That's An Astute Observation I Expect From You


Black Kitty Ain't Happy
I apologize but I had to do this. I am still laughing so hard at what someone said here on JPP. :rofl2:

"That's An Astute Observation I Expect From You."

I Expect From You
I Expect From You
I Expect From You
I Expect From You

Now back to your regularly scheduled shows.
All the demonicrats have shown is their idiocy, "i can sell us out better than you can." Oh yeah? I dont think you can cut your wrists better tgan i can, i do it the long way. Prove me wrong. On your marks, get set, go!
I apologize but I had to do this. I am still laughing so hard at what someone said here on JPP. :rofl2:

"That's An Astute Observation I Expect From You."

I Expect From You
I Expect From You
I Expect From You
I Expect From You

Now back to your regularly scheduled shows.

Standards is so your grandparents America, back when we were better.
I've had a particularly crashy crash course once. The one place no one can stop me from sleeping. That and the license was the farthest i got.