Thank You G.G.


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I have been waiting a lot of years for a public voice say the things Greg Gutfeld said.

But while the other hosts were busy debating whether boring is good or bad, Greg Gutfeld was more interested in the “why.” Why do liberals suddenly crave “boring” after a mere two-and-a-half years of Trump?

When given his turn, he launched into a thoughtful, intelligent analysis of why bland might be more appealing than bold. He suggests that after so many years of elite liberalism ruling everything from academia to entertainment, liberals are finally tasting their own medicine – and they aren’t liking the flavor.

“The boring approach is based on a fact that Donald Trump can be exhausting,” he admits. “He’s packed twelve years into three years. And we know that, the right and the left understand that. But now the Democrats know how we feel. They hate waking up every morning having to face the news of Trump. That every morning they have to deal with Trump. Well, that’s what it’s been like for conservatives or Republicans for the past forty, fifty years. Modern leftism has injected politics into every part of our lives. Sports, entertainment, sex, gender, our kids. We’re suffocating under leftism.”

Gutfeld grows more and more passionate during his speech, all the while making great points with outstanding accuracy.

“It’s everywhere, everyday we wake up and we’re faced with it in our culture,” he continues. “So now we finally got somebody who’s throwing it back in your face. Every day he’s saying ‘Oh you wanna pick on us? Well, screw you.’ And it goes back to that polarization myth that the media keeps talking about. ‘Oh these are polarizing times.’ It’s only polarizing times because finally the second pole showed up! For the longest time, there was only one tent pole! It was – the left owned the ball, they owned the stadium, they own the field. Entertainment, academia, social media! Now you’ve got a guy who is saying ‘I’m here, I’m the other pole.’ Now they’re going “Oh, it’s polarizing.”

At the very end, Gutfeld hits on what every conservative has been wanting to see since Trump came down that escalator in 2015.

“But I’m telling you, this is all garbage. This is all garbage. They are mad because they have to fight. It’s about time.”

Conservatives have been dying for a fighter, someone who is going to look rampant liberalism in the eye and tell it to buzz off. Now that Republicans have elected that guy, Democrats are looking to dial it back by making “boring” the new, cool political movement.

Gutfeld has no pity for libs: ‘Now they know how we felt … for the past forty, fifty years’
August 17, 2019
Sierra Marlee

Liberal garbage began with the Fairness Doctrine.

NOTE: Calling opponents fascist began in 1930s.

For decades every attack liberals launched in their media-education-entertainment complex was designed to put conservatives on the defensive by portraying them as fools or fascists. Were it not so effective Democrats would have discarded the technique decades ago. Giving liberals a little of what they dished out for so many years is proving to be just as effective even though it is pretty much limited to the Internet and a few conservative public voices wielding a witty knife.

The Fairness Doctrine refined liberalism’s technique. After Democrats lost control of the political dialogue on television they had to shutdown freedom of speech talking point by talking point. They began with the big one —— RACISM. The big R was followed by a lack of civility in the public square, “We’s all God’s Chillun.”, compassion for illegal alien children, gun controls, stop polluting the oceans, and the always popular thermostat hustle.

The coming Ice Age came first:

Coulter follows this opening by pointing out that liberals spent the 1970’s insisting “the Earth was going to freeze in two years.” That Hubert Humphrey “said he eat his hat if civil rights laws ever led to racial quotas” — and now liberals call conservatives “‘racist’ for opposing racial quotas.” Reminds that “Teddy Kennedy assured us his immigration bill would not alter the country’s ethnic mix” and that since the Kennedy immigration bill passed (back in 1965) the nation’s ethnicity has changed “from nearly 90 percent white in 1965 to about 63 percent white in 2013.”

The Ice Age was followed by global warming. I assume it takes longer to melt than it does to freeze; so I have to thank AOC for giving me an extra 10 years:


NOTE: I do not remember the years the Democrat Party threw in California and Hawaii seceding from the Union. That one was more ludicrous than making it about racism or global warming.

POLARIZATION and BORING are on the launching pad.

Lets take a look at a few more turds Democrats dropped on Americans along the way.

In real life nothing angers liberals more than an attractive conservative woman with brains like, Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann, et al. The pattern emerged when liberals called then-First Lady Laura Bush a Stepford wife.

I have to admit that I was never certain if Democrats simply hate attractive conservative women, or if they truly believe a woman must embrace liberalism in order to be intelligent.

Conversely, Democrats love dumb-bunny show biz women who happen to be physically attractive. No surprise they are Democrats. They would be working on their knees if it was not for their tax dollar incomes —— and I do not mean scrubbing floors.

It is not only attractive women that liberals hate. Back in the 1960s Democrat standup comics went after famous conservative male movie stars calling them shallow, etc. Cary Grant was Mort Sahl’s favorite target not because Grant was a conservative:

I know Sahl hated Grant for his good looks because he never said a bad word about Rondo Hatton irrespective of his politics.

Liberal talking points spouted by the lunatic fringe always worked for standup comics. It never worked for uninformed liberal halfwits trying to sound politically astute.

For instance, standup comics never made fun of the Chicago sewer rat when he was proposing:

A nice-sounding bill called the “Global Poverty Act,” sponsored by Democratic presidential candidate and Senator Barack Obama, is up for a Senate vote on Thursday and could result in the imposition of a global tax on the United States. The bill, which has the support of many liberal religious groups, makes levels of U.S. foreign aid spending subservient to the dictates of the United Nations.

Senator Joe Biden, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, has not endorsed either Senator Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton in the presidential race. But on Thursday, February 14, he is trying to rush Obama’s “Global Poverty Act” (S.2433) through his committee. The legislation would commit the U.S. to spending 0.7 percent of gross national product on foreign aid, which amounts to a phenomenal 13-year total of $845 billion over and above what the U.S. already spends.

Obama’s Global Tax Proposal Up for Senate Vote
Cliff Kincaid — February 12, 2008

S 2433 was so horrendous a Republican would have been burned at the stake by fellow Republicans for even mentioning it, while few Americans heard about S 2433 during the 2008 presidential campaign or since. In a just world the sewer rat would have been mocked for the Communist clown he is, yet nothing was ever said then or now.

Nor did anyone make fun of Obama and Harry Reid for defending a law hated by everybody except the Parasite Class and the insurance industry.

Nor did comedians have fun with the absurdity that says the ACA should never be opposed because the sewer rat was reelected in 2012. Defending the ACA against the wishes of most Americans is even more absurd than passing it in the first place, yet anyone who speaks against socialized medicine immediately becomes an object of ridicule.

Finally, I am sorry I cannot remember all the garbage Democrats invented to protect and defend the Parasite Class. Make no mistake about it, there is no Parasite Class, no liberalism, no Socialism/Communism, and no Democrat Party without the XVI Amendment.