The All Time Best Way To Fight The So Called Climate Change Crisis

David Jeffrey Spetch

Verified User
The best way to deal with this so called climate change crisis is to fire the phonies pushing the phony sky is falling narrative, and make them pay back every sent they stole over this false narrative [used to crush economies (along with invaders) thus cripple countries while resources are lobbied to be kept in the ground for when the globalist crime organization plans to assume control] and throw them in prison them where they belong. This is one of the largest global scams in human history.

The federal so called government in Canada I hear pulled our coal miners to my understanding here in Canada while at the same time are funding coal mining in China thus still paying to force carbon emissions into the Earth's atmosphere so they are quite obviously robbing Canadians of jobs to help crush our economy deliberately over obvious lies. If carbon emissions were of such concern they obviously wouldn't be funding coal mines outside of Canada the bunch of back stabbing liars.



Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada