The All-Merciful Ignore List.


1960s Chick Magnet
For all the time that I've been on this forum, I have maintained a certain protocol with the ignore function.

I use it liberally, but once it gets to include too many names over sixty, I can hardly read any of the forum.

That works fine for a while, largely because I primarily use the forum for monologue, not dialogue.

After a while, though, my curiosity as to what incredible bullshit I'm missing gets the better of me
and I release the miscreants from my proscribed list all at once.

When this happens, the first stupid thing that I can expect to read
is Oom saying that I never had him on ignore in the first place.

I don't dislike Oom, really,
but despite his very modest resume of talents,
the ability to piss me off is not absent from the list.
Good work, Oom.

Many of the "people" that I have on the list, I genuinely do dislike,
but after a while, they could be useful to amuse me for a bit.

When I get sick of them, of course,
I'm pretty much certain to revive the list, name by name, until it gets to 60 or 70 again.

Rinse and repeat. That's what I do.

Do not, by the way, assume that I expect even one of you to find thee musings interesting at all.
Neither the posters that I enjoy nor the ones that I don't are going to, nor should they,
give a fat flying fuck about the management of my ignore list.

No, this post that I make each time that I open the gates again is for me, myself, to read,
and then to assess what I want to do.

If I decide to keep the ignore list because I'm not of a humor to see all of the bullshit again,
I simply delete and not post these words.

If I decide to open up all the mics again,
I post this for no practical reason but rather to simply stay true to my process.

If you see this, then, the ignore list is temporarily suspended.
And of course, it will have probably been a bad idea on my part.
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