Thank You, Nutso


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Give me your parasites, your criminals,
Your sick yearning for free healthcare,
Send these, the worst, tempest-tost to me,
I open my front door to Typhoid Nancy’s welfare state!

It was Democrats like Typhoid Nancy who added “Give me your sick” to the rest of the garbage found in Lazarus’ sonnet. Naturally, Pelosi’s interpretation of “give me” means “give you” the sick. That is why I often suggested removing Emma Lazarus’ stain from Lady Liberty’s pedestal and hanging it right over Typhoid Nancy’s front door.
Move the cursor to 8:00 for Dennis Miller's take on bat-shit crazy Pelosi:

Nutso is so crazy she is the only person on the planet who claims the moral high ground for importing diseases and slaughtering babies:

House minority leader and fierce abortion rights proponent Nancy Pelosi said Wednesday that everyone has “a moral responsibility to ensure all children of God are treated with compassion and decency.”

Pelosi released a statement following the report that eight-year-old Felipe Alonzo-Gomez, a migrant child, had died at the border on Christmas Day. Another migrant child, Jakelin Amei Rosmery Caal Maquin, died earlier this month at the border.

“The tragic death of an innocent child on Christmas Day breaks the hearts of all,” said Pelosi, who is likely to become the next House speaker.

We all have a moral responsibility to ensure all children of God are treated with compassion and decency,” she said. “The death now of two children in U.S. custody is unconscionable.”

Nutso making the deaths possible is unconscionable.

Pelosi also has vowed congressional investigations into the deaths of the two migrant children in order “to seek justice and ensure that no other child is left to such a fate.”

The Democrat leader, however, apparently does not hold unborn children in the same high regard and – though she claims to be a Catholic – has never released a statement referring to aborting babies up until the day of birth as “unconscionable.”

In 2015, after the Center for Medical Progress released undercover videos of Planned Parenthood officials allegedly engaged in the sale of aborted baby body parts for profit, Pelosi defended the organization and criticized Republicans for threatening to shut down the government rather than fund Planned Parenthood.

“Planned Parenthood has as its top priority women’s health; that’s what it has always been about,” she insisted, adding that she was “call[ing] for an investigation into the practices of the Center for Medical Progress for setting up a false company to ‘ensnare’ Planned Parenthood, to ‘create a controversy that doesn’t exist.’”

Pelosi also said congressional investigations into Planned Parenthood’s role in trafficking the remains of aborted babies were “un-American.”

At its annual gala event in Washington, DC, in 2014, Planned Parenthood – America’s largest abortion chain – rewarded Pelosi with its Margaret Sanger Award, the organization’s highest honor, for supporting its business.

Using the common euphemism that abortion is “women’s health care,” former Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards said about Pelosi, “No one is more deserving of this honor than Leader Pelosi, who has fought tirelessly throughout her career to protect and expand women’s access to health care.”

The award was extended to Pelosi “in recognition of her leadership, excellence, and outstanding contributions to the reproductive health and rights movement over the course of her career.”

Catholic World News observed following Planned Parenthood’s announcement of the award:

QUESTIONS: There are 70,412,021 Catholics in this country; so how many living in Nutso’s district voted for her? How many Catholics nationwide would vote to make Nutso speaker of the house? How many of the 134 Catholics in the House will vote for Nutso?

The Margaret Sanger Award, named from the notorious racist and eugenicist [who] helped to establish Planned Parenthood, recognizes a public figure for “outstanding contributions to the reproductive health and rights movement.” Nancy Pelosi, who identifies herself as a practicing Catholic, has campaigned tirelessly for unrestricted legal abortion.

In 2013, Pelosi referred to abortion safety laws that require high standards of care for abortion clinics as an “assault” on “women’s health.”

Nancy Pelosi: ‘Moral Responsibility to Ensure All Children of God Are Treated with Compassion and Decency’
by Dr. Susan Berry
29 Dec 2018
Nutso is so crazy she is the only person on the planet who claims the moral high ground for importing diseases and slaughtering babies:

House minority leader and fierce abortion rights proponent Nancy Pelosi said Wednesday that everyone has “a moral responsibility to ensure all children of God are treated with compassion and decency.”

Pelosi released a statement following the report that eight-year-old Felipe Alonzo-Gomez, a migrant child, had died at the border on Christmas Day. Another migrant child, Jakelin Amei Rosmery Caal Maquin, died earlier this month at the border.

“The tragic death of an innocent child on Christmas Day breaks the hearts of all,” said Pelosi, who is likely to become the next House speaker.

We all have a moral responsibility to ensure all children of God are treated with compassion and decency,” she said. “The death now of two children in U.S. custody is unconscionable.”

Pelosi also has vowed congressional investigations into the deaths of the two migrant children in order “to seek justice and ensure that no other child is left to such a fate.”

The Democrat leader, however, apparently does not hold unborn children in the same high regard and – though she claims to be a Catholic – has never released a statement referring to aborting babies up until the day of birth as “unconscionable.”

In 2015, after the Center for Medical Progress released undercover videos of Planned Parenthood officials allegedly engaged in the sale of aborted baby body parts for profit, Pelosi defended the organization and criticized Republicans for threatening to shut down the government rather than fund Planned Parenthood.

“Planned Parenthood has as its top priority women’s health; that’s what it has always been about,” she insisted, adding that she was “call[ing] for an investigation into the practices of the Center for Medical Progress for setting up a false company to ‘ensnare’ Planned Parenthood, to ‘create a controversy that doesn’t exist.’”

Pelosi also said congressional investigations into Planned Parenthood’s role in trafficking the remains of aborted babies were “un-American.”

At its annual gala event in Washington, DC, in 2014, Planned Parenthood – America’s largest abortion chain – rewarded Pelosi with its Margaret Sanger Award, the organization’s highest honor, for supporting its business.

Using the common euphemism that abortion is “women’s health care,” former Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards said about Pelosi, “No one is more deserving of this honor than Leader Pelosi, who has fought tirelessly throughout her career to protect and expand women’s access to health care.”

The award was extended to Pelosi “in recognition of her leadership, excellence, and outstanding contributions to the reproductive health and rights movement over the course of her career.”

Catholic World News observed following Planned Parenthood’s announcement of the award:

QUESTIONS: There are 70,412,021 Catholics in this country; so how many living in Nutso’s district voted for her? How many Catholics nationwide would vote to make Nutso speaker of the house? How many of the 134 Catholics in the House will vote for Nutso?

The Margaret Sanger Award, named from the notorious racist and eugenicist [who] helped to establish Planned Parenthood, recognizes a public figure for “outstanding contributions to the reproductive health and rights movement.” Nancy Pelosi, who identifies herself as a practicing Catholic, has campaigned tirelessly for unrestricted legal abortion.

In 2013, Pelosi referred to abortion safety laws that require high standards of care for abortion clinics as an “assault” on “women’s health.”

Nancy Pelosi: ‘Moral Responsibility to Ensure All Children of God Are Treated with Compassion and Decency’
by Dr. Susan Berry
29 Dec 2018

You're barking mad Slanders. Seek help.

You think every immigrant would vote for Dems. These people come from Catholic countries and are religiously conservative yet you think they'd fall in line to vote for pro-choice candidates.

Someone here is nutso and it's not Pelosi.
You think every immigrant would vote for Dems. These people come from Catholic countries and are religiously conservative

To christiefan915: Nice misdirection, but you cannot defend Catholics without defending Nutso.

yet you think they'd fall in line to vote for pro-choice candidates.

To christiefan915: They fall in line for free stuff. If today’s illegal alien Catholics lived in ancient Rome the lions would go hungry.

Move the cursor to 8:00 for Dennis Miller's take on bat-shit crazy Pelosi:

Nutso is so crazy she is the only person on the planet who claims the moral high ground for importing diseases and slaughtering babies:

House minority leader and fierce abortion rights proponent Nancy Pelosi said Wednesday that everyone has “a moral responsibility to ensure all children of God are treated with compassion and decency.”

Pelosi released a statement following the report that eight-year-old Felipe Alonzo-Gomez, a migrant child, had died at the border on Christmas Day. Another migrant child, Jakelin Amei Rosmery Caal Maquin, died earlier this month at the border.

“The tragic death of an innocent child on Christmas Day breaks the hearts of all,” said Pelosi, who is likely to become the next House speaker.

We all have a moral responsibility to ensure all children of God are treated with compassion and decency,” she said. “The death now of two children in U.S. custody is unconscionable.”

Nutso making the deaths possible is unconscionable.

Pelosi also has vowed congressional investigations into the deaths of the two migrant children in order “to seek justice and ensure that no other child is left to such a fate.”

The Democrat leader, however, apparently does not hold unborn children in the same high regard and – though she claims to be a Catholic – has never released a statement referring to aborting babies up until the day of birth as “unconscionable.”

In 2015, after the Center for Medical Progress released undercover videos of Planned Parenthood officials allegedly engaged in the sale of aborted baby body parts for profit, Pelosi defended the organization and criticized Republicans for threatening to shut down the government rather than fund Planned Parenthood.

“Planned Parenthood has as its top priority women’s health; that’s what it has always been about,” she insisted, adding that she was “call[ing] for an investigation into the practices of the Center for Medical Progress for setting up a false company to ‘ensnare’ Planned Parenthood, to ‘create a controversy that doesn’t exist.’”

Pelosi also said congressional investigations into Planned Parenthood’s role in trafficking the remains of aborted babies were “un-American.”

At its annual gala event in Washington, DC, in 2014, Planned Parenthood – America’s largest abortion chain – rewarded Pelosi with its Margaret Sanger Award, the organization’s highest honor, for supporting its business.

Using the common euphemism that abortion is “women’s health care,” former Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards said about Pelosi, “No one is more deserving of this honor than Leader Pelosi, who has fought tirelessly throughout her career to protect and expand women’s access to health care.”

The award was extended to Pelosi “in recognition of her leadership, excellence, and outstanding contributions to the reproductive health and rights movement over the course of her career.”

Catholic World News observed following Planned Parenthood’s announcement of the award:

QUESTIONS: There are 70,412,021 Catholics in this country; so how many living in Nutso’s district voted for her? How many Catholics nationwide would vote to make Nutso speaker of the house? How many of the 134 Catholics in the House will vote for Nutso?

The Margaret Sanger Award, named from the notorious racist and eugenicist [who] helped to establish Planned Parenthood, recognizes a public figure for “outstanding contributions to the reproductive health and rights movement.” Nancy Pelosi, who identifies herself as a practicing Catholic, has campaigned tirelessly for unrestricted legal abortion.

In 2013, Pelosi referred to abortion safety laws that require high standards of care for abortion clinics as an “assault” on “women’s health.”

Nancy Pelosi: ‘Moral Responsibility to Ensure All Children of God Are Treated with Compassion and Decency’
by Dr. Susan Berry
29 Dec 2018

hes a racist asshole just like you
The American Right is right. :D

To Dark Soul: You gotta love this one:


During one part of the video, Loomer could be seen marching to the door of Pelosi’s mansion, demanding she be let in to make a “sandwich” with the other illegal aliens. Loomer found the door to be locked and complained that it was “hypocritical” of Pelosi to not have “open doors and borders” to her own property.

Activists Jump Nancy Pelosi’s Mansion Wall With Illegal Immigrants, Demand Entry To Her Home
4:32 PM 01/14/2019
Benny Johnson
Nutso making the deaths possible is unconscionable.

Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, an 1887 painting by Viktor Vasnetsov. Depicted from left to right are Death, Famine, War, and Conquest. The Lamb is visible at the top.

King James Bible

And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

Planned Parenthood rides a pale horse.


Planned Parenthood performed 332,757 abortions in 2017-2018, an increase of more than 11,000 from the previous year, and 3,280,520 abortions in the past ten years. Abortions made up a whopping 96 percent — ninety-six percent — of Planned Parenthood's pregnancy resolution services. Prenatal services accounted for 2.6 percent, miscarriage care took up 0.5 percent, and adoption referrals accounted for a mere 0.8 percent of pregnancy resolution services.

For every adoption referral, Planned Parenthood performed more than 117 abortions. It has been even worse in recent years. Over the past decade, the group performed approximately 148 abortions for every adoption referral. Is it any wonder hundreds of thousands of Americans march against a war on the unborn?

Planned Parenthood Crumbling: Abortions Up, Services Down, Taxpayers on the Hook
By Tyler O'Neil January 22, 2019