APP - Thank you

Wilhelm Zenz

Verified User
I would like to say thank you and hello , and ask a question , if you feel it not my business, you can say so , or ignore the post . I am always curious about places i POST, THEY SEEM TO BE dominated by agressively alt right bullies who spew abuse and spam, and i never know whether its because they are a majority, or just a very vocal minority, are most posters conservative liberal or , how exactly do you self identify.. again hello and thanks
This question belongs in the introduction section of the forum. But to answer your question this site leans right but not so much that you are banned for having a positive thought. But as I noted in the thread on 'the difference between ....' much of right wing online dialogue is a fictional creation of modern America. It divides the tribes, so the well to do can do as they please. It has always existed but has grown more powerful through the use of the social sciences, political propaganda, and lots of money. See books below, if you want to learn a bit.

And this for an excellent piece on language today.

"A reliable way to make people believe in falsehoods is frequent repetition, because familiarity is not easily distinguished from truth. Authoritarian institutions and marketers have always known this fact." Daniel Kahneman
I would like to say thank you and hello , and ask a question , if you feel it not my business, you can say so , or ignore the post . I am always curious about places i POST, THEY SEEM TO BE dominated by agressively alt right bullies who spew abuse and spam, and i never know whether its because they are a majority, or just a very vocal minority, are most posters conservative liberal or , how exactly do you self identify.. again hello and thanks
I am a hybrid who is not lock step with "conservative" or "liberal" talking points.
I am however strongly anti-democratic party even though I happen to strongly agree with some of their positions. Most notably I would like to see the second amendment repealed but I'm realistic enough to know that will never happen.
On the issue of abortion I'm somewhat pro death because I hate kids but mostly I don't care one way or the other.
The one issue that dictates how I vote is what candidate would most likely reward personal responsibility and penalize personal irresponsibility and that's why I'm emphatically anti democrat because they are ass backwards and upside down on this common sense issue. Which is why I'm a card carrying libertarian.

That's an obnoxious avatar BTW.
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