The Anonymous is Gay

The Anonymous

Bag On My Head
who the calls themsevles "the" anonymous...what are you a "the donald trump" wanna be?'re fired!

and stop staring at my boobs!
water I fear for you if your Mother sees that picture , she would not like to see her new curtains lit on fire.

Why would you assume The Anonymous was Water?

Anybody can use this account here. Just hit the Reply to Thread button checkmark the "Make Post Anonymously" box and off it goes.
:p You are all right I am gay. But only because I could no longer resist Superfreak's advances. He wore at me and wore at me and wanted so bad to be a pitcher to his catcher. I love him know, he is the best bottom gay lover ever.
What a surprise that the anonymous function would become a way for repressed homosexuals to post their fantasies about their fellow male posters.

Republicans all, I am sure.