Thank the Little gods for Firefighters...


Staff member,2933,333968,00.html

NEW YORK — An infant girl strapped in a car seat and abandoned in the back of a livery car on a bitterly cold day was declared in excellent health after she was dropped off at a firehouse by the quick-witted driver.

Dressed all in pink, with a bow around her head, the brown-eyed, brown-haired baby giggled several times at a news conference Thursday afternoon, where officials introduced her and asked for help in finding her relatives.

Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly says the NYPD is seeking the public's help in identifying the infant girl, but that so far only one person has called its tips hotline.

Kelly called the poor response "both troubling and surprising," and said the single call did not "pan out."

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Oh, I hate stories like is the only times I want to inflict injury on someone, is when they abuse a child or an elder.
Oh, I hate stories like is the only times I want to inflict injury on someone, is when they abuse a child or an elder.

You're well-balanced though. I go apeshit when it's a kid, an old person, someone who can't defend themselves or animal cruelty. It's my reaction to animal cruelty that makes people think I'm unbalanced. Of course I don't give a toss what they think :clink: