The achievements of the modern Islamic age


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September 20, 1984: Muslims carry out United States embassy annex bombing in Beirut

January 21, 1985: Buddhist Borobudur temple in Java is damaged by 9 Muslim bombs

December 1985 – September 1986: Muslims attack Paris in a series of over a dozen bombings

July 7, 1989: Muslims perpetrate the Tel Aviv-Jerusalem bus 405 suicide attack, near Kiryat Yearim

February 26, 1993: Muslims bomb the World Trade Center in New York City

December 11, 1994: A bomb planted by Muslims explodes on board Philippine Airlines Flight 434

December 24, 1994: Muslims hijack Air France Flight 8969 in Algiers

July 20, 1995: A bomb planted by Muslims on a motor scooter explodes at a marketplace in Jammu

April 18, 1996: Muslims fire on the Europa hotel in Cairo

June 25, 1996: Muslims carry out the Khobar Towers bombing

August 7, 1998: Muslims bomb the United States embassies in Dar es Salaam and Nairobi

September 11, 2001: A series of four coordinated Muslim attacks involving the hijacking and crashing of passenger airliners kills 2,996 people, injures over 6,000 others, and causes at least $10 billion in infrastructure and property damage

December 13, 2001: Muslims carry out a suicide attack on the Indian parliament in New Delhi

October 12, 2002: Muslims perpetrate bombings in the tourist district of Kuta on the Indonesian island of Bali, killing 202 people and injuring 240

May 1, 2003: A Muslim dressed in a Royal Saudi Navy uniform penetrates an American base, killing one American

March 11, 2004: Muslims carry out the Madrid train bombings

September 1–3, 2004: Muslims perpetrate the Beslan school hostage outrage

November 2, 2004: Theo van Gogh is murdered by a Muslim

December 6, 2004: Five Muslims attack the American consulate in Jeddah

July 7, 2005: Muslims carry out a series of London bombings

July 23, 2005: Muslims perpetrate the Sharm El Sheikh bombings

October 29, 2005: Muslims carry out the Tentena market bombings, leaving 60 killed and over 180 injured

November 9, 2005: Muslims are responsible for the Amman bombings

April 24, 2006: Muslims commit the Dahab bombings

July 11; 2006: Muslims carry out the Mumbai train bombings

July 26, 2008: Muslims perpetrate the Ahmedabad bombings

November 26, 2008 Muslims kill 166 people and wound numerous others in a series of coordinated attacks in Mumbai

March 29, 2009: Muslims are responsible for the Moscow Metro bombings

July 1, 2010: Muslims carry out the Lahore bombings

October 6, 2010: two Muslims perpetrate double suicide bombings at Abdullah Shah Ghazi shrine

December 25, 2010: Muslim bomber blows herself up in the middle of a crowd at a United Nations food center in the Bajaur

December 25, 2011: Muslims carry out the Christmas Day bombings

11 – 22 March 2012: Muslims commit the Toulouse and Montauban shootings

May 3, 2012: Muslims perpetrate the Makhachkala attack

December 17, 2012: Two consecutive car bombings executed by Muslims hit a residential area near a hospital, killing 11 and injuring 45 others

April 15, 2013: Muslims carry out the Boston Marathon bombing

May 22, 2013: Muslims murder Lee Rigby

May 25, 2013: Muslims commit the La Défense attack

September 21, 2013: Muslims perpetrate the Westgate shopping mall attack

February 14, 2014: Muslims carry out the Borno Massacre

July 28, 2014: Muslims with knives and axes attack a police station and government offices in Elixku Township, and move onto Huangdi Township, attacking civilians and smashing vehicles

August 2014: Muslims massacre at least 700 people of the Shu'aytat tribe

September 23, 2014: Muslims responsible for the Endeavour Hills stabbings

October 5, 2014: Muslims carry out the Grozny bombing

October 22, 2014: Muslims perpetrate shooting attacks at Parliament Hill, Ottawa, Canada

October 23, 2014: Muslim attacks four New York policemen in the subway with a hatchet, severely injuring one

November 28, 2014: Muslims execute the Kano bombing

December 1, 2014: A Muslim woman stabs a 47-year-old American teacher to death in a mall restroom in Abu Dhabi and later plants a bomb outside the home of an Egyptian-American doctor

December 16, 2014: Muslims responsible for the Peshawar school massacre

December 16, 2014: Muslims carry out the Rada' bombings

December 18, 2014: Muslims kill 32 men and kidnap 185 women and children in Gumsuri, Nigeria

December 18, 2014: Mass grave of 230 tribesmen killed by Muslims found in Eastern Syria

December 20, 2014: Muslim commits Tours police station stabbing

December 22, 2014 Muslims bomb a bus station in the city of Gombe

December 2014: Muslims execute 150 women in the Iraqi province of Al-Anbar

December 24, 2014: A Muslim kills 33 people and wounds 55 others in Madaen

December 25, 2014: Muslims carry out the Al-Shabaab attack

December 28, 2014: Muslims attack a village in Cameroon

January 5, 2015: Muslims pack a car with explosives and drive up to the headquarters of EUPOL Afghanistan, a European police-training organization, in Kabul and detonate it

January 6, 2015: Two Muslim suicide bombers attack a mosque in the town of Al-Jubba while Iraqi soldiers are praying, killing 10

January 8, 2015: Muslims attack the town of Baga in northern Nigeria killing at least 200 people

January 30, 2015: A Muslim kills at least 55, injures at least 59 in a Shiite mosque in southern Pakistan

February 3, 2015: A Muslim commits the Nice stabbing attack

February 13, 2015: Muslims kill at least 19 people and wound more than 40 in a suburb of Peshawar

February 14–15 2015: Muslims responsible for Copenhagen shootings

March 15, 2015: Muslims kill at least 15 people in attacks on two churches in Lahore

March 18, 2015: Muslims carry out the Bardo National Museum attack

March 20, 2015: Muslims perpetrate the Sana'a bombings

March 25 , 2015: Muslims detonate bombs in Benghazi killing 12 and wounding 25

April 2, 2015: 148 people – most of them students – are killed by Muslims in the Garissa University College attack

April 17, 2015: Muslims plant a car bomb at the entrance to the US consulate in Erbil, Iraq, leaving 3 killed, 5 wounded

April 18, 2015: Muslims detonate a bomb in front of a bank in Jalalabad, Afghanistan, leaving 33 killed, 100+ injured

April 20, 2015: A van carrying UN workers is bombed by Muslims, leaving 9 dead, 4 injured

April 27, 2015: A Muslim opens fire at a police station in Zvornik, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 1 killed, two injured

May 3, 2015: Muslims detonate two car bombs ten minutes apart in Baghdad, Iraq, leaving 19 killed, and an unknown number wounded.

May 3, 2015: Muslim gunmen attack the Curtis Culwell Center during a 'Draw Muhammad' cartoon art exhibit in Garland, Texas, 2 dead. 1 injured

June 26, 2015: In the infamous Saint-Quentin-Fallavier attack, a Muslim performs a beheading in a factory near Lyon, France plants gas canisters starting a fire, 1 dead, 11 injured

June 26, 2015: Muslims carry out theSousse attacks

June 26–30, 2015: Muslims kill at least 200 as they gun down Christians and bomb villages, churches, and other public spaces in Nigeria

July 5, 2015: Muslims detonate bombs at a restaurant, killing at least 15 people in Jos

July 7, 2015: A bomb planted by Muslims explodes in a government office in Zaria, killing 20

July 13, 2015: 2 Muslim bombers blow up a bar in the town of Fotokol and kill 13 people

July 17, 2015: Two Nigerian towns are attacked by Muslim suicide bombers, killing 62

July 20, 2015: Muslim bombers kill 33 people and injure 104 in Suruç, Turkey

July 22, 2015: Muslims detonate a series of explosions at two bus stations in Gombe, Nigeria, killing 40 people

July 26, 2015: A Muslim suicide bomber kills 14 people at a nightclub in Maruoa, Cameroon

July 27, 2015: Muslims execute the Gurdaspur attack, 7 killed, 15 wounded

August 11, 2015: Muslim bombers kill 47 people as explosions erupt at a crowded market in the town of Sabon Gari, Nigeria

August 13, 2015: Muslims explode a truck bomb in a Baghdad market killing 70 and injuring over 200

August 21, 2015: Muslims carry out shooting and stabbing attacks on a train traveling from Amsterdam to Paris, 5 injured

August 28–30, 2015: Muslims massacre 79 people in 3 different Nigerian villages

September 17, 2015: Two Muslim suicide bombings in Baghdad kill 10 and injure 55

September 17, 2015: A Muslim attacks a police officer with a knife in Berlin, 1 dead, 1 injured

September 29, 2015: Three Muslims shoot and kill an Italian aid worker in Bangladesh

October 1, 2015: Muslim gunmen opened fire on a car on the northern West Bank, killing a man and woman

October 2, 2015: A police civilian employee is shot to death outside police headquarters in Sydney, Australia by a 15-year-old Muslim gunman

October 31, 2015: Muslims plant a bomb on board a Russian jet, killing 224

November 12, 2015: Muslims carry out twin suicide bombings killing 42 people in Beirut

November 13, 2015: Muslims perpetrate a a series of attacks in Paris killing 137 and wounding 368

November 17, 2015: A Malaysian national is beheaded by Muslims in the southern Philippines

November 17, 2015: A suicide attack by Muslims at a market in Yola, Nigeria kills 30 people and hospitalizes 80

November 24, 2015: Muslims attack a hotel housing election judges in the provincial capital of al-Arish in Egypt's North Sinai, leaving 7 dead, 10 wounded

November 28, 2015: Muslims fire rockets on peacekeeping forces in northern Mali, 3 dead, 20 wounded

December 2, 2015: Muslims shoot and kill 14 people and injure 22 others in San Bernardino, California

December 11, 2015: Muslims detonate a car bomb and storm a guesthouse near the Spanish embassy in Kabul, leaving 6 dead

December 29, 2015: A Muslim gunman opens fire on a group of local residents on a viewing platform in Derbent, Dagestan, southern Russia, killing one and injuring 11

January 2, 2016: Muslims attacked an Indian air base, killing 7

January 7, 2016: A Muslim attacked French police officers with a meat cleaver

January 11, 2016: A 15-year-old Muslim attacks a teacher from a Jewish school in Marseille with a machete

January 12, 2016: In the 2016 Istanbul bombing a Muslim suicide bomber kills 10 tourists and injures 15

January 14, 2016: A Muslim kills 2 and injures 24 in an attack in Jakarta

January 22, 2016: A Muslim attack on a beach-side restaurant leaves 20 dead in Somalia

March 13, 2016: Muslim gunmen storm 3 hotels in the beach resort city of Grand-Bassam in the Ivory Coast, leaving 18 people dead

March 22, 2016: Muslims carry out Brussels bombings including two suicide bombings in Brussels Airport and one bombing in the Brussels Metro that results in 35 deaths and more than 300 wounded

March 27, 2016: A Muslim suicide bombing targetsChristians who had gathered to celebrate Easter in Gulshan-e-Iqbal Park, Lahore. The blast kills at least 70 people and injures more than 300 others

April 25, 2016: Two gays rights activists are hacked to death by Muslims in the capital of Bangladesh, Dhaka. The murderers state they killed the two because they were "pioneers of practicing and promoting homosexuality in Bangladesh".

June 12, 2016: 49 people are killed and 53 are injured by a Muslim in a mass shooting at a nightclub in Orlando, Florida

June 14, 2016: A French police officer and his wife are stabbed to death in Magnanville, France by a Muslim

June 28, 2016: Muslims perpetrate a simultaneous series of attacks consisting of shootings and suicide bombings at the international terminal of Atatürk Airport in Istanbul, Turkey, resulting in forty-five deaths and 230 injuries

July 14, 2016: A Muslim drives a truck into a crowd killing 86 people on Bastille Day in Nice, France

July 18, 2016: A 17-year-old Muslim injures five people seriously, two critically, with a knife and hatchet on a train near Würzburg

July 24, 2016: A Muslim commits a suicide bombing outside a wine bar in Ansbach, Germany, in which he tries to massacre people attending a music festival. He injures 15, 4 seriously

July 26, 2016: A priest's throat is slit and four nuns are taken hostage by Muslims in a church in Rouen, France

August 8, 2016: 77 people are killed and over 100 are injured in a Muslim suicide bombing at a hospital in Quetta, Pakistan

September 17–19, 2016: Muslims detonate three bombs in the New York metropolitan area. The bombings left 31 people wounded

November 28, 2016: 11 people are hospitalized for injuries after a Muslim carries out a car ramming attack and mass stabbing at Ohio State University

December 11, 2016: A Muslim suicide bomber kills 27 people and injures 47 others at St. Peter and St. Paul's Church in Cairo

December 19, 2016: A Muslim drives a truck into the Christmas market in Berlin, leaving 12 people dead and 56 others injured

January 1, 2017: A Muslim gunman opens fire on a crowd of people in the Reina Nightclub in Istanbul, killing 39 and wounding 79

February 8, 2017: Muslims attack a convoy of aid workers of the Red Cross, killing 6

March 22, 2017: A Muslim drives a car into pedestrians on the south side of Westminster Bridge, injuring 49 people, 4 of them fatally

April 7, 2017: A Muslim steals a beer truck and drives onto a crowded street to mow down as many pedestrians as possible. Five people are killed and 14 others are seriously injured

April 9, 2017: Muslims carry out a series of Palm Sunday church bombings on Christian churches in Tanta and Alexandria. They kill at least 36 people and injure more than 100

April 20, 2017: Three police officers and a bystander are shot by a Muslim attacker wielding an AK-47 rifle on the Champs-Élysées. One officer, French National Police Captain Xavier Jugelé, is killed and two other French National Police officers and a German female tourist, are seriously wounded.

May 22, 2017: A Muslim suicide bomber attacks Ariana Grande's concert in Manchester, England. Twenty-three people die, including the Muslim, and 139 are wounded, more than half of them children

May 26, 2017: A Muslim gunman opens fire on a convoy carrying Coptic Christians traveling from Maghagha in Egypt's Minya Governorate. 28 are killed and 22 wounded

June 3, 2017: The June 2017 London Bridge attack is perpetrated by Muslims who drive a van over multiple pedestrians on the London Bridge. In the adjoining Borough Market, the Muslim occupants of the van stab multiple people. Eight people are killed by the Muslims and 48 are injured

June 6, 2017: A Muslim carrying knives in his rucksack attacksan officer guarding Notre Dame de Paris with a hammer

July 14, 2017 A Muslim attacker with a knife stabs foreign tourists after he swims from a public beach to each of two resort hotel beaches at Hurghada on the Red Sea. The Muslim stabs seven tourists, all women, and kills two. One woman dies thriteen day later as a resuit of the Muslim attack

August 17–18, 2017: Three separate Muslim attacks in Barcelona kill fifteen people and injure more than one hundred others

August 18, 2017: Ten people are stabbed in Turku, Finland by an eighteen-year-old Muslim. Two of the victims are killed

September 15, 2017: A bomb planted by Muslims explodes at 8:20 a.m. at the height of the morning rush on the London Underground. The bomb explodes just after the train drew into Parsons Green station

October 31, 2017: A Muslim drives a pickup truck into cyclists and runners along about 1 mile of a bicycle path in Lower Manhattan, New York City. After he left the vehicle, the Muslim is wielding two guns. Eight people are killed in the attack, which injures another eleven, including children

December 29, 2017: A Muslim gunman opensfire outside a church in Cairo before attempting to storm the building. At least seven people are killed. He had earlier shot at a store, killing two people inside. The Interior Ministry said that the shop was owned by a Copt and that the two dead were Christian men.

February 18, 2018: A 22-year-old Muslim lcarrying a knife and a double-barreled shotgun opens fire on a crowd at an Orthodox church in Kizlyar, killing five women and injuring several other people. The attack occurrs churchgoers celebrate the Sunday of Forgiveness, marking the last day before Lent according to the eastern Orthodox calendar

March 23, 2018: A 25-year-old Muslim shoots the two occupants of a car in Carcassonne, France killing the passenger and hijacking it. He then opens fire on four police officers, seriously wounding one. The Muslim drives to nearby Trèbes, where he storms a supermarket, killing two people, wounding others, and taking several hostages, including a woman whom he uses as a human shield.

May 12, 2018: A 21-year-old Muslim armed with a knife kills one pedestrian and injures several more near the Palais Garnier, the opera house in Paris, France

May 29, 2018: A Muslim prisoner on temporary leave from prison stabs two female police officers, takes their guns, shoost and kills them and a civilian in Liège, Belgium. The Muslim takes a woman hostage before he is killed by police

August 31, 2018: A 19-year-old Muslim stabs two American tourists with a knife at Amsterdam’s central station. The victims are hospitalized with serious injuries

November 2, 2018: Muslims ambush three buses carrying Christian pilgrims returning from a remote Coptic Christian monastery and open fire. Egyptian officials say that 7 people are killed and 19 wounded

November 9, 2018: A Muslim sets a car on fire and stabs three people - one fatally - in Melbourne, Australia

December 17, 2018: Two young female Scandinavian tourists, a Danish and a Norwegian girl, are killed, one is beheaded, near Imlil in the Atlas Mountains. The Muslims filmed their action while branding the two women 'enemies of Allah' and saying their actions were Allah's will.