Thank god columbus and other europeans subjugated the indians

Text Drivers are Killers

Joe Biden - "Time to put Trump in the bullseye."
Indian culture was built around torture before and after the white man came. These monsters tortured to death countless thousands of white settlers. Geronimo loved to hang a white man upside down over a small fire . Took days
for the fire to burn thru his skull and kill him.

The american indian - evilest race in history. Columbus was a great man and it's insane that columbus day is no longer a national holiday . Instead we honor white-hating racists like MLK.
Indian culture was built around torture before and after the white man came. These monsters tortured to death countless thousands of white settlers. Geronimo loved to hang a white man upside down over a small fire . Took days
for the fire to burn thru his skull and kill him.

The american indian - evilest race in history. Columbus was a great man and it's insane that columbus day is no longer a national holiday . Instead we honor white-hating racists like MLK.

Your ass is showing clown boy.
Biden signs Indigenous People's Day proclamation :)

Biden is the only president to officially proclaim the observance, and some states including Delaware, have not yet adopted recognizing Indigenous People’s Day rather than Columbus Day - though Delaware does not recognize either.

The tension between the two remains a source of controversy, but University of Delaware Native American culture professor Jay Custer says a presidential proclamation would not have been possible 20 years ago.

“Everything we think we know is conditioned by the fact that there was an awful thing in the past," Custer says. "And, white people, I’ll use that term, have controlled the knowledge for years and years and years. Indian people didn't get a say. And so it's made to make us feel better.”

Custer adds most of what non-Indigenous people think they know about Native Americans is wrong, including harmful stereotypes permeated by colonizers hundreds of years ago.
Biden signs Indigenous People's Day proclamation :)

Biden is the only president to officially proclaim the observance, and some states including Delaware, have not yet adopted recognizing Indigenous People’s Day rather than Columbus Day - though Delaware does not recognize either.

The tension between the two remains a source of controversy, but University of Delaware Native American culture professor Jay Custer says a presidential proclamation would not have been possible 20 years ago.

“Everything we think we know is conditioned by the fact that there was an awful thing in the past," Custer says. "And, white people, I’ll use that term, have controlled the knowledge for years and years and years. Indian people didn't get a say. And so it's made to make us feel better.”

Custer adds most of what non-Indigenous people think they know about Native Americans is wrong, including harmful stereotypes permeated by colonizers hundreds of years ago.

The stereotypes are true. The american indian up to 1880 or so was a sadistic savage. In the last 50 years they have all turned into drunken welfare trash. Like negroz, they are a huge burden on white people.
The stereotypes are true. The american indian up to 1880 or so was a sadistic savage. In the last 50 years they have all turned into drunken welfare trash. Like negroz, they are a huge burden on white people.

The greatest burden on our society, is the idiocy that you and your type put on the rest of world.
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Your ass is showing clown boy.

Well it's a fact they were savage and killed each other regularly for dominance and control. That's how human beings act. The same thing happens today but it's much more sterile. There isn't as much bloodshed but make no mistakes people are being "killed" if they don't say or do the woke things.
Well it's a fact they were savage and killed each other regularly for dominance and control. That's how human beings act. The same thing happens today but it's much more sterile. There isn't as much bloodshed but make no mistakes people are being "killed" if they don't say or do the woke things.

Yup - america is a police state and people are regularly murdered by the state for not being woke. I just started a thread about how Dem Rep. Tim Ryan is CALLING for the murder of maga supporters!!!!
Outside of areas conquered by Spain, the native tribes weren't for the most part "subjugated." Instead, they were marginalized and, using the vernacular, kicked to the curb, through a combination of disease, technological inferiority, choosing wrong in their politics (eg., siding with the wrong European faction in wars etc.), and inability to adapt.

I'll be the first to admit that Andrew Jackson ass fucked the Cherokee who had recognized that the above was happening and made incredible strides to try and fix / assimilate to their new world. The Cherokee invented a written language. They adopted many aspects of European culture and established towns and such. They also tried damn hard to get on a technological even playing ground with the European colonists.
Jackson's forced removal of them from their native lands was a racist travesty and the Trail of Tears equals things like the Bataan Death March or how ethnic minorities were treated by the Nazis. It should be a national shame.
But that isn't indicative of how native tribes on the whole were treated or their outcomes. To claim that is a grotesque lie that denies history.
Indian culture was built around torture before and after the white man came. These monsters tortured to death countless thousands of white settlers. Geronimo loved to hang a white man upside down over a small fire . Took days
for the fire to burn thru his skull and kill him.

The american indian - evilest race in history. Columbus was a great man and it's insane that columbus day is no longer a national holiday . Instead we honor white-hating racists like MLK.

Just as the Catholic Church "serve the Pope or die" crusades for Islam medical human reproduction pseudoscience in it's organized Mohammed pedophilia & mass murder jihad of the USA with Federal Lynching enforcement & the current Russia Orthodox Church rootin' tootin' Putin relentless annihilation of Ukraine in suicidal super ego sociopsychopathilogical homicidal human farming in that Nazi business economics tradition of history...
Indian culture was built around torture before and after the white man came. These monsters tortured to death countless thousands of white settlers. Geronimo loved to hang a white man upside down over a small fire . Took days
for the fire to burn thru his skull and kill him.

The american indian - evilest race in history. Columbus was a great man and it's insane that columbus day is no longer a national holiday . Instead we honor white-hating racists like MLK.

The greatest burden on our society, is the idiocy that you and your type put on the rest of world.

As SCOTUS Islamidiotocracy burden for "one nation under God with equal justice under law" from repeated thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament - arsonists incidents over decades in their "serve the Pope or die" national religion of it's Christiananality pedophilia Mohammed tradition style of subjugation not being torture nor brainwashing in their suicidal super ego sociopsychopathilogical homicidal human farming granted standing with fabricated misnomers protected & served with Federal Lynching enforcement. They can lie to some of the people some of the time; but can those crooks on Capital Hill lie to the whole world all of the time ......
The greatest burden on our society, is the idiocy that you and your type put on the rest of world.

So on Bill of Rights day would this be the existence of a rite to steal & burn National Archives purchased US Constitution Bill of Rights since it's not in the Constitution & irrelevant; but a right as it seems to be an Islamidiotocracy act of Christiananality pedophilia torture according to the Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate enforcement of the Bicentennial Fuhrer's Brainwashing Inquisition of "no one steals & burns US Constitutions in this country" to protect & serve that "one nation under God with equal justice under law" supreme swastika up Uranus kangaroo court of SCOTUS.
The stereotypes are true. The american indian up to 1880 or so was a sadistic savage. In the last 50 years they have all turned into drunken welfare trash. Like negroz, they are a huge burden on white people.

Ah, last I knew the so called red man never slaughtered millions in world wars nor were responsible for anything rivaling the Holocaust
So on Bill of Rights day would this be the existence of a rite to steal & burn National Archives purchased US Constitution Bill of Rights since it's not in the Constitution & irrelevant; but a right as it seems to be an Islamidiotocracy act of Christiananality pedophilia torture according to the Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate enforcement of the Bicentennial Fuhrer's Brainwashing Inquisition of "no one steals & burns US Constitutions in this country" to protect & serve that "one nation under God with equal justice under law" supreme swastika up Uranus kangaroo court of SCOTUS.

Another incoherent word salad.