APP - The abject dishonesty of the left

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
Like many totalitarian movements of the past, the left will say anything or do anything to acquire power. The left thinks that power is their birthright and if ever the voters tell them otherwise then they are cheated and the results invalid.

We have been treated to many spectacles the past two weeks. The games Ford's lawyers have played. Spartacus. The Avanatti circus. But, no spectacle has been more damaging to our country then this notion that we are no longer presumed innocent until PROVEN guilty.

The left wryly claim that because Kavanaugh isn't really being tried for a crime that the standard of innocent until proven guilty doesn't really apply. Think about that for a second. In the mind of a leftist, you can be accused of a crime, tried in the court of public opinion and have your reputation shattered and the accuser can just leave out significant details like where, when, how etc.

Is that really the standard that you liberals want to live under? Oh I know of this short term win, that is what you think and want to say. But, like always, the dust is going to settle and then some day, I don't know when this standard is going to come back to bite you and all of a sudden you won't like it very much.

Let me give you a few examples

The modern day fights over Judicial nominations started with Kennedy and his famous Borking. Remember, it was Woodrow Wilson the first "progressive" President who said they should seek to control the courts to get their way

Then we had the whole Clinton affair where the left said "character doesn't matter" and "a politicians sex life doesn't matter"

Of course then we had Obama whose associations didn't matter. Oh no, guilty by association

And then there are Hillary Clinton's crimes. We are treated to a new standard "she broke the law, she just didn't INTEND to break the law"

And let's not forget the democrat party sitting on Miguel Estradas nomination because they REFUSED to have an hispanic conservative on the court. It led to his wife having a miscarriage, drug abuse and suicide. Congratulations lefties

And of course we have Harry Reid famously ending the filibuster rule for judicial nominees

So fast forward and Republicans hold up Merrick Garland like the left held up republican nominees and the left scream bloody murder

McConnell nukes the filibuster for Supreme Court nominees and the left loses their minds

Remember these things always come back to bite you. Always