Thanks Everyone


Uwaa OmO
Well the deployment is nearly over and I'm gettin ready to go back home to alcohol, tattoos and most important, my wife. But I'll be honest, you guys and gals of Fullpolitics and JPP made things a lil easier, whether it was releif packages, or just comic relief in the posts here, everyone here helped a little bit. It's not saying much, but I wanted to thank everyone.

Desh: Your packages and cookies kicked more ass than anyone elses. Also you're moral support and encouraging letters are truly appriciated.

Care4all: Thanks for all your stories and comments. They britghtened up my day. My wife is a little jealous over the "comments" you made, but hey, I'm thankful

Don Quioxte: Always provideing interesting comments and stories, a fresh perspective especially since I dont get much thats differant out here.

Superfreak: The books you sent kicked ass, as did all the food. Thanks again brother.

Socretese, RString, Adam, Ihate: Thanks to all the hardcore libertarians here, keeping the Ron Paul dream and MY dream (that there are still SOME Americans that wanna remain free) alive.

Maine: For taking my officer bashin in strides, especially since your T/O still is a coffee cup.

Damoclese: What can I say, you kick ass.

If your name didn't get posted, dont think I didnt take notice, I'm just a lazy son of bitch right now. Thanks to everyone else, even CK. The thought of socking you in the rectum has made a few dark days brighter, dont worry it'll happen soon.

Well all that being said, I can wait to be back in the Fuckin U.S.A!
Well the deployment is nearly over and I'm gettin ready to go back home to alcohol, tattoos and most important, my wife. But I'll be honest, you guys and gals of Fullpolitics and JPP made things a lil easier, whether it was releif packages, or just comic relief in the posts here, everyone here helped a little bit. It's not saying much, but I wanted to thank everyone.

Desh: Your packages and cookies kicked more ass than anyone elses. Also you're moral support and encouraging letters are truly appriciated.

Care4all: Thanks for all your stories and comments. They britghtened up my day. My wife is a little jealous over the "comments" you made, but hey, I'm thankful

Don Quioxte: Always provideing interesting comments and stories, a fresh perspective especially since I dont get much thats differant out here.

Superfreak: The books you sent kicked ass, as did all the food. Thanks again brother.

Socretese, RString, Adam, Ihate: Thanks to all the hardcore libertarians here, keeping the Ron Paul dream and MY dream (that there are still SOME Americans that wanna remain free) alive.

Maine: For taking my officer bashin in strides, especially since your T/O still is a coffee cup.

Damoclese: What can I say, you kick ass.

If your name didn't get posted, dont think I didnt take notice, I'm just a lazy son of bitch right now. Thanks to everyone else, even CK. The thought of socking you in the rectum has made a few dark days brighter, dont worry it'll happen soon.

Well all that being said, I can wait to be back in the Fuckin U.S.A!

Can't wait until you are home, safe and in the arms of your wife. Thank you!
We can't wait to welcome you back home. I woulda sent you some packages of my own, but I didn't get your address until you were already short timing it...

Don't abandon us just because you are back in the states...