Guno צְבִי
We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
There is a strong current of anti-Semitism in the QAnon worldview, ranging from dog-whistle rants about George Soros to explicit and overt claims, like when “angel mom” Mary Ann Mendoza endorsed a Twitter thread about a Jewish plot to take over the United States.
Consider the Nazis, who began as one of many right-wing fringe groups, with bizarre, quasi-delusional beliefs. But a sequence of catastrophes gave them real political traction: defeat and humiliation on the world stage, a devastating pandemic, and violent political clashes on the streets of Germany’s cities. Escalating liberalism and secularization created anxiety among many ordinary Germans, and the post-war financial crisis, followed by the Great Depression, exacerbated their sense of helplessness. They saw their world slipping away, and they longed to have a glorious past —however mythical — back again.
Do these conditions have any significant echo in Trump’s America? I think that they do.
Consider the disturbing fact that President Trump refused to distance himself from the QAnon zealots, that he retweets their messages, and that he has recently said that mysterious “people in the dark shadows” are controlling his rival Joe Biden. And a QAnon believer won a Georgia primary, all but ensuring her a seat in Congress.
Consider the Nazis, who began as one of many right-wing fringe groups, with bizarre, quasi-delusional beliefs. But a sequence of catastrophes gave them real political traction: defeat and humiliation on the world stage, a devastating pandemic, and violent political clashes on the streets of Germany’s cities. Escalating liberalism and secularization created anxiety among many ordinary Germans, and the post-war financial crisis, followed by the Great Depression, exacerbated their sense of helplessness. They saw their world slipping away, and they longed to have a glorious past —however mythical — back again.
Do these conditions have any significant echo in Trump’s America? I think that they do.
Consider the disturbing fact that President Trump refused to distance himself from the QAnon zealots, that he retweets their messages, and that he has recently said that mysterious “people in the dark shadows” are controlling his rival Joe Biden. And a QAnon believer won a Georgia primary, all but ensuring her a seat in Congress.