That One Nation Under God Conspiracy


Verified User
Yet there's another “man is God” belief where cognitive dissonance might make as much sense as avoidance- acceptance where this Christiananality pedophilia McHeil’s Navy Klues Klucks duh Klan game of who stole & burned the Navy hospital US Constitution on a cross while years later Federal Lynching enforcement wanted to know who painted a swastika over a recently smooth epoxy painted finished nuclear facility door followed decades later by SCOTUS Rehnquist’s fabricated Islam misnomer Klues Klucks duh Klans game of what 9/11 is in that Christian Nation national religion game of look for a quark in a light year squared since once is an accident, twice is a coincidence as there are no coincidences while thrice is a conspiracy or just their business as usual economics....
Still encounter typical cognitive dissonance avoidance-acceptance of suicidal superego Christiananality pedophila “man is God” when it comes to repetitive destruction of US government property whether it be as thieving US Constitution arsonists, graffiti swastika on a nuclear facility door attacking a painters union & that 9/11 more perfect union of “serve the Pope or die” with Islam “death to the infidels” national religion Islamidiotocracy union labor.
Shall Christians who refuse to convert to WOKE be killed as the Muslims do to those who refuse to convert to Islam?

The New Puritans....the American Taliban.
Shall Christians who refuse to convert to WOKE be killed as the Muslims do to those who refuse to convert to Islam?

The New Puritans....the American Taliban.

Shall Americans who refused to convert to Christianity be killed for 9/11 by SCOTUS Christian Nation Federal Lynching enforcement for killing JFK; thus exposing their Christiananlity pedophilia master race "man is God" Islamidiotocracy national religion ?

Took a while to recognize that 55 years after Nazi Germany lost WW II it would take West Nazi Germany Virginia's 55 thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament - Declaration of Independence - Israel flag - absentee voting ballots arsonists counties suicidal superego Christiananality pedophilia national religion second coming thru those burning Bush's 9/11 Islam "death to the infidels" more perfect union in "serve the Pope or die" as law of the land instead of the US Constitution response.
Texas Dolly or is he 2 card Dolly?

He’s a Gambino.
How the Italian name from gambler originated.
I’m Italian, I’m a Gambino. ;)

Brunson has two Texas hold'em hands named after him.
The holding of ten-deuce bears his name because he won
the No Limit Hold 'Em event at the World Series of Poker
two years in a row with a ten and a two (1976 and 1977
respectively), in both cases completing a full house.

“How to Play "Kick the Can - Papa Explains”
So a "Kick the Can" game analogy in that fabricated misnomer immaculate "Jesus the Christ" forgiven conception from suicidal super ego Christiananlity pedophilia sociopsychopathilogical beyond the pleasure principle homicidal human farming of "man is God"; where nearly 60 years ago SCOTUS granted standing to thieving US Constitution arsonists in "serve the Pope or die" rendered as one nation under God the day JFK was assassinated just as those burning Bush's 9/11 Islam "death to the infidels" tautology of this Christian Nation national religion second coming granted standing by SCOTUS to Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate WW II Mengele "Angel of Death" concentration camp baptize thine eyes by urinations thieving US Constitution arsonists granted standing in rendering Arab flying carpet terrorists seeking Valhalla as one nation under God; which coincidently was deja vu in 30 years prior SCOTUS one nation under God with equal justice under law diatribe for thieving West Nazi Germany Virginia KKK churchstate fiefdom Navy Hospital US Constitution arsonists burning on a cross.