The Astounding Hypocrisy of Leftists

Leftists don’t give a damn about their own hypocrisy – and in fact it is their basic enabling characteristic. It’s probably due to their massive ignorance of their own debilitating shortcomings and imagined delusions of intellectual superiority… and familial inbreeding.
Can you start an intelligible conversation, rather then blanket statements, pulled from the ass? If you ever get the feeling that people look at you like that, look at what you present. A pissy rant without any substance, gets you no where. You might as well be wearing a placard, and ringing a bell. So you can't expect people to give you intelligent response, or talk to you on an equal level. Especially since you're just trying to bring them down.
Can you start an intelligible conversation, rather then blanket statements, pulled from the ass? If you ever get the feeling that people look at you like that, look at what you present. A pissy rant without any substance, gets you no where. You might as well be wearing a placard, and ringing a bell. So you can't expect people to give you intelligent response, or talk to you on an equal level. Especially since you're just trying to bring them down.

Leftists don’t give a damn about their own hypocrisy – and in fact it is their basic enabling characteristic. It’s probably due to their massive ignorance of their own debilitating shortcomings and imagined delusions of intellectual superiority… and familial inbreeding.

Actually, liberals are intellectually superior. Your posts are but one piece of evidence. Science agrees that you’re a fucking moron.

Liberal brains have more activity in the anterior cingulate cortex, associated with certain higher-level functions, such as attention allocation, reward anticipation, decision-making, ethics and morality, impulse control (e.g. performance monitoring and error detection), and emotion.

Conservatives were found to have an enlarged amygdala and greater activity in that region. The amygdala is the fear center.

“The liberal party is generally more intellectual and the conservative party is more anti-intellectual.”

“Being scared makes you more conservative.”

Run off now, chicken shit! :rofl2:
Leftists don’t give a damn about their own hypocrisy – and in fact it is their basic enabling characteristic. It’s probably due to their massive ignorance of their own debilitating shortcomings and imagined delusions of intellectual superiority… and familial inbreeding.

What language is this?
Actually, liberals are intellectually superior. Your posts are but one piece of evidence. Science agrees that you’re a fucking moron.

Liberal brains have more activity in the anterior cingulate cortex, associated with certain higher-level functions, such as attention allocation, reward anticipation, decision-making, ethics and morality, impulse control (e.g. performance monitoring and error detection), and emotion.

Conservatives were found to have an enlarged amygdala and greater activity in that region. The amygdala is the fear center.

“The liberal party is generally more intellectual and the conservative party is more anti-intellectual.”

“Being scared makes you more conservative.”

Run off now, chicken shit! :rofl2:

Not by what you've been able to exhibit.
