Thanks War Hawks!


I just would really like to hope that all of the people who gave political support to george w bush in the runup to this debacle, are very happy with themselves. And the next time they say "but the democrats have no plannnnnnnnn" I hope God sends a lightening bolt straight up their butts.

I would like to know, what is the plan here? So this intelligence report says no political improvement, still a civil war, but if we pull troops out it will make it worse. Then goes on to say there is little chance of an improvement by spring of 08, when, and read this slow guys, use your finger and mouth the words out loud if you have to, so you get it into your heads, "American commanders say they will have to begin to cut troop levels in Iraq, now at more than 160,000, to ease the burden on military personnel".

So what? A draft? Raise your hand if you're going or want to send your kids. Or do we bite the bullet, and withdraw with the full understanding that yes, when we leave, there's going to be a lot of dead bodies. There are a lot of them now. There will be a lot more of them whenever we leave.

Report Offers Grim View of Iraqi Leaders
WASHINGTON, Aug. 23 — A stark assessment released Thursday by the nation’s intelligence agencies depicts a paralyzed Iraqi government unable to take advantage of the security gains achieved by the thousands of extra American troops dispatched to the country this year.

The assessment, known as a National Intelligence Estimate, casts strong doubts on the viability of the Bush administration strategy in Iraq. It gives a dim prognosis on the likelihood that Iraqi politicians can heal deep sectarian rifts before next spring, when American military commanders have said that a crunch on available troops will require reducing the United States’ presence in Iraq.

But the report also implicitly criticizes proposals offered by Democrats, including several presidential candidates, who have called for a withdrawal of American combat troops from Iraq by next year and for a major shift in the American approach, from manpower-intensive counterinsurgency operations to lower-profile efforts aimed at supporting Iraqi troops and carrying out quick-strike counterterrorism raids.

Such a shift, the report says, would “erode security gains achieved thus far” and could return Iraq to a downward spiral of sectarian violence.

After a summer of rancorous debate over the future of America’s mission in Iraq, the intelligence report is the most prominent and authoritative assessment to date of what the administration calls a surge strategy.

The report, which represents the consensus view of America’s 16 intelligence agencies, suggests that policy makers face a dilemma. While the current strategy in Iraq has produced “measurable but uneven improvements” in security, it says, the approach has done little to bridge sectarian divides in Iraq. The report also says that pulling American troops out of Iraq would most likely make things far worse.

The intelligence estimate comes just weeks ahead of a long-awaited progress report by senior American officials in Baghdad about security and political conditions in the country. Within hours of its release on Thursday, the assessment had already begun to reshape the terms of a political dialogue that could again come to a boil next month.

One leading Republican, Senator John Warner of Virginia, called for President Bush to take the first steps toward a limited drawdown of troops, of perhaps 5,000 soldiers by the end of the year, as a way to send the Iraqi government a message that “we mean business” in saying the American commitment in Iraq is not open-ended.

White House officials said that the assessment was evidence that the American troop increase had begun to dampen violence in Iraq, that progress was possible and that a precipitous troop withdrawal would sow chaos.

Democrats said the report showed that the White House had failed in its effort to use the troop increase to promote political progress in Iraq, and that it was time for the United States to change course.

The report says that the influx of American troops in Iraq has achieved some successes in lowering sectarian violence, but concludes that Iraqi leaders “remain unable to govern effectively” and that the government of Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki “will become more precarious over the next 6 to 12 months” as rival factions led by Mr. Maliki’s fellow Shiites vie for power.

The assessment concludes that there is little reason to expect that Iraqi politicians will achieve significant gains before spring, when American commanders say they will have to begin to cut troop levels in Iraq, now at more than 160,000, to ease the burden on military personnel.
DWid you read where Warner is wanting Bush to pull out a few troops from IUraq "as a message to the Iraqi". LOL, as a pundit talking point for the republicans going for re election I would think.
See we reduced the troops in Iraq, ummmm by 1% or so....
DWid you read where Warner is wanting Bush to pull out a few troops from IUraq "as a message to the Iraqi". LOL, as a pundit talking point for the republicans going for re election I would think.
See we reduced the troops in Iraq, ummmm by 1% or so....

Yeah, 5,000 troops "maybe" I think he said. You are so right, an election talking point, these people are so disgusting.
there is no plan B.

There's only one plan: drag it out as long as possible, and dump the war in the next president's lap.

I'm glad you posted this Darla. I was reading this last night, and it certainly takes the wind out of the sails of the bullshit about the surge "working".
But you have no plan!


(Just to get Darla's goat...)

But we did not make the problem.. Um well some of us were obviously bush enablers and responded to the bush fear card...

I am as conservative on this as the right wingers are on on welfare.
It is your problem you fix it. Pull yourselves up by your bootstarpas and take personal responsibility and fix it.
But we did not make the problem.. Um well some of us were obviously bush enablers and responded to the bush fear card...

I am as conservative on this as the right wingers are on on welfare.
It is your problem you fix it. Pull yourselves up by your bootstarpas and take personal responsibility and fix it.
What is a bootstarpa?

LOL. No, you just want to bring us to defeat! (This is almost fun! I should have been a Neo long ago.)

All your talk of retreat, abandoning our good friends in Iraq for what? We are fighting Al Qaeda there!

(Dang. Now for the coup de gras!)

Why do you hate America?
Why do you hate America?

:) well I am dissapointed in america for supporting Bush and his war based on lies.

Just a cut and runner i guess :)
there is no plan B.

There's only one plan: drag it out as long as possible, and dump the war in the next president's lap.

I'm glad you posted this Darla. I was reading this last night, and it certainly takes the wind out of the sails of the bullshit about the surge "working".

Yeah, we've seen that posted on here too.
But we did not make the problem.. Um well some of us were obviously bush enablers and responded to the bush fear card...

I am as conservative on this as the right wingers are on on welfare.
It is your problem you fix it. Pull yourselves up by your bootstarpas and take personal responsibility and fix it.

I love it!
I just want to wretch when I hear "well the democrats have no plan".

The dems have made plans all along and no one would report them and then Bush would add to his stupidity and the Dems would adjust tehir plan to the new information and no one would report on it and then the right would say "the dems have no plan".

This mess was created entirely by the Republican party, they shut what little influence any congressional dems had and ran ruffshod over them.

This one is all the Republicans fault and I will never let anyone get away with blaming the democrats for this bullshit tiem we are in.

The Dems have a hair thin majority and can get no cooperation from the same assholes who shut them out for years.

I am still defending the 1993 law put into effect without one single R vote which gave us the majority of the surplusses in the 90s by the estimates of completetly non partisan entities.

I turned to my husband when I heard the news report in 1993 "watch the republicans try to claim the credit" sure enough they have.

They will twist and turn until they can find a way to blame this all on democrats in the future and staying in Iraq until one is in office is the first part of the plan to do so.
I just want to wretch when I hear "well the democrats have no plan".

The dems have made plans all along and no one would report them and then Bush would add to his stupidity and the Dems would adjust tehir plan to the new information and no one would report on it and then the right would say "the dems have no plan".

This mess was created entirely by the Republican party, they shut what little influence any congressional dems had and ran ruffshod over them.

This one is all the Republicans fault and I will never let anyone get away with blaming the democrats for this bullshit tiem we are in.

The Dems have a hair thin majority and can get no cooperation from the same assholes who shut them out for years.

I am still defending the 1993 law put into effect without one single R vote which gave us the majority of the surplusses in the 90s by the estimates of completetly non partisan entities.

I turned to my husband when I heard the news report in 1993 "watch the republicans try to claim the credit" sure enough they have.

They will twist and turn until they can find a way to blame this all on democrats in the future and staying in Iraq until one is in office is the first part of the plan to do so.
the majority of the Democrats, and indeed, the country, definitiely have a plan ----which is simply "GET THE HELL OUT"