Thank You Suzy


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Former National Security Adviser Susan Rice claimed without evidence on Sunday that the Russian government could be funding violent protests across the U.S. in the wake of the police-involved death of George Floyd.

“I would bet based on my experience, I’m not reading the intelligence these days but based on my experience,” Rice said, “this is right out of the Russian playbook as well.”

“I would not be surprised to learn that they have fomented some of these extremists on both sides using social media,” Rice told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer.

Without evidence, Susan Rice claims Russia could be funding U.S. riots
By WND News Services
Published May 31, 2020 at 6:23pm
By Chuck Ross

Assuming Russia conspired with homegrown Communists, Suzy reaffirmed the reason for strengthening the Right to own a gun:

Again, there are over 16 million privately-owned AR-15s in this country and after last night–after watching the wanton destruction and violence in city after city–perhaps you better understand why Americans own them.

Hawkins: Last Night We Saw Why Americans Own 16+ Million AR-15s
by AWR Hawkins
31 May 2020

Democrats are just as guilty as is Russia for the violence. Our own government will not stop Russia’s useful idiots from starting a revolution with violence. The American people defending themselves against government tyranny need guns more than ever before:


The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government. Thomas Jefferson


The constitutions of most of our States assert that all power is inherent in the people; that ... it is their right and duty to be at all times armed. Thomas Jefferson


What country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. Thomas Jefferson to James Madison

You can bet your life that shooting down Communists like mad dogs will stop their revolution in one day. Sixteen million AR-15s is the most effective revolution-stopper I can think of.

Finally, Americans defending themselves against the Democrat Party’s revolution is all the more reason to oppose background checks. See this thread:
You can bet your life that shooting down Communists like mad dogs will stop their revolution in one day. Sixteen million AR-15s is the most effective revolution-stopper I can think of.

Last night Trump threatened to send in the National Guard to stop the revolution. The NY bullshit artist also threatened prison terms for the revolution’s leaders. What a calamity that man is. Arresting and giving Communists trials will give them more television coverage than the violence itself is getting, in addition to giving a few more America-haters instant fame followed by a Senate seat.

Trump is an asshole who came from UN-Reality Television; so he will never eliminate TV’s advertising deduction. His game is pretending he is governing a free people with pep talks —— all the while he loads more TV tax dollars onto everyone else’s back.

The latest problem with Trump is that he so goddamned unsophisticated in the ways of government he does not know that television coverage is responsible for all of the violence in this country —— including encouraging more violence every time television’s 24-7 coverage follows every mass shooting. This BRANCO cartoon says it best:

Note that television mouths jumped on the opportunity to give the rest of us moral guidance. I do not need guidance from the alphabet networks, nor do I want it from Tucker Carlson:


If you listened to the video you did not hear Carlson say ‘We’s all God’s chillun’. Instead, he engaged in a little newspeak “We are all Americans.” Somebody forgot to tell him ‘Like hell we are.’ I, for one, do not consider anyone an American when they are attempting to kill me. Carlson and every other dirty little moralist truly believe television has the power to convince Communists they will be better off if only they would play nice.

More importantly, Carlson, and everybody else with a public voice, turned a Communist revolution into more racism bullshit. The message is simple: America will turn into Shangri-la the minute white people embrace black morality.

Before I fall for non-existent racism I want to see a television mouth run a clip or two of da Reverend Jeremiah Wright preaching his brand of hatred against white people. Alas, no network would tie Da Reverend to the Communist revolution because he and his kind do not consider white people God’s chillun.

Racism is the sweetest, most profitable, long-running, con job every black race hustler gets away with; i.e., the black race is morally superior. The scam was designed and executed to show that the black race is superior to every other race —— ergo, every black criminal, pervert, and murderer is morally superior to the entire race of white devils.

p.s. Carlson had it Right when he said “They did nothing to build this country, now they are tearing it down.”

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If you listened to the video you did not hear Carlson say ‘We’s all God’s chillun’. Instead, he engaged in a little newspeak “We are all Americans.”

----------DIARRHEA MOUTH-------------------------------- VOMIT SCHUMER

Those two are telling Trump to go easy because ‘We’s all the Democrat Party’s chillun.’

Pelosi and Schumer called on President Trump, law enforcement and “all entrusted with responsibility to respect the dignity and rights of all Americans.”

Pelosi, Schumer say treatment of protesters outside White House 'dishonors every value that faith teaches us'
By Justine Coleman
06/01/20 11:32 PM EDT
The latest problem with Trump is that he so goddamned unsophisticated in the ways of government . . .

Trump marching off to war holding up a Bible like it is an invincible shield is another example of his naiveté:

June 3, 2020
Trump with his bible: Fighting for the soul of America
By Dex Bahr

First, freedom-loving Americans elect presidents not Bible-thumpers.

Second, and more to point, Trump became very wealthy working from the outside.

Ronald Reagan knew how the inside worked, while Trump has only been on the inside for slightly more than three years.

If Trump had an inkling of what the type of people on the inside are he would have fired all the Clinton-Obama holdovers on the day he was sworn-in. Unfortunately, he allowed them time to do the things profession snakes do. After everything they did to him he still does not understand how the people on the inside work against him.

Trump lives under the illusion that his ‘friends’ on the inside are pulling for him. Nothing is further from the truth. The people in today's federal government are not the same kind of federal employee that made this country great before 1913. Today’s insiders and outsiders are as different as East and West and never shall the twain meet.

Bottom line: Friend and foe alike will never support the policies of an outsider. That is why longtime federal government employees should never be trusted. Nothing Trump can say or do will change that. The best he can hope for is insiders treading water until he is out of office.

p.s. Research the number of candidates that campaigned as outsiders that promised efficient government. Every wannabe that won an election joined the other snakes the instant they arrived in Washington. Candidate Trump was a true outsider. Sad to say, Trump lacks the political wisdom and courage to follow thru.

p.p.s. The last thing the public should demand is an efficient federal government. A more efficient government means that bureaucrats get more ways to come after your liberties. Do you really want the IRS and the EPA to be more efficient? When anyone talks about efficiency in government remember that Mussolini was famous for making the trains run on time. Also, nothing functioned in the Soviet Union except a very efficient Communist government.
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Suzy Five Shows was bad enough, but these guys are worse:

Judicial Watch once again has proven to be invaluable (donate here) in uncovering official perfidy. This time, its Freedom of Information Act lawsuit has uncovered utterly appalling levity among top Obama foreign policy aides over their lies to the public about the September 11, 2012 attack on the Benghazi Consular Annex that took the lives of Ambassador Chris Stevens, Information Officer Sean Smith, and two CIA operatives, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods, both former Navy SEALs. Readers will recall that UN Ambassador Susan Rice, now touted as a vice presidential nominee for front man Joe Biden, went on five Sunday morning talk shows to lie about the attack and blame it on a YouTube video seen by a handful of people. Nine days later, the-Deputy National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes yucked it up with his crew.

Here is what Judicial Watch discloses about the emails (read them here) it brought to light:

It’s hard to keep your story straight if you’re making it up as you go along, which was the modus operandi of Obama fabricator Ben Rhodes.

The Justice Department released 80 pages of records showing top Obama White House officials scrambling to “evolve” its false claims that the September 11, 2012, terrorist attacks on U.S. Government facilities in Benghazi, Libya, began “spontaneously” in response to an anti-Muslim video on the Internet.

The emails reveal top Obama White House official Ben Rhodes and Clinton State Department Deputy Chief of Staff Jake Sullivan joking about being called “liars” and “leakers.”

The records were produced in response to our 2016 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Justice? (No. 1:16-cv-02046)). We filed the lawsuit after the Justice Department failed to comply with a July 7, 2016, FOIA request for records of the FBI’s investigation of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server during her tenure.

On September 16, 2012, then-U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice appeared on five Sunday television talk shows claiming the Benghazi attack was incited spontaneously by an anti-Muslim Internet video. The newly released records show a redacted official’s email from September 27 to then-Deputy National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes and then-NSC spokesman Tommy Vietor, copying then-Deputy Chief of Staff Jake Sullivan, saying, “What’s the plan here?” Rhodes responds:

Broader plan is IC [intelligence community] acknowledgement of an evolving assessment of what took place, which happens to be true (unlike just about everything else we’ve seen reported on Benghazi.)

Further along in the email thread, an official whose name is redacted, says, “Everyone know [sic] Susan [in her TV appearances] was using not just IC approved guidance, but IC created.”

Additionally, Rhodes says to Sullivan and other redacted officials:
At least you’re only a liar. Could be worse – we’re liars and also allegedly leakers. So you’ve got that going for you, which is something.

Sullivan replies: “We’re only lying footsoldiers [sic]. You’re lying masterminds. That’s cooler.”

A redacted official replies to Sullivan: “I prefer that we go by henchmen. Has more of a Marvel comic sinisterness to it. There should be a cable show where all the guests, and the anchor, have to wear polygraphs. Or, when there’s a dispute between source, the aggrieved parties take a poly, with some neutral third party rendering judgment. The Biggest Liar.”

Rhodes says to Sullivan: “I’d like to go on television and tell everybody what I think…. Look at it this way. I[t] could be worse. You could be a career bureaucrat whose greatest thrill in life is leaking half-truths, self-justifications and outright lies to the likes of Eli Lake, Kim Dozier, and whoever picks up the phone at Fox News.”

We previously uncoveredthat on September 14 Rhodes and other Obama administration officials were attempting to orchestrate a campaign to “reinforce” President Obama and to portray the Benghazi consulate terrorist attack as being “rooted in an Internet video, and not a failure of policy.” Also included were numerous emails sent during the assault on the Benghazi diplomatic facility. The contemporaneous and dramatic emails describe the assault as an “attack:”

September 11, 2012, 6:41 PM – Senior Advisor Eric Pelofsky, to Susan Rice:
As reported, the Benghazi compound came under attack and it took a bit of time for the ‘Annex’ colleagues and Libyan February 17 brigade to secure it. One of our colleagues was killed – IMO Sean Smith. Amb Chris Stevens, who was visiting Benghazi this week is missing. U.S. and Libyan colleagues are looking for him…

At 8:51 pm, Pelofsky tells Rice and others that “Post received a call from a person using an [sic] RSO phone that Chris was given saying the caller was with a person matching Chris’s description at a hospital and that he was alive and well. Of course, if he were alive and well, one could ask why he didn’t make the call himself.”

Later that evening, Pelofsky emailed Rice that he was “very, very worried. In particular that he [Stevens] is either dead or this was a concerted effort to kidnap him.” Rice replied, “God forbid.”

June 28, 2020
Judicial Watch uncovers emails showing Ben Rhodes and aides joking about Benghazi lies
By Thomas Lifson

I do not know how much remains to learn before the American people find out who ordered the first stand down order that abandoned Americans to die in Benghazi when they could have been saved.

In light of everything that is now known President Joe Biden is the only hope Obama & Company have of running out the clock.

p.s. There was no money to be made saving the lives of four Americans in Benghazi. On the other hand the clock will never run out on the coverage television’s liars give to the Russia Collusion non-crime, nor will time ever run out on the coronavirus scam —— the biggest moneymaking power-grab Democrat scum ever had.
I do not know how much remains to learn before the American people find out who ordered the first stand down order that abandoned Americans to die in Benghazi when they could have been saved.

Apparently former DEMOCRAT Senator Claire McCaskill needs a lot of work on her priorities. Foreign enemies will never defeat this country, while enemies within are halfway home to victory.

McCaskill, a Democrat who lost reelection in 2018, said on Monday that Trump's claim that he was not briefed on an intelligence report about Russian President Vladimir Putin offering bounties to Taliban fighters to kill U.S. forces made the Obama administration's response to an attack that killed four U.S. citizens "look like playing with toys."

Ex-Democratic senator says Russia bounty controversy makes 'Benghazi look like playing with toys'
by Madison Dibble
June 29, 2020 08:53 PM

Democrats repeatedly playing the Russia card does not dismiss Obama & Company from abandoning Americans defending this country in foreign lands, nor does the Russia card give McCaskill reason to run for the Senate again.

Bottom line: Every Republican running for office in November should ask their Democrat opponent if they will try to expose the name of the person that issued the first stand down order in Benghazi. I will be happy learning the name of the mysterious “Bob” that gave the second stand down order. Learning Bob’s name must lead to Obama. That is why Democrats will say anything to shield the Chicago sewer rat:
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Suzy Five Shows was bad enough, but these guys are worse:

Judicial Watch once again has proven to be invaluable (donate here) in uncovering official perfidy. This time, its Freedom of Information Act lawsuit has uncovered utterly appalling levity among top Obama foreign policy aides over their lies to the public about the September 11, 2012 attack on the Benghazi Consular Annex that took the lives of Ambassador Chris Stevens, Information Officer Sean Smith, and two CIA operatives, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods, both former Navy SEALs. Readers will recall that UN Ambassador Susan Rice, now touted as a vice presidential nominee for front man Joe Biden, went on five Sunday morning talk shows to lie about the attack and blame it on a YouTube video seen by a handful of people. Nine days later, the-Deputy National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes yucked it up with his crew.

Here is what Judicial Watch discloses about the emails (read them here) it brought to light:

It’s hard to keep your story straight if you’re making it up as you go along, which was the modus operandi of Obama fabricator Ben Rhodes.

The Justice Department released 80 pages of records showing top Obama White House officials scrambling to “evolve” its false claims that the September 11, 2012, terrorist attacks on U.S. Government facilities in Benghazi, Libya, began “spontaneously” in response to an anti-Muslim video on the Internet.

The emails reveal top Obama White House official Ben Rhodes and Clinton State Department Deputy Chief of Staff Jake Sullivan joking about being called “liars” and “leakers.”

The records were produced in response to our 2016 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Justice? (No. 1:16-cv-02046)). We filed the lawsuit after the Justice Department failed to comply with a July 7, 2016, FOIA request for records of the FBI’s investigation of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server during her tenure.

On September 16, 2012, then-U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice appeared on five Sunday television talk shows claiming the Benghazi attack was incited spontaneously by an anti-Muslim Internet video. The newly released records show a redacted official’s email from September 27 to then-Deputy National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes and then-NSC spokesman Tommy Vietor, copying then-Deputy Chief of Staff Jake Sullivan, saying, “What’s the plan here?” Rhodes responds:

Broader plan is IC [intelligence community] acknowledgement of an evolving assessment of what took place, which happens to be true (unlike just about everything else we’ve seen reported on Benghazi.)

Further along in the email thread, an official whose name is redacted, says, “Everyone know [sic] Susan [in her TV appearances] was using not just IC approved guidance, but IC created.”

Additionally, Rhodes says to Sullivan and other redacted officials:
At least you’re only a liar. Could be worse – we’re liars and also allegedly leakers. So you’ve got that going for you, which is something.

Sullivan replies: “We’re only lying footsoldiers [sic]. You’re lying masterminds. That’s cooler.”

A redacted official replies to Sullivan: “I prefer that we go by henchmen. Has more of a Marvel comic sinisterness to it. There should be a cable show where all the guests, and the anchor, have to wear polygraphs. Or, when there’s a dispute between source, the aggrieved parties take a poly, with some neutral third party rendering judgment. The Biggest Liar.”

Rhodes says to Sullivan: “I’d like to go on television and tell everybody what I think…. Look at it this way. I[t] could be worse. You could be a career bureaucrat whose greatest thrill in life is leaking half-truths, self-justifications and outright lies to the likes of Eli Lake, Kim Dozier, and whoever picks up the phone at Fox News.”

We previously uncoveredthat on September 14 Rhodes and other Obama administration officials were attempting to orchestrate a campaign to “reinforce” President Obama and to portray the Benghazi consulate terrorist attack as being “rooted in an Internet video, and not a failure of policy.” Also included were numerous emails sent during the assault on the Benghazi diplomatic facility. The contemporaneous and dramatic emails describe the assault as an “attack:”

September 11, 2012, 6:41 PM – Senior Advisor Eric Pelofsky, to Susan Rice:
As reported, the Benghazi compound came under attack and it took a bit of time for the ‘Annex’ colleagues and Libyan February 17 brigade to secure it. One of our colleagues was killed – IMO Sean Smith. Amb Chris Stevens, who was visiting Benghazi this week is missing. U.S. and Libyan colleagues are looking for him…

At 8:51 pm, Pelofsky tells Rice and others that “Post received a call from a person using an [sic] RSO phone that Chris was given saying the caller was with a person matching Chris’s description at a hospital and that he was alive and well. Of course, if he were alive and well, one could ask why he didn’t make the call himself.”

Later that evening, Pelofsky emailed Rice that he was “very, very worried. In particular that he [Stevens] is either dead or this was a concerted effort to kidnap him.” Rice replied, “God forbid.”

June 28, 2020
Judicial Watch uncovers emails showing Ben Rhodes and aides joking about Benghazi lies
By Thomas Lifson

I do not know how much remains to learn before the American people find out who ordered the first stand down order that abandoned Americans to die in Benghazi when they could have been saved.

In light of everything that is now known President Joe Biden is the only hope Obama & Company have of running out the clock.

p.s. There was no money to be made saving the lives of four Americans in Benghazi. On the other hand the clock will never run out on the coverage television’s liars give to the Russia Collusion non-crime, nor will time ever run out on the coronavirus scam —— the biggest moneymaking power-grab Democrat scum ever had.

Thanks for the post. Nicely done.