Thank God for the monumental Moral Leadership of President Bush!

Ted Haggard

Verified User
I’ve been reading on Fox News how Liberal Democrat senators Larry Craig and David Vitter have engaged in the most vile, disgusting, and reprehensible sexual behaviour.

Senator Craig: a toilet bowl? How could you?!!! The least you could do, was do it on a massage table.

The liberal Democrat values are undermining our Christian nation. And rarely a day goes by, that I don’t thank God for the incredible moral leadership of George W. Bush. He looks good in jeans, too! He would never do it in a toilet bowl, like a liberal democrat.

Thank you President Bush! Keep up the good works!


Ted, I've read some of your posts and they always make me scratch my head and go...hmmmmm, but after this post I think I have you figured out. From now on I will plant my tongue firmly in my cheek when I read anything you write. (no sexual innuendo implied).

Thanks for the comedy.
Aug 29, 11:07 PM EDT

Church Overseers Chastise Ted Haggard

Associated Press Writer
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DALLAS (AP) -- The new senior pastor of a Colorado megachurch said Wednesday he was optimistic for its future even as the church's overseers chastised their disgraced former leader, Ted Haggard.

Brady Boyd, selected Monday by members of New Life Church in Colorado Springs, said he knew he wasn't facing a routine pastoral transition and had plenty of questions for church members.

"I wanted to know if this church was ready to move forward," he said. "They just want to be normal. They just want to care for one another and be a church. They think their reputation as a church can be recovered."

Haggard left New Life and resigned as president of the National Association of Evangelicals last year after a former male prostitute alleged he had a cash-for-sex relationship with Haggard. The man also said he saw Haggard use methamphetamine.

Haggard confessed to undisclosed "sexual immorality" and said he bought meth but never used it.

Last week, Haggard sent an e-mail to KRDO-TV saying he planned to pursue a master's degree in counseling and also counsel at the Phoenix Dream Center halfway house. He said he and his family would move in to the Dream Center run by Tommy Barnett, who leads the 15,000-member Phoenix First Assembly of God that Haggard now attends.

Haggard, 50, also sought financial support.

New Life overseers released a statement Wednesday saying they told Haggard the e-mail was "unacceptable."

"Mr. Haggard's solicitation for personal support was inappropriate," the overseers said in their statement. "It was never the intention of the Dream Center that Mr. Haggard would provide any counsel or other ministry. Mr. Haggard will not be moving in or working with the Dream Center. He will not be doing any ministry. He will be seeking secular employment to support himself and his family," the statement said.
You still lying ted ?
Assemblies of Gawd huh ? That figures....
It was the forced attendance church of my youth as well.
But i recovered :)
You still lying ted ?
Assemblies of Gawd huh ? That figures....
It was the forced attendance church of my youth as well.
But i recovered :)

Actually, it's kinda surprising that FOX news hasn't gotten around to running Craig's picture, with a (D) under it yet.
Actually, it's kinda surprising that FOX news hasn't gotten around to running Craig's picture, with a (D) under it yet.

they had taken so much flack for it that this time they Just aired his name and job title and gave no party affiliation.

Im serious they did not ID him as an R and then spent like 1 minute on the story.
they had taken so much flack for it that this time they Just aired his name and job title and gave no party affiliation.

Im serious they did not ID him as an R and then spent like 1 minute on the story.
The original news report didn't mention affiliation either. CNN made sure to mention it though. At least three times in the first 30 seconds of 'reporting' it.
they had taken so much flack for it that this time they Just aired his name and job title and gave no party affiliation.

Im serious they did not ID him as an R and then spent like 1 minute on the story.

LOL. They are really something. So if they don't think they can get away with lying and pretending that the R perv of the week is a Dem, they just drop it all together. And that's a "news organization". It's "only the opinion shows on FOX that are slanted". Uh huh.