Thank God Bush Senior wasn't President after 1992!


Why we would have gone to war with Kosovo or something. How do I know this? Well come on, I mean he's not Clinton, that's how!

(Lorax logic is fun)
Why we would have gone to war with Kosovo or something. How do I know this? Well come on, I mean he's not Clinton, that's how!

(Lorax logic is fun)

I opposed Kosovo. Just an FYI.

You were one of the idiots I was referring to on the other thread, btw - the ones who NOW like to say "Oh, Gore would have invaded, too!"

There are few more inane assertions on the planet. You even admitted on one thread that the decision was largely based on PNAC's agenda, and somehow - inexplicably - thought that Gore would be just as eager to advance that agenda.
"You even admitted on one thread that the decision was largely based on PNAC's agenda, and somehow - inexplicably - thought that Gore would be just as eager to advance that agenda."

THAT, btw, is "Danologic"
"You even admitted on one thread that the decision was largely based on PNAC's agenda, and somehow - inexplicably - thought that Gore would be just as eager to advance that agenda."

THAT, btw, is "Danologic"
Another stupid lie.
I thought that Gore would likely go to war because he did in the past under the Clinton admin (ie: Kosovo, Haiti) and that the same admin he was VP to also launched missiles at Iraq over nothing more than Monicagate. Imagine how with something real like accusations of WMD and Al-Qaida what he would have done...
Another stupid lie.
I thought that Gore would likely go to war because he did in the past under the Clinton admin (ie: Kosovo, Haiti) and that the same admin he was VP to also launched missiles at Iraq over nothing more than Monicagate. Imagine how with something real like accusations of WMD and Al-Qaida what he would have done...

Do you have any idea how obtuse this sounds?

"I thought Gore would likely go to war because he did in the past under the Clinton admin"

Every war is interchangeable, and every Presidency would do basically the same thing on foreign Danoworld.

Don't you EVER get tired of embarassing yourself? Why do you start threads like case there are new members who haven't seen how incomprehensibly simplistic & stupid you are?
Well Dano at this point I have come to the conclusion that none of the Dems are as bad or could do as much damage as Bush has done in the last 8 years so I'll probably be voting for one of them. I think Bush has created alot of Dems or at least (R) haters for life. Congrats.
Do you have any idea how obtuse this sounds?

"I thought Gore would likely go to war because he did in the past under the Clinton admin"

Every war is interchangeable, and every Presidency would do basically the same thing on foreign Danoworld.

Don't you EVER get tired of embarassing yourself? Why do you start threads like case there are new members who haven't seen how incomprehensibly simplistic & stupid you are?
Good point Lorax, you're right the wars were different. So let's compare them shall we?

Kosovo war (main opponent being Serbia) / Slobodan Milosevic
Terrorist Potential: None nor any suspected
WMD Threat: None nor any suspected
Humanist Crimes: Some violence to muslims.
Environmental Crimes: None
Regional Threat: None. Even if Milosevic was interested in invading another European country, they had no ability to do so.

Terrorist Potential: None but at the time suspected to have aided Al-Qaida. Gave money to terrorist bombers in Israel. Certainly we are fighting Al-Qaida in Iraq right now.
WMD Threat: Known to have. Has used in the past in terrible deaths and poisonings of children. Has had missile (SCUD) capability in the past.
Humanist Crimes: Gassed tens of thousands of Kurds, including children. Tortured and imprisoned thousands. Allowed rape and harassing of ethnic minorities Arabs.
Environmental Crimes: Drained marshlands against Marsh arabs. Causing habitat destruction and thousands to die of starvation and displacement. Blew up Kuwaiti oil spills, causing tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions into the air.
Regional Threat: 8 year war with Iran to the east. Launched missiles at Israel to the West and invaded and ransacked Kuwait to the South.

Compare them. Iraq was worse in every category. If Gore would not have gone into Iraq based on the above, then how in the fucking hell was Kosovo justifiable?
Yet we all know there was no significant Liberal protests, there was no burning prez pictures, there was no outrage, at home or abroad when we invaded Kosovo under Clinton. The press (that supposedly isn't Liberal) never grilled him or even cared.

Quit digging holes anytime now l'il Lorax...
Well Dano at this point I have come to the conclusion that none of the Dems are as bad or could do as much damage as Bush has done in the last 8 years so I'll probably be voting for one of them. I think Bush has created alot of Dems or at least (R) haters for life. Congrats.
Wasn't this what we heard in the election of 2006? "If only we could get some Democrats in power, well then we'd have gridlock and maybe the war and spending would stop."

Instead with a Dem congress we have a surge in Iraq fighting and a surge in spending. Oh and the drug war is now getting expanded to include tobacco and cigarettes because hey Liberal Democrats are for more social freedoms supposedly.

I can respect you for not wanting to make excuses for Bush or Repubs, but let's not do it for Dems either. The Dems are not about to let the Repubs outliberal them on spending, political spectrums shift together. Anti-Republicanism is not going to warm the Dems hearts any more to spending cuts than anything else would.
"Compare them. Iraq was worse in every category. If Gore would not have gone into Iraq based on the above, then how in the fucking hell was Kosovo justifiable?
Yet we all know there was no significant Liberal protests, there was no burning prez pictures, there was no outrage, at home or abroad when we invaded Kosovo under Clinton. The press (that supposedly isn't Liberal) never grilled him or even cared."

This is all such bullshit. And how can you compare any of these undertakings to a full-scale ground invasion & occupation of Iraq?

You have nothing, as usual - no leg to stand on. You admit that PNAC played a part, but think Gore would have just "found his own reasons" for us to invade Iraq as the logical response to 9/11.

You're a true fucking idiot. I would never contend - going back to the top of this thread - that Bush Sr. would have attacked Kosovo. Presidencies are not interchangeable to me, and leaders are very different. The fact is, Iraq was NOT the logical response to 9/11, and your desperate attempt to evade accountability for this disaster is the only reason you come out with this laughable BS (which very few in the country would agree with, btw) that Gore would have done the exact same thing as Bush, and focused on Iraq & approved a full-scale ground invasion.

You are soooooooo goddamned stupid....
I kind of missed this interchange of ideas. Ever since Dixie and toby left, we haven't heard many posters making excuses for Iraq, and comparing it to Bosnia or Kosovo.

Its getting to be just like the good old days around here :clink:
True , I no longer need to pick on Dano like I have been for years.
There are many more now who recognize Dano for the fool he is.

Thanks all, I was getting tired of carrying the burden alone.
... as if going and invading Iraq is the first thing that would pop into a president's mind after being attacked by Saudis based in Afghanistan.
Wasn't this what we heard in the election of 2006? "If only we could get some Democrats in power, well then we'd have gridlock and maybe the war and spending would stop."

Instead with a Dem congress we have a surge in Iraq fighting and a surge in spending. Oh and the drug war is now getting expanded to include tobacco and cigarettes because hey Liberal Democrats are for more social freedoms supposedly.

I can respect you for not wanting to make excuses for Bush or Repubs, but let's not do it for Dems either. The Dems are not about to let the Repubs outliberal them on spending, political spectrums shift together. Anti-Republicanism is not going to warm the Dems hearts any more to spending cuts than anything else would.

Your party has created a new dem 4 life. I'm sure they have created many more than just myself. Congrats 2 u.
"Compare them. Iraq was worse in every category. If Gore would not have gone into Iraq based on the above, then how in the fucking hell was Kosovo justifiable?
Yet we all know there was no significant Liberal protests, there was no burning prez pictures, there was no outrage, at home or abroad when we invaded Kosovo under Clinton. The press (that supposedly isn't Liberal) never grilled him or even cared."

This is all such bullshit. And how can you compare any of these undertakings to a full-scale ground invasion & occupation of Iraq?

You have nothing, as usual - no leg to stand on. You admit that PNAC played a part, but think Gore would have just "found his own reasons" for us to invade Iraq as the logical response to 9/11.

You're a true fucking idiot. I would never contend - going back to the top of this thread - that Bush Sr. would have attacked Kosovo. Presidencies are not interchangeable to me, and leaders are very different. The fact is, Iraq was NOT the logical response to 9/11, and your desperate attempt to evade accountability for this disaster is the only reason you come out with this laughable BS (which very few in the country would agree with, btw) that Gore would have done the exact same thing as Bush, and focused on Iraq & approved a full-scale ground invasion.

You are soooooooo goddamned stupid....

And also, Gore was giving speeches against invading Iraq, and in fact was called "unhinged' for them.

So to claim that he would have invaded Iraq is supported by no evidence, and in fact, disputed by existing evidence.
True , I no longer need to pick on Dano like I have been for years.
There are many more now who recognize Dano for the fool he is.

Thanks all, I was getting tired of carrying the burden alone.

Yes Lorax and cypress are very new to arguing against me, you're not alone anymore....

It's just too much of a joke, it really is, I don't even know how to debate you group of idiots you're so fucking deluded.
Your party has created a new dem 4 life. I'm sure they have created many more than just myself. Congrats 2 u.

Just check the enrollments. In the Bush years, more Republicans have switched to Independent, and more Independents have switched to Democrat.

Bush is also losing huge constituencies for the GOP, like Hispanics and young voters.
Your party has created a new dem 4 life. I'm sure they have created many more than just myself. Congrats 2 u.
Well enjoy your war on smoking then, enjoy the surge and enjoy universal healthcare.
It's not my party anyway, I've never been a registered Repub, I think they are not as bad and I think that based on looking at voting records, not based on exasperation and revenge.