APP - The 2016 Election in a Nutshell


There are now two presidential candidates. Warning not PC. (Threedee loves my nutshells.)

Dumb white males love one, hate the other.
Smarter white women hate one, like the other.
Minority men like one.
Minority women hate one, love the other.
Other minorities like one, think the other a threat.
Traditional republicans ponder their thirty plus years of making government the problem.

We leave the American citizens of all blends - college-educated voters, moderates, young people, conservatives, liberals, and other nonwhite voters - thoughtful and we hope concerned.

"Direct democracy didn’t just elect Congress and the president anymore; it expanded the notion of who might be qualified for public office. Once, candidates built a career through experience in elected or Cabinet positions or as military commanders; they were effectively selected by peer review. That elitist sorting mechanism has slowly imploded. In 1940, Wendell Willkie, a businessman with no previous political office, won the Republican nomination for president, pledging to keep America out of war and boasting that his personal wealth inoculated him against corruption: “I will be under obligation to nobody except the people.” He lost badly to Franklin D. Roosevelt, but nonetheless, since then, nonpolitical candidates have proliferated, from Ross Perot and Jesse Jackson, to Steve Forbes and Herman Cain, to this year’s crop of Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina, and, of course, Donald J. Trump. This further widening of our democracy — our increased openness to being led by anyone; indeed, our accelerating preference for outsiders — is now almost complete." Andrew Sullivan

Trump voters, listen closely.

"The coverage of our elections, too, is no help. It has a fairy tale feel to it. Our national press pretends that they are dealing with men and women of principle, offering carefully thought-out solutions to our nation’s problems, rather than groveling servants of billionaires who finance their campaigns; and that the voters these candidates try to persuade in the primaries are well-informed and well-meaning Americans and not people who by and large get their information from Fox TV and hate radio. “Lobotomized by Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, and Michael Savage” is how a friend describes a neighbor of his. In other words, someone unreachable by anyone who doesn’t believe that Obama is a Muslim or a Communist, that Planned Parenthood dismembers living children and sells their body parts for cash, and that Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden had a pet dinosaur."
Ah the long term consequences of Watergate where the press, instead of trying to find knowledge and nuance in a politicians position or policy are after gotcha scoops to find human flaws in politicians and permanently condemn and demonize them for any past mistakes or flaws.

They have created a political culture where politicians say nothing and ignorance becomes a virtue instead of vice. This has been exemplified by Reagan our nations greatest know nothing President. So now instead of information from the press we get process and propaganda and instead of policy positions and answers from politicians we get ideology and pablum.