The Aging Bull in the news

The Anonymous

Bag On My Head


“Aging Bull” Robert De Niro is being worked to death to keep up with his estranged wife’s extravagant lifestyle — including her “thirst for Stella McCartney” and $1 million-plus diamond rings, his lawyer claimed in court Friday.

The elderly man is already a tax delinquent again — with the paychecks from his next two movies to offset his latest multimillion-dollar bill to Uncle Sam, his divorce lawyer claimed.

“Mr. De Niro is 77 years old, and while he loves his craft, he should not be forced to work at this prodigious pace because he has to,” De Niro’s lawyer, Caroline Krauss, told a Manhattan judge during a virtual divorce hearing.

“When does that stop? When does he get the opportunity to not take every project that comes along and not work six-day weeks, 12-hour days so he can keep pace with Ms. Hightower’s thirst for Stella McCartney?” Krauss said, referring to her client’s ex, Grace Hightower, and the celebrity designer.

The hearing came as the pair continues to squabble over how much money De Niro should have to pay to Hightower until the terms of their 2004 prenup agreement kick in, presumably after their divorce is finalized.

De Niro has continued to cut the amount of money he has been sending his estranged spouse, including her credit-card expenses, going from $375,000 a month to just $100,000 monthly as recently as January.

De Niro is behind millions of dollars on his taxes and the money from his next two movie projects will go toward paying off those liabilities. De Niro was clobbered with a $6.4 million tax lien in 2015.


“Aging Bull” Robert De Niro is being worked to death to keep up with his estranged wife’s extravagant lifestyle — including her “thirst for Stella McCartney” and $1 million-plus diamond rings, his lawyer claimed in court Friday.

The elderly man is already a tax delinquent again — with the paychecks from his next two movies to offset his latest multimillion-dollar bill to Uncle Sam, his divorce lawyer claimed.

“Mr. De Niro is 77 years old, and while he loves his craft, he should not be forced to work at this prodigious pace because he has to,” De Niro’s lawyer, Caroline Krauss, told a Manhattan judge during a virtual divorce hearing.

“When does that stop? When does he get the opportunity to not take every project that comes along and not work six-day weeks, 12-hour days so he can keep pace with Ms. Hightower’s thirst for Stella McCartney?” Krauss said, referring to her client’s ex, Grace Hightower, and the celebrity designer.

The hearing came as the pair continues to squabble over how much money De Niro should have to pay to Hightower until the terms of their 2004 prenup agreement kick in, presumably after their divorce is finalized.

De Niro has continued to cut the amount of money he has been sending his estranged spouse, including her credit-card expenses, going from $375,000 a month to just $100,000 monthly as recently as January.

De Niro is behind millions of dollars on his taxes and the money from his next two movie projects will go toward paying off those liabilities. De Niro was clobbered with a $6.4 million tax lien in 2015.

We'll see who laughs last.....



....and best. :laugh:
Donnie owes millions to Putin

Putin is walking into a sea of debts due to sanctions increasing

He’s gonna want Donnie to pay him back

Donnie better watch who prepares his tea

Putin has special tea for those who piss him off
Yeap that is what the American intel system said happened

They all agree Putin did it

There are now new sanctions on Russia because of their crimes against America

For some reason you always protect Putin and spew hate on America instead

Your transparent Vlad