Thank You Professor Williams


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Television mouths are democracy’s biggest defenders every time they refer to this country as a democracy. Elected Democrats show themselves to be this country’s biggest traitors every time they say things like “Our democracy is under attack.” or “WE must defend our democracy.” (No television mouth ever challenged Diarrhea Mouth Pelosi, or Senator Vomit Schumer when when they cite “our democracy”.)

I have railed against the Democracy Movement in a thousand messages. Make no mistake about the Democracy. Movement —— it is the most insidious conspiracy ever devised to destroy this country’s individual liberties.

Throughout history democracy has been the parasite’s preferred form of government. If that is not enough to tell you about the kind of people behind the Democracy Movement, this should scare you stiff: Democracy is always going towards something worse; never towards liberty.

NOTE: No American should lift a finger to support those “democracy” demonstrators in Hong Kong. In fact, if China’s Commies had any brains they would give them all the democracy they want since democracy ends in totalitarian government.

Also note that nation-building is doublespeak for democracy. Proof: You will never hear nation-builders calling for the U.S. military to build limited government.

I could rehash volumes about the evils of democracy. Instead, I will simply thank Walter E. Williams for adding to my anti-democracy repertoire:

The New York Times has begun a major initiative, the "1619 Project," to observe the 400th anniversary of the beginning of American slavery. It aims to reframe American history so that slavery and the contributions of black Americans explain who we are as a nation. Nikole Hannah-Jones, staff writer for The New York Times Magazine wrote the lead article, "America Wasn't a Democracy, Until Black Americans Made It One." She writes, "Without the idealistic, strenuous and patriotic efforts of black Americans, our democracy today would most likely look very different -- it might not be a democracy at all."

There are several challenges one can make about Hannah-Jones's article, but I'm going to focus on the article's most serious error, namely that the nation's founders intended for us to be a democracy. That error is shared by too many Americans. The word democracy appears nowhere in the two most fundamental founding documents of our nation -- the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution. Instead of a democracy, the Constitution's Article IV, Section 4, declares, "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government." Think about it and ask yourself whether our Pledge of Allegiance says to "the democracy for which it stands" or to "the republic for which it stands." Is Julia Ward Howe's popular Civil War song titled "The Battle Hymn of the Democracy" or "The Battle Hymn of the Republic"?

The founders had utter contempt for democracy. James Madison, the acknowledged father of the Constitution, wrote in Federalist Paper No. 10, that in a pure democracy "there is nothing to check the inducement to sacrifice the weaker party or the obnoxious individual." At the 1787 Constitutional Convention, delegate Edmund Randolph said, "that in tracing these evils to their origin every man had found it in the turbulence and follies of democracy." John Adams said: "Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There was never a democracy yet that did not commit suicide." U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Marshall observed, "Between a balanced republic and a democracy, the difference is like that between order and chaos."

The U.S. Constitution is replete with anti-majority rule, undemocratic provisions. One provision, heavily criticized, is the Electoral College. In their wisdom, the framers gave us the Electoral College so that in presidential elections, heavily populated states could not run roughshod over sparsely populated states. In order to amend the Constitution, it requires a two-thirds vote of both Houses, or two-thirds of state legislatures, to propose an amendment, and requires three-fourths of state legislatures for ratification. Part of the reason for having a bicameral Congress is that it places another obstacle to majority rule. Fifty-one senators can block the wishes of 435 representatives and 49 senators. The president, with a veto, can thwart the will of all 535 members of Congress. It takes a two-thirds vote, not just a majority, of both houses of Congress to override a presidential veto.

In addition to not understanding our Constitution, Hannah-Jones's article, like in most discussions of black history, fails to acknowledge that black Americans have made the greatest gains, over some of the highest hurdles in the shortest span of time than any other racial group in mankind's history. The evidence: If black Americans were thought of as a nation with our own gross domestic product, we'd rank among the 20 wealthiest nations. It was a black American, Gen. Colin Powell, who headed the world's mightiest military. A few black Americans are among the world's wealthiest. Black Americans are among the world's most famous personalities.

The significance of this is that in 1865, neither a slave nor a slave owner would have believed that such progress would be possible in less than a century and a half, if ever. As such, it speaks to the intestinal fortitude of a people. Just as importantly, it speaks to the greatness of a nation within which such progress was possible, progress that would have been impossible anywhere else. The challenge before us is how those gains can be extended to a large percentage of black people for whom they appear elusive.

Beginning of US Slavery
Walter E. Williams
Posted: Aug 28, 2019 12:01 AM
Last edited:
NOTE: No American should lift a finger to support those “democracy” demonstrators in Hong Kong. In fact, if China’s Commies had any brains they would give them all the democracy they want since democracy ends in totalitarian government.


The dirty old Commie sees no difference between democracy and totalitarian Communism. In short: Bernie cannot see Beijing skipping the democracy phrase in Hong Kong:

"I wouldn't use the word existential threat. You know," he continued. "I think China is a country that is moving unfortunately in a more authoritarian way, in a number of directions. We would have hoped that they would move toward a democratic, a more democratic form of government, they're moving in the opposite direction."

August 28, 2019
Bernie Sanders issues an astounding compliment to China's leaders — and Ted Cruz shuts him down
Carlos Garcia

democratic (adjective)

1. Of, characterized by, or advocating democracy: democratic government; a democratic union.

2. Of or for the people in general; popular: a democratic movement; democratic art forms.

3. Believing in or practicing social equality: “a proper democratic scorn for bloated dukes and lords” (George du Maurier).

4. Democratic Abbr. Dem., D, D. Of, relating to, or characteristic of the Democratic Party.

democratically (adverb)
I would still rather see a pure democracy emerge in HK than communist party control. Within a city state, democracy can remain stable for a great deal longer. Even if it devolves into fascism, oligarchy, or some other form of autocracy, all ideology is preferable to Marxism.
I would still rather see a pure democracy emerge in HK than communist party control.

To Howard the Duck: Pure democracy is a pipe dream. The only constant about democracy is that it will be tried again and again ad infinitum.

Within a city state, democracy can remain stable for a great deal longer. Even if it devolves into fascism, oligarchy, or some other form of autocracy,

To Howard the Duck: Democracy feeds on every form of government until it kills the host government. Every time parasites impoverish a nation they lay the foundation for the next democracy —— “THE REAL THING HAS NEVER BEEN TRIED.”.

Note that our Republic is being destroyed from within in order for democracy to survive a few years longer.

The same reason democracy rears its ugly head over and over and over throughout history is obvious. Every generation produces a legion of fools and parasites who believe that a benign totalitarian government is possible.

all ideology is preferable to Marxism.

To Howard the Duck: Not by much.

Hitler was sure his Third Reich would last a thousand years. Karl Marx was convinced that Communism would last forever. Unfortunately for the world, Marx unintentionally incorporated Communism’s rebirth: “IT WAS NOT THE REAL THING” (Communism never dies much like movie monsters come back to life in sequels.)

Bottom line: The reason given for democracy’s failure is exactly the same as the one given for every failed ideology. IT WAS NOT PURE.
Fuck You Flanders!

For your demagoguery of Democracy and those that stand up for Democracy!

The United States is a democracy, and up until this maniac fascist took over our county through his lying and cheating ways, the United States has always been the leader of Democracy in the world and supported people around the world who are fighting for democracy in their own countries.


To Flash:
Every one of them did or will. This country is next if Democrats and television mouths pull-off the transition.

Do your own research if you want names and addresses. This article should put you on the right track:

The Great Democracy Meltdown
By Joshua Kurlantzick
May 19, 2011

These were not democracies but countries making democratic gains. We would never put Tunisia, Egypt, or Thailand in the representative democracy category.

What changes would you make in the U. S. to keep it from becoming totalitarian?
What changes would you make in the U. S. to keep it from becoming totalitarian?

To Flash: Ask me a hard one!

1. Repeal the XVI Amendment because the income tax funds the Parasite Class; hence, funds the Democracy Movement.

2. Prohibit the public purse from funding charity of any kind after the XVI Amendment is repealed.

NOTE: Tax dollar charity began 119 years before before the XVI Amendment empowered the Parasite Class.

In 1794, when Congress appropriated $15,000 for relief of French refugees who fled from insurrection in San Domingo to Baltimore and Philadelphia, James Madison stood on the floor of the House to object saying, "I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents." James Madison, 4 Annals of congress (1794)

3. Withdraw from the United Nations because the Democracy Movement is directed and enforced by the U.N. worldwide.

NOTE: Afghanistan is a United Nations war fought to install a democracy. In 18 years the U.S. military spent more time building schools and roads in order to promote the U.N.’s democracy garbage then they spent killing Muslim terrorists. I doubt very much if President Trump can pull out of Afghanistan because a complete withdrawal will be a defeat for the United Nations and for the Democracy Movement. Basically, Secretary of Defense Mattis was fired because the general was promoting U.N. policies in Afghanistan:

"What concerns me most as a military man is not our external adversaries; it is our internal divisiveness," Mattis wrote. "All Americans need to recognize that our democracy is an experiment -- and one that can be reversed. We all know that we're better than our current politics. Tribalism must not be allowed to destroy our experiment."

Trump's Former Secretary of Defense Says 'Our Democracy Can Be Reversed, We're Better Than Our Current Politics'
By Benjamin Fearnow
8/28/19 at 10:59 AM EDT

4. Enforce the government’s 11 enumerated powers granted in the Constitution at the time they were ratified —— AND NOTHING MORE.

5. Impeach every federal judge that legislates from the bench.

p.s. President Truman’s stated reason for firing General MacArthur was a doublespeak masterpiece. “Limit” meant Peace Without Victory:

In April 1951, President Truman fired MacArthur and replaced him with Gen. Matthew Ridgeway. On April 11, Truman addressed the nation and explained his actions. He began by defending his overall policy in Korea, declaring, “It is right for us to be in Korea.” He excoriated the “communists in the Kremlin [who] are engaged in a monstrous conspiracy to stamp out freedom all over the world.” Nevertheless, he explained, it “would be wrong—tragically wrong—for us to take the initiative in extending the war… Our aim is to avoid the spread of the conflict.” The president continued, “I believe that we must try to limit the war to Korea for these vital reasons: To make sure that the precious lives of our fighting men are not wasted; to see that the security of our country and the free world is not needlessly jeopardized; and to prevent a third world war.” General MacArthur had been fired “so that there would be no doubt or confusion as to the real purpose and aim of our policy.”

The real reason President Truman fired General MacArthur was because Communist China was not a member of the United Nations. Mac wanted to cross the Yalu River and bomb Communist China. That would have amounted to the infant United Nations declaring war on China before the Chicoms were admitted to the U.N.

Peace Without Victory was always the Democrat Party’s policy. Truman was right about going to Korea, but he never should have involved the United Nations.

General MacArthur was correct in light of what China is today. As it turned out U.N.-lovers got away with calling the Korean War a Police Action so they did not have to get a declaration of war from Congress. (WWII was the last time Congress issued a declaration of war despite the wars this country fought for democracy since 1945.)
I happily admit that my title A Moron Is Closing In On The Presidency was wrong:

As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron. H.L. Mencken

I was sure the plain folks reached their heart’s desire on the day the Chicago sewer rat was sworn in. Now comes living proof that the dumber you are the more qualified you are for the presidency.

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) listens to a staffer before answering questions at a news conference Dec. 12, 2017, on Capitol Hill in Washington. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)

One certified moron backed off:

Sad to say, the Democrat Party is never short of democracy-loving morons.
. . . if China’s Commies had any brains they would give them all the democracy they want since democracy ends in totalitarian government.

I finally figured it out. Either Beijing is doing a rope-a-dope, or Hong Kong Wong is an agent provocateur:

August 29, 2019 / 9:03 PM / Updated 16 minutes ago
Hong Kong activist Joshua Wong arrested in crackdown on protests
Jessie Pang, Felix Tam
Hitler was sure his Third Reich would last a thousand years. Karl Marx was convinced that Communism would last forever. Unfortunately for the world, Marx unintentionally incorporated Communism’s rebirth: “IT WAS NOT THE REAL THING” (Communism never dies much like movie monsters come back to life in sequels.)

Bottom line: The reason given for democracy’s failure is exactly the same as the one given for every failed ideology. IT WAS NOT PURE.

Linda Goudsmit’s great piece is a vaccination written to boost the immune system against Socialism. I get my shots on a regular basis; so I am safe focusing on this excerpt:

A sovereign United States of America is the existential enemy of one world government whether secular or religious

It matters because suspension of disbelief is the core of political mysticism. Duped millennials argue that old attempts at communism and socialism were not the “real” communism and socialism - democratic socialism is the real deal. Oh my!

The Humanitarian Hoax of the New World Order:
By Linda Goudsmit
September 1, 2019

Protesters hold American flags as they walk through Central district during a march to petition the US Consulate on September 08, 2019 in Hong Kong, China. Chris McGrath—Getty Images

Those Chinese demonstrating for democracy will end up burning American flags should they get the political power they are demanding.

Americans will cut their own throats if they support democracy.

Just to be clear, I would be the first one to support the people in Hong Kong if they were demonstrating for less government. The fact is: Any call for democracy is a call for bigger, more oppressive government for everyone except the people lusting after political power. The Chicoms in Beijing know how the game is played; so they have no intention of sharing their power with anybody; least of all demonstrators in Hong Kong.

NOTE: Chicoms do not want to kill their own kind. If they did they would have shot the demonstrators before now.

Apparently, Catherine does not know that American Communists in the U.S. government and in the media value democracy, while freedom-loving Americans despise democracy.

. . . one protester called Catherine told TIME. “The U.S. government treasures values like democracy, justice and human rights.”

Does this guy know that China is the UNIC (United Nations/International Community)?

“We want the international community to care about what is happening in Hong Kong and to help us,” said Kelli Lo, 28, who was waving two small U.S. flags. “Trump can push China to step back.”

Kelli Lo asking the UNIC for help is like asking the executioner to put an edge on the ax before he chops his head off.

I finally figured it out. Either Beijing is doing a rope-a-dope, or Hong Kong Wong is an agent provocateur:
In a separate development, prominent campaigner Joshua Wong was arrested as he attempted to leave the territory on trip to the U.S. and Germany. In a statement released via his political party Demosisto, he said “I was arrested by police for ‘breaching bail conditions’ this morning at the airport’s customs and I am detained in custody now.”

He said that he had been given prior approval for his trip and called the decision to detain him a “direct consequence” of his “political prosecution.”

Clashes Erupt in Hong Kong as Thousands March on the U.S. Consulate to Call for Washington's Support
By TIME Staff Updated: September 8, 2019 6:42 AM ET

p.s. There is not a chance Catherine will see this message, but if anybody knows how to contact her tell her that democracy-loving parasites know all about human Rights that must be paid for with tax dollars, but they do not know that none of the Rights in our original Bill of Rights requires tax dollars.
No American should lift a finger to support those “democracy” demonstrators in Hong Kong. In fact, if China’s Commies had any brains they would give them all the democracy they want since democracy ends in totalitarian government.

Also note that nation-building is doublespeak for democracy. Proof: You will never hear nation-builders calling for the U.S. military to build limited government.

Freedom-loving Americans have no business supporting democracy anywhere at any time.

(Bloomberg) -- Congressional committees in the House and Senate approved legislation supporting pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong, warning China that any crackdown could revoke the city’s special trading status with the U.S.

The Senate Foreign Relations Committee and the House Foreign Affairs Committee on Wednesday advanced legislation that would require annual assessments of whether Hong Kong is sufficiently autonomous from Beijing to justify its unique treatment under U.S. law. The Senate panel approved a bill sponsored by GOP Senator Marco Rubio of Florida a few hours after the House committee passed a companion bill sponsored by Republican Representative Chris Smith of New Jersey.

“It is absolutely essential that we speak out in regards to what’s happening in Hong Kong,” said Senator Ben Cardin, a Maryland Democrat and another one of the Senate bill’s sponsors.

The Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act of 2019 would also require the president to report to Congress and impose sanctions on the individuals responsible for “abducting and torturing” human rights activists.

China expressed its objections to the move in a website statement by foreign ministry spokesman Geng Shuang. China will fight back against any U.S. actions that harm China’s national interest, the ministry said.

Each bill will now head to a floor vote in their respective chambers. The swift advancement of both measures underscores the bipartisan support for the protesters in Hong Kong and concerns about China’s reaction to the movement, which has gained momentum since the city’s leader, Carrie Lam, introduced legislation to allow extraditions to China several months ago.

Lam has since formally withdrawn the extraditions bill but protests continue. Last week, lawmakers heard from several of the protesters and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced her support of the bill. Senator Jim Risch, the chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, has said that Senate Majority Mitch McConnell will allow a floor vote on the bill.

Hong Kong Bill on Special Status Heads to House, Senate Votes
Daniel Flatley
September 25, 2019

QUESTION: How will congressional dim bulbs react when the Chicoms pass a bill supporting American Communists in San Francisco?

In fact, Hong Kong is the only city Bejing has to worry about, while major American cities in 9 parasite states AND WASHINGTON D.C. are down by the head with Communists transforming this country into a totalitarian democracy.