) Kind of like in Britain, it is still technically legal to shoot an Irishman with a bow-and-arrow...
Old laws left on the books are hillarious. Just watch the Simpsons :) Kind of like in Britain, it is still technically legal to shoot an Irishman with a bow-and-arrow...

Ohh I thought that was a new law over there ? Part of the no guns thing.
Old laws left on the books are hillarious. Just watch the Simpsons :) Kind of like in Britain, it is still technically legal to shoot an Irishman with a bow-and-arrow...

Don't be so ridiculous, 3D.

Shooting Irishmen with a bow and arrow is certainly not legal, technically or otherwise, in 21st Century Britain. We are not mad, you know.

It is the Welsh you're allowed to shoot. Even then it is only after Midnight and within the city walls of Chester.
I guess The Simpsons are reality for some. Too bad they don't give exams on that in college.
this younger generation.....
Don't be so ridiculous, 3D.

Shooting Irishmen with a bow and arrow is certainly not legal, technically or otherwise, in 21st Century Britain. We are not mad, you know.

It is the Welsh you're allowed to shoot. Even then it is only after Midnight and within the city walls of Chester.

When is the stop time?
Bagging and mounting a Welsh lass might not be so bad .....

I'm sure the Welsh ladies would be powerless to resist, when confronted by a suave silver fox such as yourself, US.

Besides, the Welsh gentlemen folk are usually far too busy with their sheep. There is some truth to the the old joke -

Q:What do you call a sheep tied to a lamp-post in Wales?
A:A leisure centre

However, i would never indulge in that sort of slander.
I'm sure the Welsh ladies would be powerless to resist, when confronted by a suave silver fox such as yourself, US.

Besides, the Welsh gentlemen folk are usually far too busy with their sheep. There is some truth to the the old joke -

Q:What do you call a sheep tied to a lamp-post in Wales?
A:A leisure centre

However, i would never indulge in that sort of slander.

Now you have done it. BB will be coming over there for a vacation.
Now you have done it. BB will be coming over there for a vacation.


The ladies of Wales wait patiently.