That Vaunted Republican "Locker Room"!!


October 14, 2016 - "A day after Jessica Leeds accused Donald Trump of sexual assault in a story reported by the New York Times, Fox Business anchor Lou Dobbs used his large audience on Twitter — roughly 797K followers — to advertise the womans New York address and telephone number.

Just before 10 a.m. Thursday, Dobbs retweeted a post shared by a Trump supporter that contained a link to a conservative news site. The post listed Leeds’s personal information — taken from public records — and then falsely claimed that the woman’s phone number linked her to the Clinton Foundation, Politico reported.

This is the Dirtiest Campaign in our History,” Dobbs wrote in the retweet."


October 13, 2016 - "At Sunday’s debate, Trump tried to dismiss those unguarded words as “locker-room talk.” Pressed by moderator Anderson Cooper, he claimed never to have actually done any of these things. Imagine how that denial sounded to women who knew otherwise.

The creepiest new revelation comes from CBS News, which discovered footage from a 1992 interview in which Trump says of a girl who looks to be about 10 years old: “I am going to be dating her in 10 years. Can you believe it?” And there have also been reports in the Guardian and BuzzFeed about Trump walking in on contestants in the Miss USA and Miss Teen USA pageants when they were half-dressed.


The story here is not just that Trump is a pig, which we already knew. It is that the Republican nominee for President Of The United States appears not to be a rakish lothario but a sexual predator who uses his wealth and power, including his physical strength, to force himself on women."
