Thank God we live in The Good Ole U S of A!


Junior Member
It is things like this that make me realize just how lucky I am to live in America.

"Malaysia - Malaysia's government ordered a Tamil-language daily to immediately halt publication for a month Friday as punishment for printing an image of Jesus Christ holding a cigarette, an official with the newspaper said.

M. Periasamy, general manager of Makkal Osai, which caters to Malaysia's ethnic Indian minority, said his office received the directive by fax from the Internal Security Ministry.

"Of course we are shocked by this. My entire staff are all in tears. They will lose a month of income," Periasamy said, adding that the newspaper would abide by the order but plans to appeal the suspension.

Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said Thursday that the picture was hurtful and an insult to Christians. Kuala Lumpur archbishop, Murphy Pakiam, criticized the picture as a "desecration," but later accepted the newspaper's apology."

Personally, I would not find a picture of Jesus with a cigarette to be funny at all. Of course, smoking is disgusting anyway, but that is besides the point, I would probably not subscribe to a newspaper that printed stuff like that on a regular basis, but it would be my own choice not to do so.

However, this newspaper is actually being shut down for a month for printing such a picture. I guess that is where being politically correct and the government attempting to prevent people from being "offended" gets you. Because the picture offends the minority in a muslim majority country, this paper is being suspended for a month and those people are losing a month's wages.

editorial comment: I wonder what would have happened if it had been a picture of Muhammed?

Anyway, this kind of article reminds me of just how good I have it here in the United States.

Is this where we are headed as a nation though? "Don't do anything to offend the minority", (not that I would do so deliberately anyway), "or... or... or... we'll whack your pee pee." :)

Sorry, I just couldn't resist that.

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Isn't this the other side of the nonsense Danodemento Posted yeasterday ?

Don't know. What did he post?

Also, not sure what you mean by this. Do you support punishing the media by putting them on "restriction" if they offend someone?

Come to think of it, that may not be a bad idea!

Think of how many trees would be saved. With every newspaper offending someone everyday, all the papers would be shut down permanently and all those trees would be saved... and less litter on the streets... and oh you get the idea.

Don't know. What did he post?

Also, not sure what you mean by this. Do you support punishing the media by putting them on "restriction" if they offend someone?

Come to think of it, that may not be a bad idea!

Think of how many trees would be saved. With every newspaper offending someone everyday, all the papers would be shut down permanently and all those trees would be saved... and less litter on the streets... and oh you get the idea.


We are gettin there...

anyway Dano posted some article about an african country comparing it to Singapore. I have intentinally forgotten the details but it was a pitiful comparison.
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It would be still be offensive to Muslims, being that they believe in Jesus Christ. Obviously, however, the Christians in the nation would be the most offended. I just don't see many people who are prudish and offended by the picture buying the magazine.

Hell, in Singapore they would've gotten their heads chopped off. They should feel lucky they live in Maylasia.
I think most of the nations over there have constitutions that protect free speech and other such things "Unless the restriction is for the public good"

I mean, WTF? Why even have the provision? OF COURSE if the government puts a restriction on free speech, it believes it's doing it for the "public good"! You may as well say "unless the government wants to put a restriction on it".
Hell, News papers are offensive to Green's everyday because they are printed on the Carcasses on dead trees.
Hell, News papers are offensive to Green's everyday because they are printed on the Carcasses on dead trees.

Isn't that what I said?

"Think of how many trees would be saved. With every newspaper offending someone everyday, all the papers would be shut down permanently and all those trees would be saved... and less litter on the streets... and oh you get the idea."

Or threaten Bush.
Or racial epithats or at cops lets see ....

or tell your wife she is a lardass...

and apparently talk bad about Joos.

And I was just beginning to feel good about living in the USA again! :) Just 521 more days until Bush goes home to Crawford for good.

Did you have to bring these up?

But then again, except for the threats on the President anyone of these things could actually be printed or said and there would be little or no backlash by the government. If a newspaper printed racial epithats regularly most people would not support the paper and probably would speak out against it but the government would not shut it down. For that I am glad.

Like what?

You can't slander someone or yell "Fire!" in a crowded theater?


If you write a negative story about the wrong person your network sponsors will pull all ad's and if Janet Jackson shows her tit you will get a huge fine!