That Ice


Loves Me Some Souls
Yeah, that ice. You know the ice I'm talking about. That ice you get on your car when you have rain and snow....the sleet just dripping all over your car. It's so smooth the scraper doesn't work, you can cut channels all you want to but you ain't getting anywhere with that.

And, this ice always strikes when you have to get somewhere quick. I'm starting to hate living up here in the North.
Yeah, that ice. You know the ice I'm talking about. That ice you get on your car when you have rain and snow....the sleet just dripping all over your car. It's so smooth the scraper doesn't work, you can cut channels all you want to but you ain't getting anywhere with that.

And, this ice always strikes when you have to get somewhere quick. I'm starting to hate living up here in the North.

We don't get it often, but we do. The solution is to start your vehicle, turn the defroster on 3/4 and go back in the warm until it's melted. And you can't get anywhere quickly when there's a sheet of ice on the roads. Be careful!
You're walking funny ain'tcha?

My mom was driving North on Alpine in the Maverick approaching Five Points with the Mobil station on the RIGHT with me in the passenger seat when I decided that I would always think the best of people, hope for the best from people, till they fucked me....after that I would demand blood.

APL fucked me.
We don't get it often, but we do. The solution is to start your vehicle, turn the defroster on 3/4 and go back in the warm until it's melted. And you can't get anywhere quickly when there's a sheet of ice on the roads. Be careful!

What's bad is trying to start the car.
My mom was dring North on Alpine in the Maverick approaching Five Points with the Mobil station on the RIGHT with me in the passenger seat when I decided that I would always think the best of people, hope for the best from people, till they fucked me....after that I would demand blood.

APL fucked me.

I'm betting APL didn't wear a rubber.

Always put a helmet on that soldier.