Thanksgiving break


Moderate Republican
Staff member
Today is the last day of school before we turn out for Thanksgiving break. With a week break for the kids coming up I didn't want to cover anything new so I reviewed, we did some Quick Polls and worksheets and I sent them on their merry way....except for seventh grade. I asked them to tell me why we celebrated Thanksgiving and found that they, as a rule, had no clue. So we quit with the abstract fractions and spent the last twenty minutes of class discussing the reason Thanksgiving became a holiday. Not a lesson on God...but a lesson on gratitude and a lesson on some of the history of our nation. What are we learning in elementary school?
They've taken the fun out of elementary school. So much friggin' homework, and just busy, busy, busy. I remember back in my day, learning was more fun at that age. To learn about Thanksgiving, we'd actually make a feast, and pretend we were pilgrims & all that. And that really stuck. I think kids work so hard now that it's just about getting through it, and not reflecting on what they're learning or retaining it for longer than what they need for a test.

Not a fan of how education has changed.
Exactly! We used to do the whole reinactment thing as well. There's no time for that nowadays. I really hate it. Glad I'm getting ready to retire.
Living halfway between where the Mayflower Compact was signed and where the first town in America was founded I take for granted that this stuff is taught nationwide...what a sorry state of affairs.
My kids public elementary school is different, its called a "no homework" school, although that is a misnomer because they get a little bit, and they do a feast this week. Not so much Pilgrims and Indians, but thankfulness for what we have.
At another public school where my friends kid goes, the poor kids get a turkey to take home along with canned goods.
The churches at the communities that make up our school's families use the school cafeteria and serve free Thanksgiving dinners to all comers on Thanksgiving day. They then sent home a supply of groceries with the needy. Kids learn a good lesson from that but I couldn't believe they didn't know the history behind the day itself. I'm making it my mission to see that it gets taught from now on.
Fucking privileged assholes who get a whole week for Thanksgiving. I wish I could be like you, instead I've got to work like in the real world.
I've got a bunch of money that I don't need, I would give to charity but since you voted for Trump it's all gotta go to protecting American communities you've decided to put at risk with your decision.

Planned Parenthood
Trevor Foundation
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Is there anyway you can earmark your Planned Parenthood donation specifically for abortions? I want a maximum babies killed/dollar spent ratio.
My kids public elementary school is different, its called a "no homework" school, although that is a misnomer because they get a little bit, and they do a feast this week. Not so much Pilgrims and Indians, but thankfulness for what we have.

that's nice.

I never did homework and bombed a bunch of classes cause of it even though I'd always ace my tests.

so all the dumb kids that didn't mind doing busy work would get better grades than me even though I would smoke them on an actual test of knowledge. ;/

school sucks.
that's nice.

I never did homework and bombed a bunch of classes cause of it even though I'd always ace my tests.

so all the dumb kids that didn't mind doing busy work would get better grades than me even though I would smoke them on an actual test of knowledge. ;/

school sucks.
That pretty accurately described my experience with middle and high school. In retrospect and as a person who has matured I now realize I had my head up my ass.
That pretty accurately described my experience with middle and high school. In retrospect and as a person who has matured I now realize I had my head up my ass.

Not really.
I did the same thing.
The only problem was learning to be a real student in college. I wasn't nearly as prepared as I could be and had to learn how to do homework.
Not really.
I did the same thing.
The only problem was learning to be a real student in college. I wasn't nearly as prepared as I could be and had to learn how to do homework.

This describes me to a "T." I floated through high school and when I got to college was really challenged to learn how to learn. As a result I have tried to make my high school mathematics classes more challenging than the ones I had.
This describes me to a "T." I floated through high school and when I got to college was really challenged to learn how to learn. As a result I have tried to make my high school mathematics classes more challenging than the ones I had.

I had no problem with that. I knew how and was prepared to do college level work but I learned that from my father and not my school. Most of my teachers proactively discouraged from preparing from college and I absolutely despised and resented the heard of sheep mentality that was inculcated along with a religious level of peer pressure to conform and I hated it with a passion. What high school really failed at was teaching critical thinking. That was a quick trip to the principles office and wasn't really tolerated in High Scool. That skill had to wait for college to be learned.

No where I had my head up my ass, like Grind, was I didn't have an open mind.