Thanks Choctaw Nation


conservative democrat
Staff member
Shout out to my tribe. I’ve never seen these things before. They distributed these to the tribal “elders,” of whom I am one, a few months ago. I’ve been outside working on the generator getting ready for the next round of ice. Could get up to an inch tonight. We already have had 2 inches of sleet/freezing rain on the ground which had glazed over. The wife reminded me that I had these. They let me get around so well that I even went for a walk.

Shout out to my tribe. I’ve never seen these things before. They distributed these to the tribal “elders,” of whom I am one, a few months ago. I’ve been outside working on the generator getting ready for the next round of ice. Could get up to an inch tonight. We already have had 2 inches of sleet/freezing rain on the ground which had glazed over. The wife reminded me that I had these. They let me get around so well that I even went for a walk.

What are they?
Rubber sandal looking things that stretch over whatever shoes you’re wearing. They have little spiky things to help you get around on ice.

I need to get some for my wife. She has balance issues stemming from well, balance issues, no need to go into why.... So, when ice is around... well, she gets a bit anxious.
Shout out to my tribe. I’ve never seen these things before. They distributed these to the tribal “elders,” of whom I am one, a few months ago. I’ve been outside working on the generator getting ready for the next round of ice. Could get up to an inch tonight. We already have had 2 inches of sleet/freezing rain on the ground which had glazed over. The wife reminded me that I had these. They let me get around so well that I even went for a walk.

I could use set of those! What are they called?
Look like old golf shoes, hard to think they would be effective on pure ice

These are very effective for me. I’ve been on glazed over stuff and solid ice stuff all day. Where I almost planted my butt at the local store getting out of my truck this morning I had rock solid traction this afternoon. I was happy with how they worked.
They're called "ice cleats" and they've been around forever.

The ones shown cost about $9 for a pair at Cabela's.

Shout out to my tribe. I’ve never seen these things before. They distributed these to the tribal “elders,” of whom I am one, a few months ago. I’ve been outside working on the generator getting ready for the next round of ice. Could get up to an inch tonight. We already have had 2 inches of sleet/freezing rain on the ground which had glazed over. The wife reminded me that I had these. They let me get around so well that I even went for a walk.

We have ice cleats here that are like that, chained together, that you pull on over your shoes/boots. Very effective. Good luck, I hope your power stays on. Stay safe.