Thanks bush for ruining our image worldwide.... is it 2009 yet

The Sun Newspaper
Just released the words
The USA Bombers said
' fuck were going to jail because that Army convoy had ' our lads ' markings on
USA Shooter
' lets just bomb the bastards '

Ps - It is not our War. America went to War for the Oil. Big 2000 stone trucks man. So lets get the lads out eh? The Yanks have got more troops than us. There War. There dead but oh no Bush has roped Blair in. Madness *salute*

Intresting how the americans always feel they rule the world. That may be pretty much the case now. However, we may not have the money and the kit that that the yanks have, but we do have profesionalism and the one thing we have done for centuries is learn from our mistakes!! Something quite obviously the yanks do not do! The organisation of the British Army during conflict is pretty much faultless!

fuckin yanks you always shooting are troops you bunch of stupid cunts if british troop werent there you would be fucked

Fantastic to see the boys still have the Brit humour out there, regardless of the carnage.If only Blair would see the light, & tell the USA where to stick their corruption & greed. English & proud!

America's the biggest greediest hypocritical shit-stirring two-faced bully in the whole wide world. They go around invading and bombing countries in the name of "justice". Justice my fucking ass! Millions of people lost their lives and homes because of American's greed. And you go on and on about human rights?!! Why do you bother?! I don't wanna generalize coz I'm sure there're lots of good people in America too but the government's giving them a BAD name.

Then you have some american asshole (probably dixie) saying shit like this

Do you know why the Brits are in Iraq? It is because Tony Blair is George W. Bush's bitch. We Americans will let you know when we think you bitches should leave. As for now spend more time working for us instead of doing videos. Damn it's hard to get good help anymore!

feel free to watch the vid and read comments on youtube

british people are funny and rule

fuck bush... i hate him but love british folks, just wish they didn't think we were all hypocrits and all for the war and think we rule the world... i just go to work everyday

Just make sure to wear your "I Voted for Gore" button, when you travel abroad.

Let the world hate the people who deserve hating: actual Bush voters.
The Sun was the most pro-American, pro-war, pro-Bush paper we have, until the US military covered up the killing of Matty Hull.

We didn't want to try the pilots, we just wanted the cockpit videos so we could hold an inquest. The US military lied to us, then fobbed us off, until the Sun leaked it.

That shows basic disrespect. Its hard enough being America's friend whilst the idiot is in charge, even harder when the US does things like this......
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Bush and Bliar have shown the world the ugly and idiotic side of the two dominant nations in the western world and aided the enemy more than hindered them.

We are in a world of sh*t and the last thing we need is incidents like the Pentagon withholding info from its only real ally (non-self interested ally - Israel uses the US) relating to a blue on blue. The US can't stand alone, it really doesn't want to drive us away through sheer arrogance.
Just make sure to wear your "I Voted for Gore" button, when you travel abroad.

Let the world hate the people who deserve hating: actual Bush voters.

I think you have to pack em and put em on over there, remember the guy kicked off the plane over an anti Bush T shirt ?
I wonder if our covert agents abroad have started wearing anti Bush T shirts as cover ?
I love the Brits too ..after all they gave us the Beatles, Stones and Pink Floyd! But this post is commin from a guy who is the first to point out the History of the catholic Church whenever a discussion is raised... So I guess the Brits recent History of World Dominion doesnt count in your book... eh USC?
I love the Brits too ..after all they gave us the Beatles, Stones and Pink Floyd! But this post is commin from a guy who is the first to point out the History of the catholic Church whenever a discussion is raised... So I guess the Brits recent History of World Dominion doesnt count in your book... eh USC?

Umm about the same as the USA's recent history of world domination Klaatu.
I love the Brits too ..after all they gave us the Beatles, Stones and Pink Floyd! But this post is commin from a guy who is the first to point out the History of the catholic Church whenever a discussion is raised... So I guess the Brits recent History of World Dominion doesnt count in your book... eh USC?

The US is very much like GB was 100+ years ago. Very much like. For obvious reasons, the US draws so much from GB.

Its not nice seeing the US, which started with such promise, making the same mistakes that cost us so dear.....
The US is very much like GB was 100+ years ago. Very much like. For obvious reasons, the US draws so much from GB.

Its not nice seeing the US, which started with such promise, making the same mistakes that cost us so dear.....

not to mention you're all hot as fuck... don't forget that point.... and i could listen to you guys talk all day long... love the accent.

I love the Brits too ..after all they gave us the Beatles, Stones and Pink Floyd! But this post is commin from a guy who is the first to point out the History of the catholic Church whenever a discussion is raised... So I guess the Brits recent History of World Dominion doesnt count in your book... eh USC?

are you denying the fact that holyrollers molest people? i hope not..

keep giving your money to them klaatu.