The Amazing Dog Eyeball


Loyal to the end
This weekend was a whirlwind. The wife and I where in the mountains and left our 16 year old daughter at home with the dog for 24 hours- her first ever home alone. We got back after 2pm and I put stuff away and found that the cat had shat in our closet, so I picked up the chunks, emptied out the closet and got the carpet machine and chemicals out, set water boiling and told my wife about it, I didn't have time to finish up, I had an appointment with a client that lasted an hour, took a shower and then went to a Eagle Ceremony at my son's scout troop, then off to a graduation party for a friend's daughter that started at the same time. I just opened my second Spaten Octoberfest when my phone buzzed and its my daughter: 'the cat scratched the dogs eye and its bleeding, whahhhh!' So I told her to get a washcloth, wet it in warm water and hold it over the dog's eye until we got back.

By the time we got back the bleeding had stopped so my wife cleaned the eye out with more warm water and put in a little antibiotic. No bandage, since she would have just pulled that off anyway. I checked on it before bedtime and it was very red but the dog didn't seem uncomfortable.

Damn if I just checked it again and its almost completely healed. Less than 24 hours. You can see the scratch in the white part of her eye but all the redness is gone. Dogs are amazing.
This weekend was a whirlwind. The wife and I where in the mountains and left our 16 year old daughter at home with the dog for 24 hours- her first ever home alone. We got back after 2pm and I put stuff away and found that the cat had shat in our closet, so I picked up the chunks, emptied out the closet and got the carpet machine and chemicals out, set water boiling and told my wife about it, I didn't have time to finish up, I had an appointment with a client that lasted an hour, took a shower and then went to a Eagle Ceremony at my son's scout troop, then off to a graduation party for a friend's daughter that started at the same time. I just opened my second Spaten Octoberfest when my phone buzzed and its my daughter: 'the cat scratched the dogs eye and its bleeding, whahhhh!' So I told her to get a washcloth, wet it in warm water and hold it over the dog's eye until we got back.

By the time we got back the bleeding had stopped so my wife cleaned the eye out with more warm water and put in a little antibiotic. No bandage, since she would have just pulled that off anyway. I checked on it before bedtime and it was very red but the dog didn't seem uncomfortable.

Damn if I just checked it again and its almost completely healed. Less than 24 hours. You can see the scratch in the white part of her eye but all the redness is gone. Dogs are amazing.
Cats, on the other hand, just shit in your closet.
Cats, on the other hand, just shit in your closet.
That was all part of the same episode. My daughter had to care for both of them and is not attuned to their "rhythms". You see the cat won't go out the pet door when the dogs around so you have to let him in and out, and he gives you not so subtle clues when to do so. She ignored those clues, apparently, so he had to shit in my closet and was obviously pissed off at the dog about that.
That was all part of the same episode. My daughter had to care for both of them and is not attuned to their "rhythms". You see the cat won't go out the pet door when the dogs around so you have to let him in and out, and he gives you not so subtle clues when to do so. She ignored those clues, apparently, so he had to shit in my closet and was obviously pissed off at the dog about that.
Well wouldn't you be if you had to take a shit?